Arriving late to class

Arriving late to class

Listen to the conversation between two students to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Student 1: Sorry. Sorry, excuse me. I'm just … just coming to sit over here. Phew. Hey. How's it going? So, what have I missed?

Student 2: Nothing. He just started around five minutes ago.

Student 1: Did he say anything about the mid-term?

Student 2: What?

Student 1: About the mid-term tests. Did he say anything about when he was going to hand them back?

Student 2: He's almost finished marking them, he said. We get them next Tuesday.

Student 1: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. When do we get them?

Student 2: Tuesday. Next Tuesday.

Student 1: OK. Got it. Sorry. What page are we meant to be on?

Student 2: Page 34.

Student 1: Page … 34. Oh, wait. I don't have my textbook. Can I … share with you? Wow. This is hard stuff.

Student 2: Mmm.

Student 1: What does SEO mean?

Student 2: What?

Student 1: SEO. This is all about SEO but he hasn't said what it means.

Student 2: Search engine optimisation. How to appear on internet searches.

Student 1: Internet searches. Right. Right. OK.

Student 2: He said what it meant.

Student 1: What?

Student 2: He explained it before you got here.

Student 1: Oh. Right. OK.

Student 2: Can you be quiet? I'm trying to listen to the lecture.

Student 1: So am I. Sorry. Sorry, one more question. What does this have to do with the American Revolution?

Student 2: What?

Student 1: I don't get it. Why is he talking about search engines in a course on the American Revolution?

Student 2: What are you talking about? This is a class on software engineering.

Student 1: You mean, it's not Early American History?

Student 2: You're in the wrong class.

Student 1: Oh, wow. Now it all makes sense. I'm so sorry.

Student 2: It's fine. 

Student 1: Here, I'll just … excuse me. I'm in the wrong class. Excuse me. Thanks. Sorry.  


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Submitted by ALNABHAN on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 21:31


I usually rely on my personal study after returning home. When I do not understand I try to see that on Youtube or ask my friends.

Submitted by Nada99qa on Thu, 21/09/2023 - 20:41


i highlight the part that i didnt understand with red color to ask my friends about it. if we all didnt got it , we probably search about it in Youtube.

Profile picture for user imlix08

Submitted by imlix08 on Thu, 14/09/2023 - 04:50


When I don't understand something in class, what I do is to ask questions to my classmates or my seatmates after the class so I can catch up and study the lesson at home.

I often do the same thing as you. When I don't understand the material explained by the lecture in class, I usually ask my friends who I think understand it better. However, I am also careful when asking them because some people might pretend to understand but actually don't.

Submitted by Abdenour on Mon, 04/09/2023 - 15:52


I Am a very shy person often I don't make noises and I don't came late at class but If I do I try to apologie to the profesor and ask him respectfully if he let me inter to the class

Submitted by marcialopes on Sat, 26/08/2023 - 15:08


I definitely do not do what the guy did. I never interrupt the professor or disturb my classmates. Instead, I patiently wait for the professor to ask if anyone has any questions. If not, I usually discuss the topic with a friend and take notes after class.

Submitted by hannibete on Fri, 18/08/2023 - 15:00


When I don't understand something in the class, i'm not shy and ask again.

Profile picture for user elifkglx

Submitted by elifkglx on Mon, 26/06/2023 - 19:35


When i dont understand something class sometimes i ask the thing that i dont understand in the class during the lesson. And sometimes i ask it after the lesson.

Submitted by mroma on Sat, 17/06/2023 - 20:54


I'm too shy to ask my teachers about the things I didn't understand so I end up searching for answers by myself

Submitted by Augustus09 on Sun, 04/06/2023 - 06:22


I'm a difficult learner, I always tell myself that I have to understand anything at the moment or I'll understand upcoming knowledge even more difficultly. Therefore, if I don't understand something, I must ask classmates or my teacher until I understand.