An airport departures board

An airport departures board

Read an airport departures board to practise and improve your reading skills. 

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Reading text
Time Flight Destination Gate Remarks
10:45 XZ 3265 Chennai 17 Departed
10:50 SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed
11:00 SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed
11:05 RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
11:10 XZ 6005 Los Angeles 05 Final call
11:20 QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
11:25 TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
11:25 ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding
11:30 XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding
11:35 XZ 0569 Kuala Lumpur 27 Gate change

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet78.43 KB

Language level

Average: 4.2 (30 votes)

Submitted by badboyzz on Thu, 14/04/2022 - 12:07


I sometimes do travel by plane but recently I do travel for my job by plane. ı always visit to Germany . I would like to discover to USA. I think travel is freedom.

Submitted by nadyanightingale on Sun, 27/03/2022 - 11:46


I would like to visit Bali, a very popular destination, but still very attractive for me. I travel by plane twice a year or something.

Submitted by Amin Kourani on Fri, 18/02/2022 - 13:31


How often do you travel by plane? Which countries would you like to visit?
I'd like to travel by plane, I really enjoy it, but the planes in my country are old and they aren't safe, so I rarely travel by plane. I'd like to visit the U.S.A as well as visit Europe.

Submitted by Kamelbenslimane on Wed, 12/01/2022 - 16:44


I never traveled by place, but my goal for this year is to visit the UAE

Submitted by ANOUAR on Mon, 08/11/2021 - 12:33


I have never traveled by plane, but I will in the next few months, I like traveling and discovering new cultures...

Submitted by Bena - Mustafa on Thu, 28/10/2021 - 04:03


Previously ,I travel each annual vacation , But after the pandemic we are not
because close airports . I want to visit all the world , I hope that .

Submitted by ayaabdo on Mon, 25/10/2021 - 23:51


I traveled just once in my life in local, I hope to visit Japanese cause I like their buildings and culture.

Submitted by LamVanPhuong on Fri, 22/10/2021 - 13:05


so sad, i have never been on a plane, i really want to visit America once in my life. It is my dream

Submitted by Sakariyeyusuf on Mon, 11/10/2021 - 11:31


I remember my first time to travel it was very interesting for me but the problem it I don't know haw to use a ticket when you went to set so that I set wrong chair

Submitted by Paulita on Fri, 08/10/2021 - 18:21


1.- I travel by plane when I'm on vacation once a year.
2.- I would like to visit Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Italy and France.