Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.
Audio script
Olivia: How’s the leg Johnny?
Johnny: A bit better thanks...I’ve got the plaster off it now, but I still need the crutch.
Olivia: Good to hear...
Johnny: Your nephew young Joe didn’t help...he’s not here today is he? I need to recover!
Olivia: No, don’t worry...I’m not looking after him today. He’s with my sister.
Harry: Hello there!
Olivia: Hi Harry!
Johnny: Hi there workmate!
Olivia: How’s it going, Harry?
Harry: Erm...not bad...
Olivia: You don’t sound so sure...
Harry: No, really, everything’s fine...
Johnny: Everything ok at work? I don’t get to see you much...
Harry: Well, I’m always busy, you know...
Johnny: Oh yeah, I know...busy busy busy. That’s me, too! Got to go right now...just to the doctor’s though, he’s having another look at my leg, making sure it’s ok...
Olivia: Bye then Johnny! Hope it goes well!
Johnny: Me too! Whoops.......Magda! Watch out!
Magda: Oh, sorry Johnny!
Johnny: Owwww!
All: Oh no!
Magda: Oh! I stepped on your toe!
Johnny: Don’t worry...never mind...nothing serious...I’ll get better! Good job I’m going to the doctor’s right now! Bye!
Magda: Oh no! I feel so bad!
Harry: Don’t worry about it, he’s not really that bad! He hasn’t broken any bones or anything.
Olivia: He’s just a bit of an actor, that’s all...
Harry: Tell me about it...he’s terrible at work! I try and avoid him...
Olivia: Oh no! Why?
Harry: He just talks about his work all the time, about how important he is, and how rich he’s going to be...it gets boring...
Olivia: But are you getting on with him ok, otherwise?
Harry: Yeah, I guess so...they really make me work hard for my money though...
Olivia: Do you think you’ll stay with that job?
Harry: For a bit, I guess. I’ll have to see how it goes, long term...
Magda: Isn’t anyone going to ask about my interview?!
Olivia: Oh yes...sorry! Of course..so, how did it go?
Magda: I’m not sure...ok I think...it’s difficult to say...
Harry: What questions did they ask you?
Magda: The usual ones...why I want this job, what I can bring to their company...
Olivia: Did you answer all the questions?
Magda: Sure...yes.
Harry: Did you ask a question?
Magda: Yes...I only got a chance to ask one, so I asked them how far I’d be free to follow my own projects as part of the job.
Olivia: Good question.
Harry: What did you wear?
Magda: A suit, like Johnny told me to! Black jacket, trousers...
Olivia: Did you arrive on time?
Magda: I was perfectly punctual!
Harry: You’ll be a shoo-in!
Magda: Sorry? A what?
Harry: A shoo-in! It means you’re certain to get the job!
Magda: Well, I hope so.......Oh no! It’s them...they’ll be calling to tell me if I got the job or not....
Good morning, greetings from Bolivia, I have a doubt:
Sometimes I hear (or read): It´s they (pronoun subject) and some others It´s them (object pronoun), can you guide me what is correct, please, but in formal way, thanks in advance.
Hello jpkeiros,
'It's them' is correct and 'It's they' is not correct. If you want to be slightly more formal, you can say 'It is them' (instead of 'It's'), but the other sentence with 'they' is not correct at all.
Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team
Thank you very much Kirk, now I got it clear.
I hope Magda takes a new job she needs to work and earn some money
hello their i just wanna thank you so much for this graet work it really helping me in improving my learning in english .
Hello Doris Jiang,
Another way to say this is something like 'Got to go, but just to the doctor's'. I suppose Johnny means he's not going to work and is instead going to the doctor's.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello PhuongHoang,
The sentence with don't get to suggests that the speaker is prevented from doing something that he or she would like to do. It has a similar meaning to don't get the chance to.
The second sentence does not imply any reason for the situation.
In the context of two friends talking I think you could use either and there would be no real difference in meaning because we assume that friends would like to see each other without having to say it.
The LearnEnglish Team