Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
We have a team meeting in Room 310 on Friday 26 November at 11 a.m. We are expecting 25 members of our international team there.
- Could you please book the room for us?
- Would you please prepare 25 pens and notepads for the meeting?
- Also, can you write an email to the team members to tell them the time and place of the meeting?
Thanks very much for your help. If you have any questions about this just let me know – I'll be in the office tomorrow morning.
Marketing Department
1. You can start a note with just the name of the person you are writing to or Hi ... . You don’t need to use Dear … .
2. Make sure dates are very clear. Include the day, date and time.
3. Explain the reason for the instructions.
4. Write clear and polite instructions. Use phrases like Can / Could / Would you please … ?
5. At the end offer the chance to ask questions and check the instructions.
6. Finish the note with Best, or Thanks, and then your name underneath.
It depends on the task, if the task would be complex and require several steps to be done correctly, I would prefer to give written instruccions, but for simple tasks that should not require much effort or time I prefer to give them talking to the person whom would be doing it.
Thanks for the lesson.
Great site!
I prefer to write them a note because it ensures they can complete all tasks without overlooking anything. Moreover, it helps me explain tasks clearly and concisely. If they need additional information or guidance, speaking with them directly will be effective.
When I have to give someone instructions, I prefer to write them a note. Because by using notes, I can write more details about what they had to do. People can clearly understand and avoid the mistake as much as possible
For me, I prefer to give instructions by email or written in a paper to not forget any task, but politely
If I give some instructions, I prefer to write. I have some arguments for this.
If you write, person can return to your email, SMS and can check some points. You have some proofs your tasks, because sometimes words are only words.
if I would like to give instructions to some one ,then I would like to talk to him instead of writing a note because, I need to know whether he is available on that day or not and next if he is able to do the tasks if he has time.
I do both way of giving instructions. However, I prefer to give written instruction, as it covers main points so that the receiver would not get a chance to miss.
I would rather to write a note than speaking to someone when giving instructions, because it gives them time to think about it.
I prefer both because it's a more reliable way. Even if that person doesn't have a memo, they can refer to the written instructions.
When I have to give some instructions I prefer to speak with them. With this way I'm sure they recibe the message, anyway afterthat I send an email to detail the important issues.