Food in Britain

Carmen looks at the different food that people in Britain enjoy eating and talks about how food in Britain comes from all over the world.

Do the Preparation task first. Then watch the video. Next go to Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.


Before you watch

Think about the following questions:

  • What kinds of food do you like?
  • What is your favourite dish?
  • What is a typical dish from your country?

Now, watch the video to find out more about food in Britain.



Carmen: The Chinese introduced oriental food to Britain. But before the Chinese, immigrants from all around the world came to live in London. 

British people enjoy a huge range of food and flavours from other countries.

This is Borough Market, London’s oldest food market. Today, you can find food here from all over the world.

This is Italian cheese. Each group of settlers brought their own food and styles of cooking and people here embraced the exciting new flavours… maybe, because British food wasn’t very good.

Restaurants from all around the world can be found on most British high streets. Indian, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Persian... the list goes on.

But just what are the UK’s favourite dishes?

On the Street: My favourite meal is Thai green curry.

On the Street: One of my favourite meals is... cottage pie with peas.

On the Street: My favourite food is... Chinese.. Chinese.

On the Street: What’s my favourite meal? Still full English breakfast.


Chef: This is a full English breakfast. Tomato, black pudding, sausage, bacon, egg, mushroom.


A big fried breakfast might not be to everyone’s taste. But in Britain, there is something for everyone.

Celia Brooks Brown is a food writer and knows all about food and the future of food in the UK, today.

Mmm! It looks good. What have we got here, Celia?

Celia: Well, this is a British tomato salad with a Yorkshire-made sheep’s cheese. And here we have a Barnsley lamb chop with new potatoes and a mint hollandaise sauce.

Carmen: So is this a sign of developments in British cooking?

Celia: Yes, people want to know where their food comes from. Chefs in restaurants like these are reinventing classic British dishes. They’re using ingredients that are locally sourced and locally grown.

Carmen: So what about world cuisine?

Celia: Well anything goes. Chefs love to experiment with ingredients from different cultures. And we live in a globalised society. It’s very exciting.

Carmen: OK Celia, if you were cooking these dishes at home, what ingredients from different cultures would you use?

Celia: Well, I might use something like this. This is a Moroccan spice mix called Ras el Hanout. Have a sniff.

Carmen: Hmm. That’s really strong.

Celia: Lovely, isn’t it? Now, this might make a lovely spice rub for that lamb chop.

Carmen: I can’t wait to taste this.


The food in Britain reflects the many different cultures here. But some of the old favourites are here to stay. I’m off for my favourite, fish and chips. Want a chip?

Task 1

Task 2

Average: 3.5 (17 votes)

Submitted by Mariana V on Sat, 11/03/2023 - 02:00


This market looks very interesting, there is a great variety of food from all over the world, it must be very nice to visit.

Submitted by Fabiola_B on Mon, 06/03/2023 - 02:16


I've never seen this place before and was very intrigued by all the food that they have. But I have to look after the meaning of some words that I don't know.

Submitted by piero-le-charo on Mon, 30/05/2022 - 07:54


Hello everybody,my name is Pierre and i from for Belgium. My favorites meal is pork ribs with chips and a salad and barcebue sauce.

Submitted by Tomtaz on Mon, 30/05/2022 - 07:54


Hellp my friends,
My favourite meal is spaghetti bolognaise.
For this I need spaghetti, chopped meet , tomto sauce, spicy and emental chesse.

Submitted by May Thida Su on Tue, 02/03/2021 - 15:34

Hello ! Dear Team , I have a question: what means "....embraced the exciting new flavours. "?

Hello May Thida Su,

'embrace' means to happily accept something. The people there were happy to try foods from different places.

I'd encourage you to look up words in the dictionary when possible.

All the best,


The LearnEnglish

"Embraced" in this case means "appreciated the new flavours a lot", "they found the new flavours really delicious".

Submitted by Veromejia on Mon, 14/12/2020 - 21:17

Hello! My name is Verónica I'm from México. Thank you for sharing this video it's so interesting to know different kinds of food around the world and the cuisine of Britain I think in all world you can find different kind of food, nowadays it's multicultural and it's the opportunity to mix new flavors and reinvent the cuisine. My favorite food is Italian and Mexican. I like the different kinds pasta a desserts and the variety of different flavors .In my opinion eat it's one of the most pleasure of the life.

Submitted by PMO on Tue, 10/11/2020 - 10:29

Thanks a lot for this episode. My favourite meal is Francesinha, is a typical Portuguese dish, more specifically from Porto. This meal takes bread, cheese, meat, sausage and a fabulous sauce. Many people likes eat this meal with french fries and drink a beer. Regards, Paulo

Submitted by Bruno2020 on Thu, 09/07/2020 - 01:22

Thank you for those episodes! I really hope one day, I go to a tipic british restaurant in London!