3 October 2023
What is the event about?
In this live lesson there will be an introduction to the topic of school days. Then, you can listen to a short grammar explanation and practise using the grammar yourself.
This live event is a free lesson for learning grammar: adjectives and prepositions
Engy from Egypt
Hi Jo,
Thanks for lesson. Here my task.
"When you were at school, how did you feel about learning English?
How do you feel about it now?"
At secondary school, I was scared of learning English, and really nervous about the program.
Although I am interested in that, I was always worried about making mistakes, so I hoped teachers would be nice to me.
Now I am keen to improve my English and I am interested in most subjects in English and I hope to become really good at it.
I wish my teachers should be proud of my progress.
Could you have your feedback, please?
Thank you!
Hi User_1 ,
I'm glad to read that you watched the lesson! Do you usually join the event live, or do you watch the recording?
Excellent use of adjectives and dependent prepositions 😊
I would just change one sentence, at the end. I'd say 'I hope my teachers will be proud of my progress'.
If you say 'I wish my teachers would be proud of my progress', that implies that your teachers are not proud at the moment, and you want to change that. If you'd like to revise how to use 'wish' and 'if only', have a look at this grammar page.
I hope you'll be able to join in next week's lesson.
Best wishes,
Jo (LearnEnglish team)
Hi Jo,
I usually watch the recording, so I can focus better on the topic.
Thanks for your corrections to my task.