A class forum

A class forum

Learn how to write a post on a class forum.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.

The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.

So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!


  1. It's nice to start by saying something that shows you have read other people's posts.
  2. In a class forum you can be quite informal.
  3. In informal writing you can sometimes miss out the beginning of a phrase:
    So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ...
  4. Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.


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Submitted by PeterG on Wed, 05/01/2022 - 15:21


Hi guys! I´m Pedro from Argentina. It was pretty interesting to read about your country's traditions. I would like to visit each one someday. However, I didn´t see anyone from my country, so let me tell you about the traditions here. First of all, it´s important to say that Argentina has an immigrant background (actually on 4th September, here it celebrate the Immigrants day in honor to the immigrant population that lives in the country), so most traditions here are from abroad, but there are some nationals. In addition, each province has a particular celebration or tradition. For instance, Mendoza has the "Vendimia" celebration, where people dance on grapes to make a traditional wine. In the north, more specifically, in Chaco (the province where I live) we have "the cotton party", which consists of a big celebration where people dance and do different activities related to one of the main crops of our province. I must admit that my favorite is the Vendimia celebration or some other that are international festivals because they are amazing and my favorite singers always take part. Regards!

Submitted by YMO on Wed, 05/01/2022 - 09:37


Hi from Myanmar. A lot of traditional festivals are held in my country. But, let me introduce the most popular one I think. It's called a water festival. Maybe you are thinking that you all people are watering each other. Yes, it's true. We are watering each other, however, there is a deeper meaning behind that. We normally hold the festival in April. According to the Myanmar 100th year Calendar, it's the first month of the whole year. We water each other for cleaning the negativity of the previous year. It's ecstatic to welcome the new year.

Submitted by m_sadeghi98 on Tue, 28/12/2021 - 05:57


HI. I'm from Iran. it was interesting for me to read about other people traditions. there is a tradition in Iran in a specific day (13th of first month in Persian calendar) in spring that everyone must go to nature and go camping.

Submitted by andympk on Mon, 20/12/2021 - 08:38


Hello, my name is Andy. I am from Hong Kong. We celebrate Lunar New Year at the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. The first 3 days of Chinese New Year are public holiday. A reunion dinner is held on New Year’s Eve. Family members gather together for celebration. Traditional food such as Melon seed, Niangao, Turnip cakes are prepared. Red envelopes are passed out during Lunar New Year from married couples to unmarried juniors and children. It is custom for people to have good fortune by giving and accepting the red envelop. Fireworks display is held on the second day of Lunar New Year above the sky of Victoria Harbour in the evening.

Submitted by Shweyee on Sun, 19/12/2021 - 04:59


Hello my name is Shweyee. I'm from Myanmar ( Burma ). We have so many Traditions every states. The biggest one is Thingyun festival ( water festival ) celebrates in the middle of April. On top of that it is Myanmar's New Year to spend time with family and friends and to do some donations. We celebrate this festival for 4 to 5 days. We thrown up the water to each others. It's fun. The children enjoy the water festival and play with water all day long.

Submitted by 100COMENTARIOS on Thu, 16/12/2021 - 20:20


Hello guys my name is Ismael and I'm from Brazil. Brazil is a big country and There is a lot tradition from north to south, to give some example in the north of country there is a tradition that involves two guys bull costumed, one peolple costumed with yellow bull fantasy and other red bull fantasy, so this guys go parading and dancing. The objectiv that tradition is win the parade. This tradition is very important to the participants, the city stop to see.

Submitted by Augustin Dagbetin on Mon, 13/12/2021 - 20:56


quite thrilled to read about some traditions you posted guys. I'm Augustin from Benin, a country with plenty of traditions I'm keen on. My best one is the church service on December 31 at night.
Every December 31, it's custom for almost all Beninese to attend the New Year's Eve from 10 PM to midnight. Everyone, regardless the religion wants to get in the new year in the presence of God. It stands to reason that churches in Benin on that particular day are full of people. At midnight, the new year is up. It is about time to give shouts of joy, share wishes for the new year, shake hands, give hugs etc. It's worth attending church in Benin on December 31 at night.

Hi augustin, I read your post and the traditions you were talking seems to me really interesting. In my town there's also a great one. How about I tell you?
In summer, during a week we celebrate a tradition which is called 'The party of Moors and christians. There are four bands which are the countrymen, pirates, moors and seamen. In the first day, we only meet at the night to dinner in our troupe's hall. Then, the next one, in the afternoon at the townhall square there's a performance where a moor and a christian 'fight back' to conquer Spain. Furthermore, on wednesday and Thursday people head out to parade and show off their costumes to the audience. Finally, on Friday, everybody parades as well but a few people such as children ride their troupe's float and ends this traditional party.
Wanna join me at the next party!?

Submitted by ulianalade on Wed, 08/12/2021 - 18:19


Hello everyone! It’s lovely to read about all your traditions guys! I am very surprised about some of them! Let me tell you about the traditions in my country. I am from Belarus. We have a plenty of traditions but the one I am really into is Maslenitsa. It is being celebrated at the end of the winter to welcome the spring. Every family cooking the pancakes and eat as many as they can so that the chance that winter would go away and spring take its place is higher. I adore this event as every family member is at the one table, enjoying the event and smiling. Through the fast pace of life sometimes we forget to appreciate each other and to say how much we love each other. have a nice day)

Submitted by fchuchucam on Tue, 07/12/2021 - 20:35


So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from Ecuador. We celebrate the happiest festival of my country called Carnival. This festival take place in February. Every person join with your family or friends and play with water and colored foams. Also we eat traditional dishes and a lot of jams. Carnival lasts three days and we have fun time.