A business interview

A business interview

Listen to the business interview to practise and improve your listening skills.

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Presenter: Welcome to today's show. We're very happy to have Anna Oliveira as our guest today. Anna is the creator and founder of HomeworX – spelled with an 'x' we should note – an app which helps teenagers with their homework. Thanks for coming in, Anna.

Anna: Thanks for having me.

Presenter: So, tell us about your app. How does it work?

Anna: Well, teenagers and their parents have numerous challenges when it comes to homework these days. In many families both parents work and don't have much available time to help their kids with their homework. And even if they do have time to help, they may not be able to offer support with the content. What I mean is, they may not know, or at least remember, enough in any given subject to support.

Presenter: You mean they might not be able to remember complex maths or might have never studied certain subjects, such as biology or economics, themselves?

Anna: Exactly. So they might want to support their children with their homework, but have neither the time nor the knowledge to do so.

Presenter: I see. So the app helps solve this problem?

Anna: Yes, and more. The next issue is that tutors can be expensive, and there may be long waiting lists for specialist tutors in the town or region you live in. Our HomeworX app brings students and tutors together online. Students can search a database of pre-approved tutors and sign up for live online support. They don't need to be in the same town or city.

Presenter: That sounds really great.

Anna: It is. And this approach also enables us to offer the tutoring services at lower prices because there's no travelling time involved for the tutor to get to the student's home. And tutors who live in remote areas are happy to get access to more students, and be able to work from home, even at lower rates.

Presenter: This all sounds great. So, how did you come up with the idea?

Anna: Well, as you might guess, I was one of those parents I described earlier. I really wanted to help my son with his homework, but I was either too busy with work or I didn't actually know anything about the subjects he was having difficulty with. Also, we live in an area where there aren't many tutors and the ones that are there are either very expensive or have long waiting lists.

Presenter: Yes. I can understand your predicament. Well, it sounds like a very useful app that is clearly meeting a need. And its popularity obviously speaks for itself.

Anna: Thank you.

Presenter: So, do you have plans for the future?

Anna: We've just secured some funding and hope to expand the range of services we offer using the app.

Presenter: We wish you the best of luck. Thanks again for coming in. That was Anna Oliveira, founder of the tutoring app HomeworX (with an 'x', don't forget!), which is available for both Apple and Android devices. Join us again next week for another business interview. Have a great week, everyone. 

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Submitted by Ciri on Sat, 11/06/2022 - 20:51


Ma favourite app for learning English is Duolingo, but sometimes it is quite boring and too easy for me.

Submitted by Islam00Sayed on Thu, 02/06/2022 - 00:22


I don't really found the best app for me, but I want to find an app, that I find in it all about travelling.
and another app for foreign languages to make someone from Zero to hero in one language . Can someone recommend an App for either that or this ?
Thanks :)
and if someone wants to practice English. Free to reply me. It's really fun to me to practice english with others.

Submitted by Tetiana Karlivna on Thu, 26/05/2022 - 19:22


I have different apps for learning:from Mondly to IELTS Prep.It's difficult to choose the best or favourite, because all the apps have their own advantages.
When I am on my way home or somewhere else I use the apps. At home I prefer different courses . But on my opinion, the best way to learn languages is to communicate.

Submitted by Polad Samadli on Thu, 07/04/2022 - 18:17


I love Discord for practicing English with other people. Coursera is also good for learning.

Could you share me channel of Discord coz I'm also preparing for IELTS?

Submitted by MartaS82 on Tue, 29/03/2022 - 13:58


My favorite apps to learn english are lyrics training, Anki and all the apps where I can listen to podcasts like Spotify or iVoox. I think the funniest app is Lyrics Training because you listen to music while learning new vocabulary and expressions. I find Anki useful for learning and remembering vocabulary. Finally, I think listening to podcasts you can learn about different topics while practicing your listening.

Submitted by Rocio Ambriz on Mon, 21/03/2022 - 18:51


In my experience, I prefer the easyer apps that can help me improve my skills, and I prefer to use it in my phone more than my desktop

Submitted by jmajo on Fri, 18/03/2022 - 14:25


I might have not a favourite app for learning because I prefer the websites or webservices to help me learn, but I used to have installed the LearnEnglish Grammar (British Council) app to help me practise grammar and improve my vocabulary though, I used it mostly when I to traveled by bus to work, nowadays I ride my bicycle to get to work and I don't use it very often.

Thanks for the episode.
Great site!

Submitted by delgado1984 on Tue, 15/03/2022 - 21:33


In my experience, I did find the Anki app very useful. Anki is a desktop app with which you can create a set of flashcards from zero. The algorithm which regulates how many times you need to study and review your sets is very well done. Then, in addition to this, sometimes I use Italki on which I can practise my speaking skills. On it, you have plenty of teachers who can help you to improve drastically your fluency and make you feel comfortable speaking. That's how I set my learning journey up.