Agreeing and disagreeing

In this video, Emir and Paul discuss a design for a client. Listen to the language they use for agreeing and disagreeing and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you agree and disagree? Listen out for useful language for agreeing and disagreeing. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.


Paul: So?

Emir: I'm not convinced by that idea.

Paul: Why?

Emir: Well, this design is just too simple. 

Paul: It's not simple, it's minimal. Plus, it's what the client asked for.

Emir: I'm not so sure. Look … Look at these designs here. I think this is the style that the client wants.

Paul: Hmmm … I think I disagree. They said they wanted it clean and minimal.

Emir: These designs are clean and minimal. 

Paul: Look, don't get me wrong, Emir. I like them, but I don't think they fit the brief. For example, here, there's just a bit too much going on.

Emir: OK, I see what you mean, but without all the colour, it would look a bit … empty. 

Paul: True. OK, how about taking that and that away? So it still looks interesting, but less busy. 

Emir: OK … maybe you've got a point there. Actually, that has given me an idea.

Emir: So we remove the blue. I think that creates a nice balance.

Paul: Yeah, yeah. I think you're right. Changing the circles helped too. 

Emir: I agree. So we're happy with this now?

Paul: Yes, definitely. 

Emir: So it looks like we can agree!

Paul: Occasionally. 


Ana: Hello again! I'm pleased that Paul and Emir agreed with each other in the end. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for agreeing and disagreeing? Listen to me and then repeat. 


I'm not convinced by that idea.

I'm not so sure.

I think I disagree.

Don't get me wrong, but I don't think they fit. 

I see what you mean, but it looks a bit empty. 

OK, maybe you've got a point there.

I think you're right.

Yes, definitely.

I agree. 


Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you agree and disagree in English. Bye for now!


Worksheet92.5 KB

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Average: 4.4 (177 votes)

Submitted by Ibrahimyousef on Sun, 12/03/2023 - 15:43


The last time , I disagreed with my friend went to cafe and restaurant because I don't like to fast food it is unhealthy fourthermore, I disagreed a his friend is very lough in anywhere.

Profile picture for user Estefanilore

Submitted by Estefanilore on Wed, 08/03/2023 - 02:38


I disagreed with my husband all the time hehehe, the last one was in the morning because he didn't want to clean his office, and it is a big disaster that I don't want to see it.

Submitted by Mohammad AlMogdad on Mon, 06/03/2023 - 21:22


Always I disagree with my friend in many subjects ,sometimes he can convinced me on his opinion ,sometimes I disagree.

Submitted by NataliaMM on Sat, 04/03/2023 - 19:46


I think the last time that I disagree with someone was when I'm doing my homework and my friend wasn't convinced with my answers. After all, I explain to him why i believed this was the right answer and he agree.

Submitted by loanphuong on Thu, 02/03/2023 - 02:07


The last time I disagreed with someone was a few days ago. I did not agree colleague’s communication way with another team. So I had some feedback for her. We had strong arguments to protect our own opinion. Finally, our discussion grew stressful, we decided to stop in peace, everyone had their own way.

Submitted by Wity on Tue, 21/02/2023 - 07:55


Because of my work, I always get the disagree with the customs officer. We usually argue on the HS code or the name of product when I do custom declaring. Finally, I'm often a lose side cuz they are more powerful than me - a little poor staff :((

Submitted by bream on Wed, 15/02/2023 - 13:26


I everyday disagree with my boss. He force me to do any work which I mustn't do. It's really annoying me but I have a bad situation and I should do his silly orders...

Profile picture for user Nathvanveeren

Submitted by Nathvanveeren on Mon, 13/02/2023 - 07:29


Yesterday my son didn't say me goodbye.
He left the house in a hurry because he was going to be late for his train.
I'm not sure that watching videos on his phone before school is a good idea.
I don't agree with that.

Profile picture for user robertomm

Submitted by robertomm on Wed, 08/02/2023 - 16:49


Yesterday at night I desagree with my wife. I asked to help me to get some money but she disagree with me, she said no; she said the last time I asked you to help me to do some business you said No. So my answer now is no too.

I disagreed with her because her business was to expensive and I hadn’t enough money.

Maybe she’s got a point there but I don’t think it fit the budget.

Submitted by llowasha on Fri, 27/01/2023 - 00:15


yesterday, at lunchtime, one of my friends order a lot of food. He believes the hungry should eat more. I’m not convinced by his speech up. and I disagree with him. Scientific research says little food is more healthy for humans.