Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Reading text
Student ID card application
First name: Samia
Last name: Khan
Date of birth: 09/10/1992
Address: 5 Ledger Road, Cardiff
Postcode: CF10 5RE
Nationality: Canadian
I declare that the information provided is correct.
Signature: Samia Khan
Date: 28/02/2019
Your checklist – have you got everything you need?
[ ✔ ] a passport photo
[ ✔ ] a copy of your passport or other photo ID
[ ✔ ] proof of student status e.g. a letter from your university
Your card will be issued within 30 days and sent to the address provided.
the last application i completed was a job application
The last application form I completed is the form I've done when I had to do for a Canada visa .
I completed an application form to affiliate an a family compensation fund
Last month, I completed application form ID smart ( personal card), his card will be issue within one a hour.
The last application form I completed was to get an appointment to renew my personal ID, it was an online official form and I had to put personal data like my date of birth, personal address, first name, last name, etc.
Thanks for the lesson.
Great site!
The last application I completed, was for college admission.
the last application form that I completed was the passport application form.
the last application form I completed for the tourist visa for a European country.
The last application form I completed was regarding my National Identity Card of Pakistan.
What was the last application form you completed?
the last application form i feel when i was started to search new job after pandmic. I completed my first application form in 2021.