Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.
Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say!
Do you know what to say when you talk about where you're from? Listen out for useful language for talking about where you're from. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.
Emir: So where are you from, Vanya?
Vanya: I was born in Cambridge, but I live in Glasgow.
Emir: I've never been to Glasgow. What's it like?
Vanya: Oh, it's wonderful. There's always something interesting to do and the people are really friendly.
Emir: It sounds like a nice place to live.
Vanya: It is. I love it. What about you? Where are you from in Turkey?
Emir: I'm from Istanbul.
Vanya: Oh, I love Istanbul! I went once, but a long time ago. My favourite thing was baklava. I really, really love baklava!
Emir: Today's your lucky day, Vanya. I made it myself!
Vanya: Oh! These look delicious.
Yuna: Hi.
Vanya: Hi, Yuna!
Yuna: Can I?
Emir: Of course!
Yuna: Emir's baklava is the best. Thank you!
Emir: You're welcome.
Vanya: I love this place!
Ana: Hello again! Mmm, that baklava looks delicious! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about where you're from? Listen to me and then repeat.
Where are you from?
I was born in London.
I live in Glasgow now.
What's it like?
It sounds like a nice place to live.
What about you?
I'm from Istanbul.
I love Istanbul.
Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about where you're from in English. Bye for now!
I am from Syria but now I live in Muscat the capital of Oman it is really beautiful and the people are very friendly .there are many places to visit it .
This country is ranked as the 8th best country to live in
I'm from Argentina. Before, it was a good place to live, but now it is dangerous and has a lot of corruption.
I'm from Somalia but now live in Malaysia. i love it website
sincerely thanks.
Hi, I`m from Ukraine, Kharkiv city. This is a big and beautiful city.
There are lot of parks with flovers, fountains. A big zoo. Also there is the biggest square in Ukraine.
Iam from egypt
I am from Kotli Azad Kashmir Pakistan. It is look like Paradise on the earth. It is a place full of natural beauty. It has high mountains, different types of flowers, and green valleys. It has clear water rivers, lacks and water falls.
I 've never been to Kotli Azad Kashmir Pakistan, but it sound like a nice place to like. My hometown too. I was born in countryside in VietNam. It's a peaceful place , there are a green river, many kind of flowers, and the air condition is perfect .
Hi, I also come from in countryside in Vietnam.
Thank you indeed for free learning page.
I was born in North the Shan State but i live in Mandalay city right now. Both of them have their own beauty so i love them. They are wonderful places to travel and they are really good places for everything.
i am from india and it is really beautiful country and there are so many intrasting place to visit. the people are really nice and food is really good