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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.
The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.
So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!
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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ... - Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.
Hi guys! I liked so much reading about the traditions in your countries and I wanna share with you one about my city in Brazil.
Every year on January 25th we celebrate the birthday of São Paulo (SP) city and a community of Bixiga, a famous Italian district of SP, makes a big cake with 1 meter for each year of the city. In 2022 São Paulo is 468 years old, what makes the cake enormous. Let you know a thing, for prepare a cake with 400 meters is necessary almost a ton of flour, three thousand eggs, one thousand liters of milk and 650 kilos of butter.
The tradition started with Armando Puglisi, a resident of Bixiga, in 1986 when people of this community brought cakes to celebrate the birthday of the city.
The celebration starts on January 25th at noon o'clock with the traditional"Happy birthday" song and with the blessing of a priest of Nossa Senhora da Achiropita, the mostra famous parish of Bixiga. After this, the population is permited move foward to the cake and get a piece, which is a tremendous mess and fun. In 2008 a Brazilian channel TV encouraged the kids of the event to have a food fight with the cake what affected the next event. So, for this reason the population is forbidden to catch the cake by themselves and receive a slice individually.
The cake of Bixiga was considered the most extended cake by Guinness Book and it become famous for being consumed in less than 30 seconds by the population. In 2006 the cake was consumed only in 4 seconds. Unbelievable, isn't it?
Firstly, I want to thank you for your posts, because this topic is really interesting for me and I am really glad to hear about different cultures' traditions from the horse's mouth.
So let me tel about one of the important holidays in Belarus.
The culture of our country has deep Christian roots. In compliance with history orthodox tradition is more popular with population. And the main orthodox holiday, of course, is Easter. It is celebrated on different date every year, depending on the church calendar, but always on Sunday in March or April. There is seven-weekly fasting before it, including Holly week, when fast is especially strict. But not everyone can keep it, because it requires strong health and spiritual power.
On the Sunday a week before Easter it's a Palm Sunday. On this day Belarusian Christians purchase a willow branch and go to church to bless it and attend service. Also there are some special services during the Holly week, which believers try to attend. Moreover, they prepare for the holiday, clean their houses and try to behave properly - be patient, helpfull and kind to other people and do good deeds.
Besides, there are special cooking traditions: orthodox colour eggs in red with onion peelings, bake kuliches (Easter cakes) and cook paskha (rich mixture of sweetened curds, butter and raisins, nuts or dried fruits). On the Holly Saturday we go to the church to bless the meal and attend night service.
On the day of the Holiday Christians usually eat blessed meals, visit their relatives and have Easter lunch. They hail to each other with words 'Christ is risen'. Godparents give presents their godchildren. There is an atmosphere of sincere joy and everyone has loft feelings.
I really appreciate this holiday.
Hi everyone! It was very interesting to learn more about different cultures traditions. I’m from Tatarstan and I want to tell you about how we celebrate our national holiday Saban-tui.
Traditionally it is celebrated in the beginning of summer and it makes the end of sowing works. This holiday is celebrated in each tatar village and all Tatarstan towns. Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, is the main center of this holiday. People gather in spacious places outside of their villages and towns and watch the concert, horse race, or national fight. Winner of this fight traditionally get a ram (sheep). Children usually participate in various funny competitions and get sweet gifts.
Being at Saban-tui is the great chance to meet old friends, distant relatives and just have a good time.
Hi! It's really nice learn about all this traditions! I'm from Brazil and here we have a lot of traditions, particularly about religious things.
There have many traditional festivals in our culture in Myanmar. One of them is lighting festival. It is also called TheDinGyut Festival. Thedingyut festival is celebrated to welcome the Buddhist When he came from Heaven. We welcome the Buddhist who came back to the earth after he paid gratitude his mother in heaven. It held in full moon day of ThedinGyut. We decorate infront of our house with the candle or firework or neon electric bulb at night to welcome the Buddhist. It is also time of pay respect to our grandparents, parents and elder relative. So many people pay respect them with some presents and they wish us to get the good things and pay the pocket money to us for happiness. This is our one of the lovely traditional festivals.
hello, nandar su hlaing.
I'm so happy to meet you coz I'm myanmar too.And I also pround of our traditional and thanks for your sharing.
Hi, I am from Guatemala, and we celebrate a particular tradition a little bit similar to burn a Guy Fawkes on a bonfire. We celebrate this on December 7, but we burn a Devil piñata (piñata means a doll build with paper and it is decorated). The piñata takes the shape of Devil as you can imagine it's a red man with tail, horns and trident
the significate of this tradition it's to get a way the bad spirits, curses and bad vibes. the biggest Devil piñata that I've seen it was almost 5 meters of height
I think the best tradition in my country is the music. for example, when you go to Guadalajara you can see and hear for yourself the music culture of Mariachis. the Mariachis are the most tipical music in mexico they show a little part of mexican culture. the most of foreing people like this kind of music.
I have read other people's posts and it is very interesting to see that in many countries there are different traditions. My name is Melissa and I want to tell you that in Ecuador we celebrate New Year's Eve with the burning of Monigotes, we do this to say that the year is over. This Monigote is made with old clothes, cardboard or paper, with a filling of straw or sawdust, and is also usually filled with pyrotechnic material, for when it is burned at midnight on December 31.
I read some of traditions written in here and it felt good. Now it's my turn. I'm from Turkey and my country has variety traditions but i picked less for you. Couples when they want married (after wearing a weddind ring) male side goes to her house to ask for the girl. The groom's family head wants from her father. The girl makes coffe for everyone who comes home but the man's coffee seperate. Because the girl adds salt or optional pain to a man's coffee and never delicious things. If a man sewed that coffee, he loved her unconditionally. It's a cute story but there are people who don't, it's all optional. When the girl's father approves, the couple is one step closer to marriage.