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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.
The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.
So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!
- It's nice to start by saying something that shows you have read other people's posts.
- In a class forum you can be quite informal.
- In informal writing you can sometimes miss out the beginning of a phrase:
So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ... - Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.
Hi! When you wrote the post, you forgot the most important detail. After burning life-size model of women, you must eat pancakes with sour cream or honey. With help, pancakes , farmers are ensnaring the sun, and they requiry a good harvest.
submitted by A-H on Fri- 01/07/2022
one of the best way to be familier with diverse cultures existing throughout the world is reading the stories about their traditions. like a vast majority numbers of countries, my country (Iran) have alot of traditions including ceremonies and so on. one of those is norooze holiday, in which people hold various types of celebration throughout of Iran on 1th of farvardin- the starding day of new year- month in persian calender. In fact, people prepared seven objects, which start with the (S). In this special day, older members of families endow some gifts to the children.
It's really nice to read all of this traditions. When I was reading, I was thinking "what will I talk about to them?" I live in Brazil, and here, we have a lot of traditions. But my favorite one is called "Festa do Divino". It's a big celebration at the downtown, where the people enjoy concert of variable artists, with a lot of snacks and drinks. The party start at the night and end art the dawn, so we can see the sun rising up, and it lasts for four days a week.
Hello Everyone, It is really fabulous to read about your country's traditions, It made me attracted as long as I'm reading, I'm from Palestine, one of my favorite tradition is (AL Henna party ), which is a party it is celebrated by the brides' family before she is get married, they get candies and candles, they draw nice frills on her hand with Al Henna( it is a plant gives a red color )
So interesting how many traditions there are. I am from Mexico, here we have a custom when we are talking to a person, who is older than us or is in a higher level of job hierarchy, we use the word "Usted" instead of "Tu", both words meaning "You", but the first one is more respectful. This custom came from Spanish guys who came to Mexico to conquer this land; the natives used this word to talk with them, because the natives believed Spanish guys were gods.
Hi. I'm from Argentina. And tought we also were conquered by Spain, we usually a different mode than Mexican people for informal dialog with another one.
In fact, we use the word "vos" instead of "tu" when we are talking to somebody, but not over the whole country. In some provinces at the north of Argentina much more people keep their original roots using the word "che" instead "vos" or "tu", that is a respect way to speak to somebody.
It's always so interesting to know something new about other culture. I was curious to know about Bonfire night in England. But I'd love to say about home tradition in my country.
It's the Maslenitsa. It's the week of farewell with the winter in Russia. And It's an ancient holiday, when people eat blini all weak. Blini are traditional pancakes, that can go with different filling. This pancake personifies the sun because it looks familiar. Eating the pancake you make the warm comes. In the end of this holiday scarecrow is being burnt.
So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the winter has finished. People feel happiness that the warm days have come. It's the pagan's times tradition, but it left so deep in our culture
Hi @vl_ds. It´s nice to hear about Russian culture so truly. Especially i´ve been curious about Russian churches like Moscow church. I don´t remember what was the name of it... so i call it by the name of Moscow Church.
Now it´s my time to present my country which is Finland. Best part of finnish culture is saunominen and the definition to that word is going to the sauna. Maybe some people have heard about sauna. It´s room where is 60 to 80+ degrees of heat where everybody drinks cold drinks and relax.
Juhannus is the midsummer party. Finns party at the time of juhannus and we burn kokkos which is plenty of sticks laying each other and burning. People like that party because it´s time when sun doesn´t stop shining for one day.
I find that it is charming to read about your different traditions. I am from Mardin which is a city in Turkey and we have a variety of traditions. One of these is Newroz. we celebrate Newroz every year on the 21 March. Although celebrations vary, people generally gather together to welcome the coming of spring; they wear traditional Kurdish-colored clothes, dance together, light fires, and dance around and jump over the bonfire. Newroz is considered the most important festival in Kurdish culture.
Really nice to read and learn about the traditions of other countries and to enhance our general culture. I'm from Cuba and although many traditions have weakened during the last decades, there are some others that have survived so far: one of them is the one called "Cañonazo de las Nueve" or Nine O'Clock Cannonade. This is a curious tradition that is kept everyday in the city of Havana, the capital city. It turns out that during the colonial period, under the Spanish rule, the city of Havana was protected by a long wall that divided the city into two parts and forced people to pass through one of the few gates it offered for transit. Every night at nine o'clock the gates had to be closed until the next day early in the morning. To announce both to people and gates guards the precise moment the gates had to be closed, a loud cannonade was shot every night and the transit through the wall got blocked until the next day. Nowadays, the wall doesn't exist any more except for a few remainings at some points of the city, but the tradition of the cannonade is still in place and it is shot, like in the old times, from the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress. The ceremony of that cannonade is publicly performed by soldiers dressed up like the ones of the eighteenth century and they still shoot the same bronze cannon that was used in those times...