Stative verbs

Stative verbs

Do you know how to use stative verbs like think, love, smell and have? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

Look at these examples to see how stative verbs are used.

I think that's a good idea.
I love this song!
That coffee smells good.
Do you have a pen?

Try this exercise to test your grammar.

Grammar test 1

Stative verbs: Grammar test 1

Read the explanation to learn more.

Grammar explanation

Stative verbs describe a state rather than an action. They aren't usually used in the present continuous form.

I don't know the answer. I'm not knowing the answer.
She really likes you. She's really liking you.
He seems happy at the moment. He's seeming happy at the moment.

Stative verbs often relate to:

  • thoughts and opinions: agree, believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, mean, recognise, remember, suspect, think, understand
  • feelings and emotions: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
  • senses and perceptions: appear, be, feel, hear, look, see, seem, smell, taste
  • possession and measurement: belong, have, measure, own, possess, weigh.

Verbs that are sometimes stative

A number of verbs can refer to states or actions, depending on the context.

I think it's a good idea.
Wait a moment! I'm thinking.

The first sentence expresses an opinion. It is a mental state, so we use present simple. In the second example the speaker is actively processing thoughts about something. It is an action in progress, so we use present continuous.

Some other examples are:


I have an old car. (state – possession)
I'm having a quick break. (action – having a break is an activity)


Do you see any problems with that? (state – opinion)
We're seeing Tadanari tomorrow afternoon. (action – we're meeting him)


He's so interesting! (state – his permanent quality)
He's being very unhelpful. (action – he is temporarily behaving this way)


This coffee tastes delicious. (state – our perception of the coffee)
Look! The chef is tasting the soup. (action – tasting the soup is an activity)

Other verbs like this include: agree, appear, doubt, feel, guess, hear, imagine, look, measure, remember, smell, weigh, wish.

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.

Grammar test 2

Stative verbs: Grammar test 2

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Hi Ahmed Imam,

One of the meanings of "would" is a past action that was repeated, e.g. Every year when I was young, I would have a party for my birthday. It's fine to use active verbs such as "play" with this meaning, but stative verbs aren't used with it. 

So, the sentence is grammatically OK. However, I do think it's somewhat unusual, because it would be more common to say something like Maradona used to play for Napoli or even Maradona played for Napoli. Using "would" may have a connotation of willingness or volition, which is relevant to my birthday party example above but less apparently relevant to the Maradona example (assuming that the main point of this sentence is simply to identity which team was his former team).

For more examples, you may be interested in this page: Past habits: 'used to', 'would' and the past simple (linked). I hope it helps.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by howtosay_ on Tue, 06/06/2023 - 21:05



Could you please help me with the following:

Is "to decide" used in the Present Continuous? Is each option possible? (if I hasn't take a decision yet, but I am still thinking"):

1. I decide what I'll do next.

2. I am deciding what I'll do next.

3. I still decide what I'll do next

4. I am still decide what I'll do next

Thank you so much for your huge help and I'm very very grateful for the answer to this post beforehand!

Hi howtosay_,

Yes, "decide" can be used with the present continuous to show that you are still in the process of deciding something (sentence 2). It's also common to say "I'm still deciding ..." or "I'm trying to decide ..." for this meaning. Sentence 4 seems to have this meaning, but "decide" should be in the -ing form.

You can use "decide" in the present simple (sentence 1) too. But the present simple shows a regular action or something of a factual nature, so the context should be something like this: Whenever I have nothing to do, I decide what I'll do next. It's a more general meaning than the present continuous, which is about a particular decision.

So, sentence 3 is unusual because "still" seems to show that you are talking about a particular decision rather than a regular thing that you do.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Stella_J on Wed, 03/05/2023 - 15:15



I've got a question for the grammaticality of the following sentence:
Recently, people are depending on the internet.

I know that 'people are dependent on the internet.' is more commonly used and depend is a stative verb.
However, for showing some sort of progress and changes I think it's okay to say 'people are depending on the internet.'

I want to know that whether this sentence is grammatically correct or not and two sentences using each 'dependent' or 'depending' have the same meaning.

It would be a great help if you leave a comment on this matter.
Thank you.

Hi Stella_J,

Yes, it is grammatical. As you said, it shows some sort of change or non-permanent action. I think the sentences with "depending" and "dependent" mean pretty much the same thing, apart from the probably unimportant difference that "people are dependent" describes how the people are, whereas "people are depending" describes what people do.

I would also say that "Recently" is normally used with the present perfect: Recently, people have been depending on the internet. / Recently, people have become more dependent on the internet. A word like "Currently" or "At present" would match the present simple better.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Serberio on Tue, 02/05/2023 - 08:31


Hello all, I have got a question regarding the second grammar test.
Look the sentence 3. 'Are you making bread? It ______ amazing.
Regarding the description above it must be *amazing because the first part is made in the present continuous and the second logically must be as well in present continuous because we use it in action (ongoing conversation).
The answer is *smells and I can't explain why exactly smells, because regarding the description mentioned it must be ing.

Could you please tell why smells is used instead of It’s smelling?
or there is a mistake in the test?

Thank you!

Hello Serberio,

'smells' is the correct answer for the first question in the second task. 'It smells amazing' refers to our perception of the nice smell, not to an activity that we're doing. 

An example of smelling something as an activity would be, for example, going into a perfume shop and actively smelling different perfumes.

Although there isn't much context in Task 2, 'Are you making bread?' suggests we've just walked into someone's home, for example, and smell bread there, not that we are going around actively smelling things.

Does that make sense?

All the best,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by RodM on Tue, 11/04/2023 - 17:52


I've noticed a usage of 'love' (which I think originated in the U.S.) that's increasingly used in the U.K. fashion industry, e.g. "I'm loving your new dress". From previous explanations, this is said to be related to feelings about something changing ("I hated my desk but increasingly I'm loving it") but that clearly isn't the underlying meaning here, I think it's more the striking/jarring effect, first started with the cola drink advert "I'm loving it". I can't imagine the creators of the advert intended it to mean "your enjoyment of this drink will fade away". What do you think is going on?

Hello RodM,

There are so many different situations in which 'I'm loving it' is used now that I doubt a single explanation can cover them all. I think you're certainly right in thinking that, at least in many cases, as non-standard usage, it has a jarring effect. While the McDonald's adverts may no longer have this effect so much -- they've been around for years now -- in other situations I believe it still can, at least to some degree.

The continuous aspect can communicate something changing or developing, and in my opinion that's still at the root of this usage of this grammar in such circumstances. I'm not an expert on marketing, but to your point about our enjoyment fading away, it seems to me that adverts like this one (which is not to say all adverts) tend to focus on the new and not consider issues beyond that.

You might enjoy reading other people's thoughts on this matter. There's a forum on in the StackExchange and the Grammar Girl has also analysed it, for example.

Hope this helps!

All the best,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by KongKong on Tue, 14/02/2023 - 23:25


Hi. "We will be loving each other for the rest of our life." is a correct expression?
I know "love" is a stative verb, but sometimes I notice that love is used in the progressive tense.