Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Library card application
First name | MIKE |
Date of birth | 08/11/1991 |
Postcode | GL1 3ZE |
Phone | 07796 345678 |
m.esposa@example.com |
I declare the information provided is correct.
Signature Mike Esposa-Hernandez
Date 03/07/2018
Your checklist
Have you got everything you need?
[ ✔ ] a passport photo
[ ✔ ] a copy of my passport or other photo ID
[ ✔ ] proof of address
Your card will be issued within 15 days and sent to the address provided.
1. It's a good idea to write in capital letters so it’s easy to read, except for your email address and signature.
2. For dates, in the UK we usually write them DD/MM/YYYY (day-month-year). So, for 1 September 2018 you write 01/09/2018. In the United States it is MM/DD/YYYY so you write 09/01/2018.
3. If you don't understand every word on the form, don't panic. You can probably guess what information you need to write. Ask someone for help if you need to.
The last form I filled was to attend english speaking club on online learning platform like zoom.
A university registration form.
The last form I filled in was an admission form for a Bachelor degree in a University. I needed to fill in important information, comply with all the requirements. It was a heavy workload.
The last form I filled out was a bank job application form.
I haven't remembered that form ı filled out last. Generally, ı don't frequently fill-in form. Last year this times ı filled out to apply the Chevening scholarship that as ı remember. Unfortunately, ı didn't receive the scholarship's.
The last form I filled in was the job application. It was about excel form that you must fill in your information and knowledge.
What was the last form you filled in?
The last form I filled in was National Registration Card application form.
It had a thousand of information to fill in; start from personal detail information to grand parent detail information. It takes about half an hour to finish if you have complete data and all of the documents; such as parents NRC copies, grand parents NRC copies, recommendation from current school headmaster, police and village/ward administrator, family list and 3 photos.
So nobody wish to apply NRC next time.
I totally agree with you.
Last form that I filled in was a job application. I hope everything will be alright and I'll get this job :)
Subject: Booking one week.
Hello Hotel Bologna de la Gare,
İ would like to reserve an accessible a double room for four nights with breakfast and dinner for 23 to 27 June. Could I have a cheapest room? (some currency problems)
I will arrive at 09.00 p.m. and I have a conference within the day, so please could you leave an iron?
Please could you confirm the booking? Let me know if you need any further information.
With best regards.
Apart from this writing part, If anybody has a pet, s/he report to hotel. Because some hotels want extra payment for they. And anybody needs the park, s/he also report this too. because of same problem.