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Presenter: Good morning, everyone. On today's show, we've got Chris Svensson with us, the author of No more nine to five, the new best-selling book about work–life balance in the current working world. Good morning, Chris. Thanks for coming.
Chris: Thanks for having me, Anna.
Presenter: So, Chris, tell us about your book and how the concept of a work–life balance has been changing?
Chris: Well, in the more traditional workplaces, people's working lives and their private lives are, or were, clearly divided. People often work from nine in the morning until five or six in the evening. People sometimes stay late in the office and work in the evenings. This is called working overtime.
Presenter: OK, and what else?
Chris: Well, in these environments it isn't common for people to work at the weekend or while they're on holiday. They can clearly separate their working lives and their private lives. And the evenings, weekends and holidays are free to focus on non-work areas of life, such as hobbies, interests, sports, spending time with the family and friends, and so on. It's important and healthy not to spend all your time just working, right?
Presenter: Right! So what has changed? How are things different now?
Chris: Well, for a start, most people can now access their work emails from their mobile phones. So they are more likely to quickly reply to an important mail in the evening or at the weekend. The same goes for laptops. It's easier to access your work in the evenings from home or even from your hotel when you're on holiday.
Presenter: That doesn't sound like much of a work–life balance. It sounds like all work.
Chris: Exactly, but this new mobility brings a lot of advantages with it. More people are now able to work flexibly, so if they need to leave the office early one afternoon to be with their family, they can catch up on work that evening from home or somewhere else.
Presenter: That sounds good. So, what you're saying is that although traditional divisions between work and life are fading, many employees now have more freedom to do their work from different locations and at different times.
Chris: Yes, that's it.
I manage my work-life balance by doing charts and using calendars to have better management of my time and distribute well my things to do in my work and personal life.
Time management is my key in balancing my work-life. I make sure that after work, I spend time with my family.
I manage my work-life balance by traditional type. My working lives and my private lives are clearly divided. Because of the Corona pandemic, so I am working from Home. I usually work from half past nine in the morning until half past six in the evening in the days of week. I prefer traditional type to modern type because I can focus on my work at the fixed time and don't need to worry about it in weekends or holidays. I think that's really balanced.
althought i work from home as freelencer developer using my computer , i still using traditional way because it separate my private private live than work , i always start working from ten o'clock to afternoon then i take on hour for lunch and tacke a nap ,then i go back to work again until six o'clock, at this that time i stop my work until tomorro. i don't like modern way because it keep me thinking in work full day , also it didn't keep my day organised.
I have no private life so questions of work life balance never arises. I'm not married and focus on one thing only my growth.