A class forum

A class forum

Learn how to write a post on a class forum.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

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So cool to read about everyone's home tradition they miss the most! I'm from England but I've been living in the States for five years and the thing I miss the most is Bonfire Night on November 5th.

The best thing about Bonfire Night is the fireworks, oh, and the bonfires! … and the history behind it. Basically, Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. They nearly did it too – they hired a room under the House of Parliament and filled it with explosives. But someone told the royal palace. The authorities found Guy Fawkes in the room guarding the explosives, and he was sentenced to torture and death.

So it's a tradition that celebrates the fact that the king survived. It also means people don't forget what happens if you plot against your country. There's a kind of poem about it that starts 'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.' That's why we build a 'guy' – a life-size model of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on the bonfire. Pretty dark and horrible when you think about it!


  1. It's nice to start by saying something that shows you have read other people's posts.
  2. In a class forum you can be quite informal.
  3. In informal writing you can sometimes miss out the beginning of a phrase:
    So cool to read about everyone's home tradition ...
  4. Remember, in a forum you are part of a long conversation with a lot of other people so they might ask you questions.


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Submitted by Mpom on Tue, 25/07/2023 - 17:57


In catalonia, Spain -where I live- there's a tradition called 'Caga Tió'. It consists in draw a face in a little piece of log, put it a 'barretina' what is a type of Catalan hat, a blanket and put it two sticksunder the face to emulate the legs, we feed it for twenty days approximately, and at the Christmas' Eve, we beat it with our broomsticks and it pooes little presents. it is so strange for the people who comes from another countries, but in Catalonia it's a tradition, normally for our children.

Submitted by juniorenrique05 on Mon, 24/07/2023 - 10:03


Hi nice to read all the traditions that you guys put in this forum. I’d like to tell you about día de las velitas en Colombia it’s on 7 of December and we used to put candles on the sidewalks of the street. this day it’s a good day for meeting with your family and you can eat cookies and wine. The idea is you with your family should to sit down in chair close to the candles so you can how the candles are gone. It’s kinda magic I loved it

Submitted by Yosra235555 on Thu, 20/07/2023 - 18:13


Enjoying reading many comments and know different cultures with interesting traditions.The firt tradition jumped to my head when I read the title is on Ramadan, in Ramadan people in my country Sudan when the Magrib came they don't eat inside their houses with their on families, but instead they take the food to outside of the house and eat in streats with others neighbors and invited every one walks across the streat to eat and drink and spend wonderful time then all of them after eating stand to pray together then complete chatting. It's a very warm tradition that reflects the kindness .

Submitted by rhoda16 on Thu, 20/07/2023 - 02:21


Each country has a different kind of home tradition and some of them became a tourist destination. You can call me rhoda, my name is came from a rose which symbolizes love, beauty and courage. I'm from davao city, Philippines. Kadayawan Festival is one of the famous Davao annual tradition festival which celebrates life and thanksgiving for nature's bounty, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living.

Submitted by GekkoLizzard on Wed, 19/07/2023 - 21:18


Hi! i'm from Ukraine, now i live in Canada, but in my country we have tradition. Ivana Cupala i dont know about it a lot, but its spring celebration to call summer!

Submitted by Lupsbilinguee on Sat, 08/07/2023 - 00:52


Hi everyone I'm from Mexico, in my country every november 1st we celebrated "día de muertos" day. It consists in make an offering to every people who is dead, It could be a familiar a pet or even a famous person.
This offering let us to create a close space with people who most loved in our life giving them their favorite food, things or whatever you want.
This is representative because that day we aren't sad If not remember them with hapiness.

Submitted by dgrrrrn on Thu, 06/07/2023 - 13:03


It's nice to read about traditions that belong to different cultures. I'm from Turkey, in Turkey, we celebrate a cultural day named hidrellez on every year the night of the 5th of May. This is one of my favourite traditions in my culture, before this night we made some rituals for the celebration like writing our dreams that wish to come true or making some drawings for them and on the morning of 6 th of May we burn the papers that we draw or put the paper on the sea for make it happen. On that night we also get together and jump over the bonfire.

Submitted by ogzhnbngl on Tue, 27/06/2023 - 19:28


Hi I am oğuz and I am From Turkey. In turkey we celebrating every year of 29th october as a Republic Day. We are celebrating this day bacause we abandoned the monarcy and became free. We owe this day to Atatürk. On this day we are hanging flags our homes and streets, singing national anthems, reading poems on schools. We are visiting to Anıtkabir.

Profile picture for user diwa57

Submitted by diwa57 on Tue, 27/06/2023 - 16:59


Dear friends,

in some regions of Southern Germany or Switzerland or some areas along
the Rhine river we have an annual festival that is taking place late February or May. Originally, it was held to celebrate the coming end of the winter and
- later on - to make fun of authorities.
People dress up in funny costumes and run parades showing large statues that represent celebrities or politicians in order to joke about them - quite often in a rude and offensive style. We call it 'Karneval', 'Fastnacht' or 'Fasching'.
As this festivities are very popular they were adopted all over Germany and can be seen in almost every region.

Submitted by AlexandraMT on Tue, 27/06/2023 - 00:20


In my country there is a tradition when women turn 15. We celebrate that they have become adults. It is celebrated with a pink dress, music and good food.