Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
- You don't need to write complete sentences.
- You can use abbreviations like LOL (= laugh out loud) or IDK (= I don't know) to save time.
- Use emojis
to add feelings.
- You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
I usually prefer to send text messages because i don't know if the person is availeble for a phone call. However, sending audio masseges or making a phone call is often quicker than texting.
yes the best way of conversation
i prefer send a lot message to my friend. Just need 5 minutes to waiting my friends to reply my text. After 5 minutes she doesn't reply my text, I will call her.
Actually i often send messgage with my friend everyday , because we are both busy weekly and when i send msg to my friend by phone , i can use emojis on apps and use funny picture on our conservation. But i prefer call or speak than send msg to my colleague or my boss , because it doesnt spend time much.
Well, I prefer sending messages with my friends. At this year, there is the separation between us because of the career pathways we chose. Someone is in the hometown and someone is in the other country, so it is better to send mails when we miss. We meet a lot of people in our working environment but the childhood friends are the best to show our dark sides, I think.
Do you send lots of text messages or do you prefer to speak to friends to make plans?
I prefer to make plans through texts because I feel it's more convenient as my friends might be working. And also, it's more practical to text when it's to meetup with large group of friends.
I prefer to send messages, because it's very convenient. But if there are something important to announce, I'll have to talk face to face to make sure everyone knows it.
Well, I often prefer speaking over texting because it is the more effective way to make a plans with friends. People are very busy with their daily works, they dont have time to check their phones so its better to have a talk rather texting
I prefer send audio message , more quick and easy i tho lol.
Do you send lots of text messages or do you prefer to speak to friends to make plans?
I prefer to speak to my friends to make plans, many times text messages do not permit say what I want to do.