Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
From: Jameela Lee
To: Professor Kim Hart
Subject: Absence from class for two weeks
Attached: doctor's_certificate.pdf
Dear Professor Hart,
I'm writing to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks as I've had an accident and hurt my back. I'm afraid I also need to ask for an extension for next week's essay.
I have medicine for the pain but I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest as much as possible. This makes reading and studying very difficult for me at the moment. I've attached a copy of the doctor's certificate and I hope to be back in class from 12 May.
Until then, my friend is going to record the lectures so I can listen to them at home. I will try to catch up with all the reading too. However, I don't think I can submit the essay next week. Is it possible to have an extension?
Thank you for your understanding.
(ENG101 class)
- Start with Dear and the person's title and name.
- Say what the problem is first. Then, give more details. Finally, offer a solution or say what you hope will happen next.
- Make it short and clear. Just include the most important information.
- Say Thank you for your understanding at the end. It shows that you hope the reader will understand your problems.
Yes I had, Back in college when I had a pneumonia I took 2 weeks leave from school, I was on a prolonged medication and was advised to stay in bed by the doctor. I informed my professor and request to have an extension for my projects. I had a friend whom I counted on, I was indebted to her for taking trouble of keeping me posted with schoolwork. If I hadn't for her, I would have flunked school miserably.
Yes, I missed class to attend for two week cause I have other exam for my career. My tutor helped me out to caught up my lesson when I return to class.
Yes, I missed 2 weeks of work cause I've got corona virus. When I returned back I wasn't in the formula, but by time everything becomes ok.
yes, ı missed one month of work when ı under the surgery for rhinoplasty. I couldn't go to work because ı had to rest that's why ı send an email and ı attached a doctor's certificate.
Yes, I've missed one week in my work because I was sick on the period of quarantine.
I think I definitely missed some classes at school or university, but I hated it, because you have to keep up with all the stuff on you own. As to work you have to give all the instructions and homework for a substitutional teacher on time. So I try to keep myself fit and have a work-life-balance that helps me to stay healthy.
Yes I did and I bring a certificate from a doctor to my boss
Have you ever missed several days of work, university or school? How did you keep up with your work?
Yes I sometimes missed of university due to my healty promblem. I very easy can catch the virus and to be ill. I keep my subject like my teacher give me a online lessons. I am a pleasand that I have them.
When I was in school, I had many left many classes due to headache and stomach pain or fever. I was doing home coaching in that time so I had not face any problem in studies.
Well, when I can't attend classes, it's usually only for a day or two, it never happens longer than that. So I usually ask my friends for help to give me the subjects of the last class, and I explain to the teacher what the problem was.