Countryside is GREAT - Part 1

Britain's countryside is great, rich with lakes, mountains and monuments. Richard goes to the Lake District first, before crossing the border to Wales.


Welcome to Great Britain and the best of British countryside!

This landscape is incredibly varied, from the sweeping coastlines to the rolling hills and majestic mountains and, with a mild climate and plenty of rain, this really is a green and pleasant land that I’m about to explore.

There are 15 national parks in Great Britain, and one of the most beautiful is here in the Lake District.

It’s the second largest national park in Britain and is full of scenic mountains and picturesque lakes.

In the heart of the Lake District is Lake Windermere – the largest natural lake in England. It’s over 18km long and around 66m deep – so it’s fairly easy to find!

This area is said to be one of the most beautiful in Great Britain. In the past, boats transported slate, timber and wool across the lake, and fishing was really important here.

Hiya. One ticket for the Windermere Lake cruise, please.

Richard: Hello, Jacqui.

Jacqui: Hello, Richard.

Richard: Jacqui O'Connor of Lake Windermere Cruises is giving me a private tour of the lake.

Jacqui, this is lovely. How many people choose to see the lakes like this every year?

Jacqui: Richard, we carry on average 1.35 million passengers a year on our boats.

Richard: And why do you think so many people find this area appealing?

Jacqui: Oh, I think basically all you have to do, Richard, is to look around you. Look at this absolutely stunning scenery. It's absolutely beautiful. They come to get away, to enjoy the peace and tranquillity, to come to have a look at the nature. It's also, Windermere Lake Cruises is one of the top tourist attractions in the north-west of England so when you come to this area, come and cruise on the lake, definitely – it must be done!

Richard: And you obviously love coming out here and love being part of all of this?

Jacqui: I do. It's fantastic. It's just a beautiful area to live. Really nice, lovely, friendly, peaceful. It's great.

Well, I’m wild about Windermere but what about Wales? Just over the border there’s some stunning countryside, at another national park.

One of the most visited parks is Snowdonia in Wales. 6 million people come to visit the incredible mountains every year.

Wales is famous for its mountains, but also countryside closer to sea level. This fishing village on the north coast has 3km of sweeping bay, offering a sheltered harbour to visitors from around the world.


Task 1

Which is the best title for this video?


Task 2

The numbers in this exercise are in the video. What do they refer to?


Task 3

Can you make sentences from the video using these words?


Task 4

Richard said "This area is said to be one of the most beautiful in Great Britain." Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. You can't use the word 'people' and you must use the word in brackets.



Average: 4.5 (22 votes)

Submitted by Chaunb2 on Tue, 31/05/2022 - 11:56


I think these landscapes are beautiful and I would love to visit them.

Submitted by Luis Castillo on Tue, 03/05/2022 - 22:43


Hello, great class! Can you tell me if this video can be found on Youtube? or, do you have the link?
Thanks a lot!

Hello Luis,

I'm afraid that the Word on the Street videos are not available on YouTube. We do have lots of other videos on our channel, though, so please check them out.

All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by ibsk on Mon, 18/04/2022 - 01:33


This video gives me a lot of new sentence structure

Profile picture for user Fabio Gutterres Fernandes

Submitted by Fabio Gutterre… on Wed, 05/01/2022 - 12:36


Besides being a wonderful place, this series of videos are a great opportunity to learn English. Thanks. ;)

Submitted by Ramazan Altınışık on Mon, 07/09/2020 - 15:53

English countrysides always fascinate me and lake windermere is astonishing to watch. Living in countryside has advantages and disadvantages. İn 21. century cities. Living in big cities is going to unhealthy gradually. We can breath the fresh air in countrysides rather than in big cities.

Submitted by loly_alaa on Mon, 15/06/2020 - 16:52

it' so beautiful video

Submitted by Ricardoamador on Fri, 27/03/2020 - 20:19

i love this kind of natural appeal because when you are in contact with them you can get some relaxing moments out of the stress of the city

Submitted by Cristina_cv on Fri, 27/03/2020 - 18:56

To my mind, is increbible like a nature can they gives you too much cal and tranquility, i feel that the landscapes in this place lokks such as a movie film, such a magic lake ,Id definitely like to go. I not thought that Britain´s contryside has this great diversity and beauty. Im very impresionated with this and that every places that him visited, i liked the windermere cruises. This place receives 135 million of people a year from all over the world, moreover its in an national park and its amazing that they have that kind of tourist reception. I guess its such a complete place because it not only has beautiful landscapes, but also very big and impressive mountains that offer a spectacular view.

Submitted by Alexis Quilachamin on Thu, 26/03/2020 - 23:15

This video shows an amazing landscape with amazing biodiversity, from the vast mountains and, with a temperate climate and lots of rain, this is truly a pleasant green land that I am about to explore. Variety of parks with large lakes, I would like to travel to Great Britain