Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number one, received today at 3.45 p.m.
Hi, it's me. How's it going? I guess you're at work and you don't have your phone on, right? First of all, thank you, THANK YOU for the birthday card and message. I received it this morning. That's so nice of you. I'm organising a little party for my birthday. It's nothing very big – only a few of my best and closest friends. That means you too! We're going to have it at my cousin's house. She lives in the countryside in a nice big house with a swimming pool. I'd love to see you there. It's going to be this Friday. I'll send you the instructions on how to get there later, OK?
Anyway, have fun at work. Don't work too hard, OK? Talk soon.
Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number two, received today at 5.15 p.m.
Aw, you're still not answering your phone! OK, here are the instructions to get to my cousin's house for the party. Are you going to take your car? If you take the car, drive straight on Forest Road until you get to the motorway. Drive past Brownsville and take exit 13A. That's 13A. You drive down the road there and turn left. It's the first big house on the right. OK? If you're taking a bus, you can get the number 80 to Brownsville. Call me when you get there and somebody can pick you up in a car. I can't wait. This is going to be so great!
No it is not easy to get lost in our town because our town is not that much big and people are so much helpful. If you ask somebody about the path they will simply tell you the path.
Yes, I have given directions to a visitor. One day I and my friend were walking in our street and then one car stopped next to us and then he was asking the direction to his destination. Then i and my friend helped him to go the destination.
I leave in not big town but driving without navigation app can take some more time than it can be :)
Yes, I help people who asked for help and gave it without navigator would be difficult.
it was very good
I think that anywhere get lost easy (especially for me). Also sometimes people difficult understand instructions each other.
Soo I think when peaople get lost it is no problem in city. Problem is perception inctruction a specific person.
You need to find an approach to everyone.
(Sorry for this grammatical mess, I'm just learning)
Hi Dmytro_S,
No need to say sorry. This site is for anyone who is learning English :)
LearnEnglish team
I have only been living here for less than 3 months, so I think it's easy to get lost. However, I haven't gotten lost yet myself. As for giving directions to a visitor, I haven't had the chance to do so because I am still not very familiar with the area.
It's not easy to get lost in my country if I have the address and use grab app. But if I use bus or drive myself I will get lost to a place I have ever been.
No, it didn’t easy to get lost in my city. Yes i have give the directions at a stranger in the street
I'm new to the city and don't go out much, so i don't know much about the area, but it's small and organized her, and it's hard to get lost. I even gave you some instructions on how to get to the city center.
No, it is not easy to get lost in our town. Yes, I have given directions to my brother.