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A Plastic Ocean
A Plastic Ocean is a film to make you think. Think, and then act. We need to take action on our dependence on plastic. We've been producing plastic in huge quantities since the 1940s. Drink bottles, shopping bags, toiletries and even clothes are made with plastic. 1) _____. What happens to all the rest? This is the question the film A Plastic Ocean answers. It is a documentary that looks at the impact that plastic waste has on the environment. Spoiler alert: the impact is devastating.
The film begins as a journey to film the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale. But during the journey the filmmakers (journalist Craig Leeson and environmental activist Tanya Streeter) make the shocking discovery of a huge, thick layer of plastic floating in the middle of the Indian Ocean. 2) _____. In total, they visited 20 locations around the world during the four years it took them to make the film. The documentary premiered in 2016, and is now on streaming services such as Netflix.
It's very clear that a lot of research went into the film. There are beautiful shots of the seas and marine life. 3) _____. We see how marine species are being killed by all the plastic we are dumping in the ocean. The message about our use of plastic is painfully obvious.
4) _____. In the second half, the filmmakers look at what we can do to reverse the tide of plastic flowing around the world. They present short-term and long-term solutions. These include avoiding plastic containers and 'single-use' plastic products as much as possible. Reuse your plastic bags and recycle as much as you can. The filmmakers also stress the need for governments to work more on recycling programmes, and look at how technology is developing that can convert plastic into fuel.
We make a staggering amount of plastic. In terms of plastic bags alone, we use five hundred billion worldwide annually. Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, and at least 8 million of those are dumped into the oceans. 5) _____. Once you've seen A Plastic Ocean, you'll realise the time is now and we all have a role to play.
Hey, I would recommend a documentary film called 'Life of Pi.' The plot is exciting and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire film. It is a story about a young boy who loses his parents due to a storm while they are transporting their zoo from India to another country in search of a better life. As a result, many animals die, but not all. The boy, who can recall the entire number pi, a tiger, and an orangutan will fight for their lives on a small boat in a large ocean. Besides the beautiful landscapes of India, viewers can witness the wonderful nature of the ocean.
Hey everyone,
It's no secret that waste plastic poses a significant threat to our environment. Its visible presence is a constant reminder of the danger it poses. Fortunately, the solution to this problem is quite simple, provided we have the intention to act. Implementing measures such as recycling and reusing plastic, as well as exploring alternative materials like glass and paper, can make a significant difference in reducing plastic waste.
However, it's crucial to acknowledge that while plastic pollution receives considerable media attention, there's another form of pollution that often goes overlooked: nuclear waste. The lack of public awareness surrounding this issue is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
Nuclear waste pollution is an enduring concern with long-term consequences. Proper management and disposal of nuclear waste are essential to prevent harmful effects on both the environment and human health. It's imperative that we shift our focus towards understanding and finding effective solutions for this issue.
I recommend a film that teaches us not to throw waste and take care of animals and keep the oceans clean and that we need to recycle trash and that machines can use plastic as fuel and that 300 million plastic bags are thrown every year and that everyone plays a role and only 8 million are recycled from 300 million just like I said everyone plays a role
My family is very pleased about this test because now i can negociate with english speaking ship captains
We have our national traveler. He has probably been in every corners of the world. He claims that since we have our natural fossil fuels, we should to use them because it is cheaper for us. It's probably better for our planet than implementing modern technology, we don't know what the consequences may be at the future. Electric cars use energy from large power plants, and in the future we will have problems with storing electric batteries.
But if he is far from big cities and far from civilisation like inside Amazonian forest, he is both sad and angry that there is more and more plastics and sheet metal.
And besides, this man creates wonderful travel documentaries: "Barefoot across the World" and he doesn't like if the government wants to give too many restrictions in society's behavior.
You may think I'm going against present trend, but did you anywhere consider a different opinion?
I would recommend a documentary film about Hayao Miyazaki, which delves into his filmmaking process and provides insight into his artistic style and life perspectives. If you enjoy watching animation, especially Ghibli movies, you won't get bored.
The last documentary film that I watched was 'The Tinder Swindler,' and I am willing to recommend it. The narrative is about a guy who swindles women out of money by telling them about his love and temporary difficulties through the modern dating application, Tinder.
I would recommend watching the "Human" documentary to everyone. It is so impressive and shows us the lives, fears, sufferings, joys, and values of people from different parts of the world, and what it means to be human in general. If you haven't seen the "Human", you should.
I am not a fan of documentary films, therfore I cannot recommend any films. However, after reading this article I really think that the documantary films are meaningful, they record the fact and promp the audience to think about the real situation. I will start to watch some documentary films :)
My all-time favourite documentary is "Our Planet". Not only did I find this documentary super helpful, but I also came to the realization that we, humans, are badly damaging our planet. Besides this all, what I love about this documentary is the accent of the narrator. So, if you are looking for a documentary about how we, humans, are changing the nature and the species in it, I highly recommend "Our Planet" documentary.