Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Man: How did it go?
Woman: Umm, I think it went quite well. I did a lot of research and prepared a lot. I was in there for ... I don't know ... half an hour?
Man: And? What did they say?
Woman: Nothing much. At the end I asked them, 'What happens now?', and the woman said, 'We'll call you back with news in three or four days.'
Man: Really?
Woman: Yeah, I think I've got the job. There weren't a lot of other people there. I was the only interview that day, you know?
Man: Well, good luck with it.
Man: Anyway, you were saying ...
Woman: Oh, yeah, um ... let's see. Yes, so I was in the museum and there were, I don't know, a hundred people waiting to get into the room. Finally, I got in, and I tried to see the Mona Lisa but I couldn't look at it.
Man: Why not?
Woman: Because the room was filled with people taking photographs of it!
Man: Oh, right.
Woman: Yes! And selfies.
Man: Wait a minute. You can take photos while you're in there?
Woman: Yes, but you can't use flash. I don't know ... Why do we take photos of everything we see when we travel?
Man: I know. And we never look at the photos after.
Woman: Exactly! I'm tired of always taking photos. I don't feel I'm enjoying things.
Man: Who took this?
Woman: I can't remember. Hmmm ...
Man: What am I doing?
Woman: You're sitting on the sofa, watching TV and eating chocolates. Nothing changes!
Man: Ha! Very funny. You look very young, though.
Woman: I know. Look at my hair – it was so long!
Man: Mine too, look at me! Hey … I think I know who took this photo.
Woman: Umm … who? Was it Dad?
Man: No, it wasn’t Dad or Mum. Do you remember Barry?
Woman: No.
Man: Yes, YES! You do remember. Barry, your boyfriend at high school. You were seventeen and he was sixteen and he was so very polite: 'Hello, I'm Barry. It's very nice to meet you ...'
Woman: Stop it! He was nice.
Man: Yeah, well, he took the photo.
Woman: Let's see. OK. I'm glad we could talk about this. It's not easy to say.
Man: What?
Woman: Well, you're not in our group – for the class project.
Man: What do you mean? You know I'm always in a group with you.
Woman: I know. It's just that this time … this time we made the group differently and because you were late ...
Man: I see. You don't want me in the group?
Woman: No, no. It isn't that. It's that we've already made the group, see? There's four of us already.
Man: So? We can't be a group of five?
Woman: Well, the teacher said four people per group.
Man: Oh.
Woman: It's not about you or your work or anything like that. It's ... errrr ... well, we already have the group.
Man: So I have to find another group.
Woman: I'm sorry.
Yes, I always have conversations with my brother. I may be younger than him but we're very close so we mostly talk about family and stuffs... We share our
own opinions about them. That's all I guess.
No, l don't have similar four conversations
yes ı had a similar conversations like this.
No, i had no similar conversation with other just like in audio ,I listened.
I can't speack english very well yet so I'm shame to speack with other people.
So I never had similar conversations.
I learned a lot of new phrases in these conversations.
Yes. I had similar conversations before . They were about a work interview and old photo.
The new phrases I learned in these conversations were a lot such as ' We'll call you back with news in three or four days " '' Nothing changes " '' It's just that this time " '' We've already made the group " .
No I have never had a similar conversation like that, because I am afraid of speaking English in frond of person who speaks English. But I will break this afraid so I am practising my English speaking and listening skills and therefore I blieve that I will speak English perfectly in end of this year.
No, I haven't had conservation using English Language. I don't have English speaking partner and I only practice speaking by myself. I learnt many new phrase using this website. I believe my four skills are also improved after learning in this page. Thank you for all of this page developers.
Yeah, I had similar conversations in my work, when I try to explain my mistakes to other people.
Yeah, I have similar conversation in my work when i try to explain my ideas for other people