Look at these examples to see how the verb forms are used.
I enjoy learning languages.
I want to learn a new language.
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
Read the explanation to learn more.
Grammar explanation
A verb can be followed by another verb. The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.
Verbs followed by the -ing form
When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
I enjoy travelling.
He admitted stealing the necklace.
I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, miss, practise and suggest.
Like and love can be followed by the -ing form and the to + infinitive form. They are both correct.
Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
I want to speak to the manager.
She's learning to play the piano.
He offered to help us wash up.
Other verbs in this group include afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
Dear Peter,
Apologies for the confusion!
The rule I mentioned was in the section "Verbs followed by to + infinitive form" of the article. In it, it was written that after certain verbs like choose, the to + infinitive must be used, for e.g. "choose to go".
I wasn't certain at that time if this structure (verb + to + infinitive) is "fixed" and if indefinite pronouns like "anywhere" can be placed in between the verb and the to + infinitive.
From your explanation, I understand that both sentences are grammatical correct, just that the emphasis is different. Thank you for your clear explanation!
Hi, I have a question regarding this sentence: "Everything I did to not hurt you failed"
Is it correct to use "to not" in this example and if so can you help explaining it?
It's feel weird to replace "to not" with "not to" in this example.
Hello tomeo,
The sentence is correct.
Here, 'to not hurt you' means 'in order not to hurt you' or 'to avoid hurting you'. It's an uncommon construction but perfectly grammatical.
The LearnEnglish Team
Thank you for your answer!
I have a follow up question. Is it grammatically correct and retain the same meaning if I write:
"Everything I did not to hurt you failed"?
Thank you for your patience.
Hello tomeo,
I wouldn't say it's incorrect but certainly the normal word order is 'to not + verb'.
Generally, we use 'not to + verb' when we are going to follow up with the real motivation: I did it not to annoy you but to help you.
The LearnEnglish Team
Thank you for answering!
this is the best explaination i've ever heard of
I enjoy doing such exercises but I have to watch out because sometimes I confuse the forms.
HellHello, British Council Team,
We all know that "imagine" is always followed by an "-ing" verb or "object + -ing" or "that-clause" or "as".
However, in some dictionaries like the online Oxford dictionary or Macmillan, I see "imagine" can also be used with "object + to be/do".
E.g.: "I had imagined her to be older than that." or "they imagine the company to be bigger than it is."
Could you please explain to me how/when "imagine" is used in this way? Is this use common or considered "standard English"? Should we use "imagine" this way or stick to its normal use?
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hieu Nguyen
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hieu Nguyen