A noticeboard message

A noticeboard message

Learn how to write a noticeboard message.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

Looking for a housemate

Single ensuite room available in our lovely three-bedroom house in Didsbury. Five-minute walk from city centre. Move in from 1 June. Shared kitchen and living room with two female housemates, no parking, £600 a month excluding bills. No pets. Contact 07890 123456 for viewing.


1. Write the main title or idea bigger to catch people's attention.

2. Keep the message short, with only the most important information.

3. Don't put your address on it!

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Worksheet73.89 KB

Language level

Average: 4.7 (40 votes)

Submitted by Mihaela123 on Mon, 19/12/2022 - 08:27


I prefer to live with housemates because i enjoy opportunity to communicate with people of different backgrounds and personalities. I find living alone can be boring. But I belive that everyone should have their own space to relax, work and create in. As rescpectful person I understand the importance of respecting others' privacy and personal space. Overall, living with housemates can be awesome, as long as everyone respects each others boundaries.

Submitted by FeliipeAndresA on Thu, 08/12/2022 - 20:38


I prefer to live alone.

Submitted by Joniz123 on Wed, 07/12/2022 - 19:29


I prefer living alone, but I can live with rommies.

Submitted by gunclub01 on Wed, 30/11/2022 - 07:51


Do you prefer to share a house or live alone?

If I want passive income and My house is as big as people can rent my room I would prefer to share a house but actually, I would prefer to live alone because I'm an Introvert and I don't like my neighbors or other rooms making noise when I want to relax time and I like to have my peaceful space.

Submitted by Rachel Win on Tue, 22/11/2022 - 08:59


I am okay to live with people as long as it's ensuite with a bathroom house.

Submitted by foxtale on Sun, 06/11/2022 - 11:51


Do you prefer to share a house or live alone?
I prefer to live alone because I am a homebody and I like to have my own peaceful house with no one interrupting my alone time.

Submitted by Kalyar Wint Wi… on Thu, 03/11/2022 - 15:50


Single ensuite room with available three-bedroom house in Washington DC. 30 minutes walk from the station and time square. Moved in 1st January. Shared living room and kitchen with the housemates, $1500 for each month, no pet and parking. Contact us +9999 1231 6580 for viewing. As a adult, I prefer living alone because this living style makes me feel freedom, especially financial freedom and norm cultures. As a person who was born from the restricted and traditional types of family, living alone is one of the desire. They always believe that life is prefect when the children especially women or girls who is living with the family all the time. But I attempt to move in a hostel with the hostel mates. I can gain advantages and also disadvantages: the privacy situation between your family and the situation I get a flu. And then the important fact is not to stay with the annoying roommate.

Submitted by sunlight_nyx on Thu, 27/10/2022 - 00:04


Live alone is the best thing ever! I love to be myself and it's so paceful. zen :)

Submitted by Abanob Eskander on Mon, 17/10/2022 - 19:50


Living alone is the best