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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.
The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.
So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!
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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ... - Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.
Hello, I am from colombia, it is a catolic country. here celebrate the birth of jesus an the 24 of december, in this festivity all family meeting and makes a lot of traditional recipes, also dancing and drink.
Hi everyone.
I´m from Spain. As i see we share a lot of Spanish traditions with other Latin American countries. One of those is San Juan´s night that will be celebrate next 24th of June, the longest night of the year.
That night people light bonfires and use to jump though them. Despite the name, it isn´t really Catholic tradition. It seems like a very old traditions where the fire represents the cult and sacrifices to pagan gods and people celebrate the arrival of summer.
There is music and alcohol and the party lasts all the night
Hello! I'm from Brazil and like the Spain, we also celebrate the June 24th. The Brazil is a continental dimensions country, so, we have a lot of traditions in different parts of our territory. The "São João" holiday is very celebrated in the brazilian northeast. But, I think wich the brazilian carnival is the almost famous party in others countries.
Hi I'm from Poland. There are many traditions(some are weird), one of them is drowning Marzanna(an puppet which is made up of twigs, worn clothes and straw) in river at the first day of Spring.It's mean that (bad)winter has just gone and the nature comes to life.Actually, due to ecological issue people to produce Marzanna use fully biodegradical materials instead old clothes. That tradition slowly fade away
Hi my name is Francisco, in mexico we have many traditions, for example in march or april we celebrate the Holy week in this celebration the life and dead of Jesus is shown.
Hi, I'm from Guatemala, the tradition that I like the most is Holy Week. It's a week full of processions that show the passion of Christ and it's beautiful because the processions are quite big and all the decorations are too beautiful and in that week we eat delicious traditional food. I like so much.
Hello, I'm Abdullah from Saudi Arabia. our traditional festival is AL-Jenadriyah festival, it was first held in 1989 since that time until now it has taken place every year in Riyadh which is the capital city of KSA. it shows the cultural variety in Saudi towns and villages, in their clothes, food, etc.
Hello am ousmane from Mali
I would like to share about children tradition in madina ksa
When I was child in madina the first night of RAMDAN month (hijri calinder) all the children in the city meeting together with thousands of bikes making a riding carnaval around the streets and hoods all the details about this day in my mind like it's happened yesterday
The most beautiful and traditional day in my country is when we play by the water. And we see different generations pour water on other people and everyone enjoys and laughs with the neighborhood and makes plans to catch us and poor us by water, I really missed those days.
Hello, I am a student risiding in a small town in the north-west region of Germany. In lower saxony we celebrate, mostly in villages, the "Schützenfest" (that roughly translates to hunters festival). I'm not sure if it has any interesting history at all, and if it has, I would assume it used to celebrate the hunters for gathering meat for the village, similiar to the "Ernte dank" festival (it roughly translates to "being thankful for the farmers harvest"), where we celebrate the fruitful harvest. The hunters festival is usually celebrated in late fall and as a sidenote, "Ernte dank" is celebrated in spring.