Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Morning programme
9.00–9.30 |
Conference opening |
9.30–10.45 |
Management styles Consider the different management styles and how you can adapt yours to suit your team. |
Giving feedback Explore the different ways to give feedback to maximise development. |
Managing change Help your employees deal with change and to see the positives change can bring. |
10.45–11.15 | Coffee break | ||
11.15–12.30 |
Using storytelling in leadership communication Sometimes, the best way to communicate with your team is by telling stories. Find out how to do this in this workshop. |
Leading small businesses How is leading small businesses different and how can leaders of small businesses bring success to their team? |
Leading in uncertain times Uncertainty can affect the success of your team. Learn to bring confidence to your team in a time of uncertainty. |
Afternoon programme
12.30–2.00 | Lunch | ||
2.00–3.15 |
Managing international projects Consider how to ensure successful intercultural communication in your international teams. |
Developing creative thinking in your team How can you get your team to think more creatively? Explore the different ideas that can help your team see things in a new way. |
Conflict management Conflict can create problems in your team, but managing conflict well can bring about development. Learn how to manage conflict in this workshop. |
3.15–4.15 | Group discussions | ||
4.15–5.00 | Conference closing Dr Grace Moloney |
I'm interested
I would like to attend the conference leading small businesses, because I have a small busuness and I want it will be sucessfully and profitable.
I would like to attend the 'Giving Feedback' session. I've been thinking about how to give a feedback well. So I guess that session will be very helpful to me.
I would not attend any of these because I work in a different field than management or marketing.
I would not to attend any of these conferences because I'm not a manager, more than that, I think that the value of such sessions is overrated
I would like to attend all of the conferences, but the conference I think is more interesting is the one about conflict management.
I think I would be interested in attending the conferences Managing international projects and Conflict management because I work in an international workspace and should know how to build intercultural communication and manage conflicts.
I'm not that interest of conferences .however, I would like to attend conferences about ' improve your English in a smart way '
I think I would like to attend (Developing Creative Thinking in your Team Conference) because that will help me and other to find and explore new ideas ,and help us to think in creative way or out of the box .
I would really want to attend a few conference sessions from this program.
The first one is the "Management Styles" session. I chose it because I'm confident that when you are an entrepreneur it's very important to consider your style of management. Because it affects directly the cooperation and relationships with team members. And then it could have its own impact on the whole business.
The second one I chose is the "Using Storytelling in Leadership Communication" session. Another integral part of successful business development is communication and leadership. About the importance of finding a common language with your team members, explaining the main targets, and inspiring your team to new achievements.
And the last one that I'd like to visit is the "Managing International Projects" session. Because it will be something new and interesting for me. I would like to know how to build communication between international team departments and manage international projects successfully when the business expands.
That's it.