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Jani: Welcome to the department, Yuki. Let me show you around and tell you about your new colleagues. I'll introduce you to them all later.
Yuki: Great. Thanks. So, who are those people over there?
Jani: That's the order management team. Luciana deals with the new orders. She's the one with short, dark hair.
Yuki: In the purple dress?
Jani: Yeah, that's right. You'll probably work closely with her while you are learning about our ordering process.
Yuki: Got it, thanks. And who's that over there? The guy who's on the phone?
Jani: Oh, you mean the one by the window? In the green shirt? Ah, that's Ian. He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him. She's responsible for the internal IT systems.
Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this. I should probably be taking notes!
Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names.
Yuki: OK, great – and who do I talk to about setting up my mobile phone with email access? Is that also Maria?
Jani: No, you need to talk to Sebastian who works in communications. He can help you. That's him over there, next to the printer.
Yuki: Thanks. I'll introduce myself to him later.
Hi Arun02,
Actually, this audio (and all others in the Listening section) does use human voices! We did not use AI voices at all in these recordings.
This speech is realistic for A2 level, which is the level of this page. If you are looking for faster speech, you may try recordings at higher levels.
LearnEnglish team
Can you describe your colleagues? What do they look like and what do they do? Yes, I can describe them, but for some reason, I sometimes forget their names. It can be hard to distinguish them because we all wear the same uniform.
In past time I worked in travel company and I had colleagues.They look like just people,because I saw their in free time.But when the tour start I see their biside bus and womans look like flight attendant.My colleagues do the same duties as me.
I am a student. Currently, I don't have a job.
My colleagues are wonderful people. Most of them are working very quietly and they do not talk too much. When we get out for a break, we have very interesting conversations. We talk, talk, and talk like we didn't see each other for years. After we get to the office, we start to work again, and we don't talk anymore.
My coordinators are Agustin and Alexandra, Agustin is the academical coordinator and Alexandra the cohabitation coordinator; them are Romel, Yesid and Stephania in the social studies area; in the humanities area are the teachers of spanish John and Elvia that are older than the english teachers Edward and Carolina; Obdulio is a new teacher in that area; Fabian is the sports teachers, he has a beard and Hasbleidy that is very elegant, she is a dance teacher
Honestly,I'm still student and I don't have colleagues now. But I can tell you about my friends.I have many friends.Cause I'm good at in communication,everyone love me.Some of my friend are really kind and friendly.Most of my friend are beautiful and have long hair.I have guy friend too.He is really nice to me. And he can speak English than me.So,sometime he instruct me how to study English.And I'm living in hostel now cause I'm a University student. My roomate name is Poe and she is very beautiful. Her hair is also long and has white skin. My roomate and I are very get along.But the fact is she has boyfriend and I 'm still single.
My office manager, Alexander is small person, likes different electric transport like scooter or bicycle. My hr-manager, Nikolay is a bit fat guy, looks like armenian, but he is russian. Matvei is backend-developer, he rides the motocycle like me. I've got one more backend-develop, Andrey. He encourages russian offence to Ukraine... silly guy, still don't understand how he could become a developer.
I do not work now but i can describe my groupmates. Some of them wear classic uniform and they are responsible for different tasks. They also are very serious. And another part are used to live more comfortable and funny.
that is good