Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Jani: Welcome to the department, Yuki. Let me show you around and tell you about your new colleagues. I'll introduce you to them all later.
Yuki: Great. Thanks. So, who are those people over there?
Jani: That's the order management team. Luciana deals with the new orders. She's the one with short, dark hair.
Yuki: In the purple dress?
Jani: Yeah, that's right. You'll probably work closely with her while you are learning about our ordering process.
Yuki: Got it, thanks. And who's that over there? The guy who's on the phone?
Jani: Oh, you mean the one by the window? In the green shirt? Ah, that's Ian. He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him. She's responsible for the internal IT systems.
Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this. I should probably be taking notes!
Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names.
Yuki: OK, great – and who do I talk to about setting up my mobile phone with email access? Is that also Maria?
Jani: No, you need to talk to Sebastian who works in communications. He can help you. That's him over there, next to the printer.
Yuki: Thanks. I'll introduce myself to him later.
I work as a digital marketing specialist that sells marketing courses online. I have to 3 main colleagues who I work with them. First one is Negar, who is in charge of making social media strategy.
Second person is Saba. She is responsible for our graphic design. and the last one is Mohammad. He is the person that I work with him a lot. He is project coordinator in our team.
I don't have a colleague yet
I have good colleagues. our boss is a woman. she is good person. we do different tasks. for example three of us do network and computer hardware jobs. two of us do computer software jobs.
Yes I can, well..., first we all have a coordinator in our department who's in charge of supervising everybody and everything we need to do, he deal with providers and coordinate the tasks with other departments. There's one colleague named Pablo who's main task is to get the inventory in order and control the movements of all assets in our department, there's one person in charge of the PC's or laptops to be loan to people in the company for shorts periods of time, he keep the equipment to loan working and ready to when it's needed. Then there's another colleague in charge of assign the tasks in the office according to balance the work between all the technicians and finally there's a colleague who's work is to keep in order the printing system in the company, she contact the provider when some printer fails and keep the toner inventory updated. There's a lot of tasks in common that we all do but generally we all have a specific assignment to be responsible for and all the time.
Thanks for the lesson.
Great site!
I work in a healthcare setting, where you can see a busy days for everyone. I and my colleague works by shift which sometimes we seldom see each other. I can say that my colleagues are pretty smart, kind, and plausible. They love their job despite its toxic schedule.
I will creat my team of the dreams: I'm responsible for Communication Department. My colleague Jefferson is the head of Design Deparment. Marilene deals with the new orders. She's the head of Order Management Department. And the last one is Thiago, who's is on the phone and weathing/dressing green. He's the Information Technology System director. I'd love introducing this team to everyone :)
I don't have any colleagues yet. I am still a student.
Yes, I can. I am working for an IT company at Japan. My team has 9 members but I only describe the two ones of them. The first one, I've been working with him since I joined the company until now. He looks healthy, narrow eyes and always helps me in my work. So I am very respectful and grateful for him. The second one is an old man but full of enthusiasm at work and knows how to treat colleagues. I learned a lot from him.
//He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him.//
Can I use it’s instead of that’s as following?
He’s the marketing director. And it’s Maria besides him.
//Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this.//
Is it correct l use these instead of this as following?
I’ll try to remember all of these.
Hello Ray Tam,
The choices here are contextual. As I believe I said in a previous answer, 'that' and 'this' tend to be used as ways of differentiating items: this person not that person, while 'it' is used simply to refer to a particular item. Thus, in your first example, both 'that's' and 'it's' are possible grammatically; which would be the best choice depends on the broader context. Are you pointing out Maria from a group of people or introducing her for the first time, for example?
In your second example, 'all of this' describes something singular or uncountable: this information, this advice etc. 'All of these' describes something plural: these details, these names, these rules etc.
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