A Plastic Ocean: a film review

A Plastic Ocean: a film review

Read a review of the film 'A Plastic Ocean' to practise and improve your reading skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Reading text


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Average: 4.4 (175 votes)

Submitted by yilis on Fri, 13/05/2022 - 00:07


I'm reading this now and it is sad to realized that Earth in some years will face an environmental catastrophe for the guilt of us, because we don't take care of our planet and we continue causing a lot of damage with the pollution of factories, the amount of trash in the ocean and in the cities and the biggest damage that is the continue use of plastic. We have to think more about our environment and what we can do to save it. We must take action now.

Submitted by Dinhnhan on Sun, 08/05/2022 - 11:26


Actually, I never watch this document film, I just read this article because of improving my English. Although I realize that plastics are destroying our earth, we still do not have an effective solution to solve this issue. Technology is growing rapidly, I hope someone are going to invent a tool to replace plastic. Thank you

Submitted by el.gonzalezr on Fri, 01/04/2022 - 02:03


Everybody knows how harmful the plastic is and talks about it, but it is different make sometihing to change that. We cannot change another person but we can change ourselves and this is the begining of everything.

Submitted by thanhthaole on Mon, 24/01/2022 - 15:42


I think I would recommend a documentary film about The Covid-19, which is the very trending topic so that everyone has a right outlook for this issue.

Submitted by Festus Munyaneza on Thu, 06/01/2022 - 17:47


Everyone has responsibility to protect our earth by not putting the plastic bottles everywhere instead put them in a reserved place to trash them. we should not use also plastic bags, and other products containing the plastic in them. recycle them and avoid to pollute the earth.
the text is inspiring and interesting.

Submitted by saurabh123 on Fri, 17/12/2021 - 08:53


I think every person having own responsibility to save the earth from plastic and such kind of things which create the pollution. The use of plastic in current scenario is uncountable. So try to other bags like paper made bags. Need to motivate our society to avoid plastic use.

Submitted by thuy pham on Sun, 28/11/2021 - 07:16


I think this is a really meaningful documentary film. It reminds us of the essential thing that we are not noticing or just ignoring. I appreciate the hard work of the filmmakers. I hope more people can watch this film and aware of their role to protect environment where we live.

I appreciated what they have done for warning us about the world of plastic which will make a great damage if we dont have any actions to protect the environment of one's own accord.

Submitted by Glenda Franche… on Mon, 08/11/2021 - 08:35


I really love documentary films, because at the end there is a lesson learned, overall if they treat historical or, as in this case, environemental themes.
I think that it is important also to introduce them in the school, in order that childrean starts to understand in which World we live, because they are the future and, if we are still in time to change, the small but effective action could be start from them.

Submitted by Abrarhussain on Sat, 23/10/2021 - 23:42


The documentary films I would recommend are Animals Kingdom and Wild Birds.