Four conversations

Four conversations

Listen to four conversations to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.




Man: How did it go?

Woman: Umm, I think it went quite well. I did a lot of research and prepared a lot. I was in there for ... I don't know ... half an hour?

Man: And? What did they say?

Woman: Nothing much. At the end I asked them, 'What happens now?', and the woman said, 'We'll call you back with news in three or four days.'

Man: Really?

Woman: Yeah, I think I've got the job. There weren't a lot of other people there. I was the only interview that day, you know?

Man: Well, good luck with it.


Man: Anyway, you were saying ...

Woman: Oh, yeah, um ... let's see. Yes, so I was in the museum and there were, I don't know, a hundred people waiting to get into the room. Finally, I got in, and I tried to see the Mona Lisa but I couldn't look at it.

Man: Why not?

Woman: Because the room was filled with people taking photographs of it!

Man: Oh, right.

Woman: Yes! And selfies.

Man: Wait a minute. You can take photos while you're in there?

Woman: Yes, but you can't use flash. I don't know ... Why do we take photos of everything we see when we travel?

Man: I know. And we never look at the photos after.

Woman: Exactly! I'm tired of always taking photos. I don't feel I'm enjoying things.


Man: Who took this?

Woman: I can't remember. Hmmm ...

Man: What am I doing?

Woman: You're sitting on the sofa, watching TV and eating chocolates. Nothing changes!

Man: Ha! Very funny. You look very young, though.

Woman: I know. Look at my hair – it was so long!

Man: Mine too, look at me! Hey … I think I know who took this photo.

Woman: Umm … who? Was it Dad?

Man: No, it wasn’t Dad or Mum. Do you remember Barry?

Woman: No.

Man: Yes, YES! You do remember. Barry, your boyfriend at high school. You were seventeen and he was sixteen and he was so very polite: 'Hello, I'm Barry. It's very nice to meet you ...'

Woman: Stop it! He was nice.

Man: Yeah, well, he took the photo.


Woman: Let's see. OK. I'm glad we could talk about this. It's not easy to say.

Man: What?

Woman: Well, you're not in our group – for the class project.

Man: What do you mean? You know I'm always in a group with you.

Woman: I know. It's just that this time … this time we made the group differently and because you were late ...

Man: I see. You don't want me in the group?

Woman: No, no. It isn't that. It's that we've already made the group, see? There's four of us already.

Man: So? We can't be a group of five?

Woman: Well, the teacher said four people per group.

Man: Oh.

Woman: It's not about you or your work or anything like that. It's ... errrr ... well, we already have the group.

Man: So I have to find another group.

Woman: I'm sorry.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Bmorales on Thu, 26/05/2022 - 13:26


Yes, I had similar conversations and I learned new phrases

Submitted by nadyanightingale on Fri, 08/04/2022 - 10:19


I definitely had similar conversations! Especially the one in the university when I was on my exchange in Germany. Unfortunately I didn't go to any English classes, but there were a lot of international students you could talk to only in English during a group work.

Submitted by Ehsan on Tue, 01/03/2022 - 09:53


Yes, I have had conversations like these in Turkish and Persian languages. But not in English language. well, I know that I can use some words or phrases to interrupt my speech so that I can continue talking, or I can use some words or phrases to show that I listen to the other person's talk.

Submitted by jmajo on Fri, 11/02/2022 - 15:44


Let's see..., no I hadn't. I have had similar conversations with friends but not in English, so I've learnt some new expressions like when we are thinking to give a response to a question and we said:"Ummm..., Let's see.., I mean..." and also I didn't know all those expressions used to confirm we are listening to someone: "Right..., No way!..., I know..., Really?..".

Thanks for the episode.
Great site!

Submitted by ghada abk on Wed, 12/01/2022 - 03:04


Yes I learn some phrases such as
I got it mean when I got something / and questions ho is take a photo and how long has it been for something happened
and I learn how I can expresses about my idea

Submitted by zehrizer on Wed, 22/12/2021 - 13:12


ı learned the phrase that 'you were saying..' from the first sentence of second paragraph

Submitted by LamVanPhuong on Sun, 21/11/2021 - 09:55


actually no because I have no opportunity to talk in English however I have learned many phrases in these four conversations and I am sure I will apply them to my conversation in the future if I have a chance to talk about something in English.

Submitted by azharbgskr on Thu, 18/11/2021 - 16:24


Yeah, but it was not me, it was my friend who had the conversation D. That time, my group had one person excess, and the group leader kicked him, haha. The new phrase that I learned is in conversation C. "Yes, you do remember". The word "do" makes the meaning more convincing that she is remember.

Submitted by vuhoap on Sun, 31/10/2021 - 02:21


Yes, I have ever had a similar conversation with my indian friend. In those conversations, I got to learned some new phrases such as "Bro", "I got it", "Let's do it", ... My listening skill was bad so I can only hear simple words.

Submitted by Farhan Halim on Thu, 28/10/2021 - 04:09


This one more easier because they divided into 4 situation