Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Student: Hi. Excuse me.
Student B: Yes?
Student: Where's the library?
Student B: The library? It's next to the registration office.
Student: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office?
Student B: No problem. See the big building over there?
Student: Yes.
Student B: OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library.
Student: I see. Thanks!
Student: Hello?
Librarian: Hello.
Student: Is this the library?
Librarian: Yes, it is. Quiet, please.
Student: Oh, sorry. Thank you.
Librarian: Can I help you?
Student: Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need?
Librarian: You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today.
Student: OK. Six books.
Librarian: Yes. You have two weeks to read the books. Then you bring them back.
Student: And if I'm late?
Librarian: Every day you are late there is a fee of fifty pence.
Student: OK, 50p a day. Er, anything else?
Librarian: Mobile phones must be switched off in the library. You can bring your laptop, but please use headphones to watch videos or listen to music.
Student: OK, great.
Librarian: And you can't bring food or drink.
Student: No food, no drink. And ...?
Librarian: And please speak quietly! People are working here.
Student: Oh! Oh, OK. Thank you.
Librarian: You're welcome.
Of course, there some libraries in my city. Unfortunately, I don’t visit them. Nowadays, all information that we need we can find in the Internet. That’s why there’s no necessity to go to the library. Also, If I want to read a book, not electronical book, but traditional book – I buy it in the Internet shop. That’s why I don’t need to go to the library. Actually, it’s not very good.
I do not usually go to the local library because they do not have so many books on my interests.
when I was living in my hometown 15 years ago, I was going to the library five days a week to study. the atmosphere was incredible. the instructions were clear: no phones, no food, no drink and speak quielty.
No, I don't have a local library
There is a library that takes fifteen minutes by foot from my home. I go there once in two or three weeks to borrow some books for my work regarding computer science, programming, and system engineering.
Yes ıt's close to my home.We have local library but I rarely go to there . Because I can't focus in library. Library has always crowded and loudly. When I go to library I do study lecture .
No, I don't have a local library, nevertheless, I had gone to my university library when I was a student in ordser to revise my lessons and borrow some books and reports of training in the field of civil engineering
Do you have a local library? How often do you go there? What do you do there?
1. In my university has a big library.
2. I often go there to borrow some books, technical books, lesson books, and English books. I can borrow 3 books for 2 weeks and must be regist number card.
3. Sometime I go to the library to learn something, use a laptop and microphone. It has a rule you always keep quitely.
Yes, we have a library in our university. We can borrow the book for three weeks. If we want keep more it, we must to pay one lira every day. Also it is there in my work place too, but our official library is not visible because of it is in a database :) People can use that all available books via pdf.
Yes, I have some libraries close to my house, however to be honest, I don´t visit them since the university, maybe 20 years ago. I always went there to take out books to prepare my classes in the university.