Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to this short presentation on our new product design. As you know, we've already redeveloped our 'Adventure' shampoo to make it more modern and appealing. And we've renamed it 'Adventure Tech'. Our market research established the target market as men in the 18–40 age range who like to be outdoors and also like technical gadgets, such as smartwatches, drones and things like that. We needed to create a bottle which appeals to that market.
So, today, I'm happy to unveil our new bottle design. As you can see, it's designed to look like a black metal drinking flask, with some digital features printed on it.
I'd like to talk you through the following three points: the key features, sizing and our timeline for production.
Firstly, you'll notice it has an ergonomic design. That means it fits smoothly into your hand and can be easily opened and squeezed using one hand. And, it looks like a flask you might use when hiking outdoors. The imitation digital displays are designed to remind the user of other tech devices they may have, such as a smartwatch or smart displays in their home.
I'd now like to tell you about the sizes. It comes in two sizes: the regular size and a small travel size. The travel size is the same type of design – a flask, also with imitation digital displays on the bottle. We were thinking of starting with one and following with the travel-size in a few months, but we've worked hard and both are ready now.
Finally, I'm going to talk to you about our timeline for production. You've probably heard that we're launching in two months. In preparation for that, we're starting the marketing campaign next month. You can see the complete overview of all phases in this Gantt chart.
In summary, the bottle's been designed for men who like adventure and technology, and it comes in two sizes. The marketing campaign is starting next month and we're launching the product in two months.
OK. So, any questions? Feel free to also email me for further information in case we run out of time.
i did my last presentation last Eid with my family. i was talking about the good deeds we made in ramadan month and i pray (dua) for them and the muslims all over the world. it goes bad because, it was my first time i made a speech infront of my family.
I did my recent presentation in Ramadhan Month. I am trusted as one of the speakers in Ramadhan Event at the school where I teach.
On that event I mainly talked about the different point of view of worship or "Ibadah" in Islam religion. I want my students to see the value in each worship as a practice to face the real world. I give them "The Five Pillars of Islam" as the example. Such as Salat, it can teach us to always on time in doing anything. Then fasting, it helps us to learn how to do something we hate for the sake of something we love.
I love giving talk and presentation. It always can challange me. The audiences, the topic, and the nervous.
The last time was when I studied at school. I was giving a presentation to my classmates and teacher. The main topic was about European countries. I told them what I had before prepared, and teacher gave me a good mark.
My last presentation was in school about Andromeda galaxy. I didn't have enought time for it, so I made my presentation with AI helping, he wrote me a text of the presentation and next one with this text made the presentation. Furthermore, teacher agreed to read the text from my phone :D. In my opinion, it was one of the easiest presentation, that I've done in school.
Hi everyone. The last time I had my presentation at my workplace was 3 months ago. The presentation was about the importance of the target marketing in the marketing research and the necessity of some actions for attracting the new referrals in order to be encouraged them to refer again and to be interested in suggesting the Hospital to the others. in that presentation it was considered some of the solutions suggested some innovative actions to develop the IPD Department and then finally we had some outcomes and it had the best results for me because of the appealing output. I work at the CRM department and I am engaged in the analysis and the evaluation of the patients' satisfaction by sending the emails and contacting them.
I don't remember the last time, but the most recent presentation I remember was 2 years ago. It's about planning to sell a product. We choose men's underwear for the execution of the business plan. Everything is prepared from production, design to sales. That day, I looked brilliant and I received many compliments. The presentation is considered feasible for effective project implementation. Until now, I still cherish the startup project from that presentation. Every day, I always get better and I wait until it's ripe to act.
My last presentation was on the early month of this year when I got to speak to my partners on the NGO that i involve in. The topic was about self development, specifically about how to gain the true happiness in this world according to a long research conducted by a Harvard Professor. I thought the presentation was going quite well since the audience seems to engaged with me and had a long and thougtful discussion after that.
I have noticed that when I practice listening with higher difficulty levels, it helps improve my linking and connecting pronunciation in English words. Such as, phrases like "renamed it" and "age range".
I can't remember exactly, but I think the last time I gave a presentation was around 3 to 4 years ago when I was still in university. The topic was "company management," and it was a group presentation. My role was to research the industry and target market. Thanks to our amazing team leader, we were able to complete the presentation on time and present all the important points concisely and clearly. As a result, we received a good mark for our presentation.
My last presentation was my master defense. I talked about the impact of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater in the human health and i gave some suggestions to work it out! I was a little stressed out at the beginning but it went smoothly after some minutes. I did it well and have a very good mark with mention!