The definite article: 'the'

Level: beginner

The definite article the is the most frequent word in English.

We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly what we are referring to:

  • because there is only one:

The Pope is visiting Russia.
The moon is very bright tonight.
Who is the president of France?

This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective:

He is the tallest boy in the class.
It is the oldest building in the town.

  • because there is only one in that context:

We live in a small house next to the church. (= the church in our village)
Dad, can I borrow the car? (= the car that belongs to our family)
When we stayed at my grandmother’s house, we went to the beach every day. (= the beach near my grandmother’s house)
Look at the boy over there. (= the boy I am pointing at)

  • because we have already mentioned it:

A young man got a nasty shock when he tried to rob a jewellery shop in Richmond. The man used a heavy hammer to smash the windows in the shop.

We also use the definite article:

  • to say something about all the things referred to by a noun:

The wolf is not really a dangerous animal. (= Wolves are not really dangerous animals.)
The kangaroo is found only in Australia. (= Kangaroos are found only in Australia.)
The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around bodies.)

We use the definite article in this way to talk about musical instruments:

Joe plays the piano really well.
She is learning the guitar.

  • to refer to a system or service:

How long does it take on the train?
I heard it on the radio.
You should tell the police.

The definite article the 1


The definite article the 2


The definite article the 3



Level: intermediate

We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: 

Life can be very hard for the poor.
I think the rich should pay more taxes.
She works for a group to help the elderly.



Level: beginner

The definite article with names

We do not normally use the definite article with names:

William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Paris is the capital of France.
Iran is in Asia.

But we do use the definite article with:

  • countries whose names include words like kingdom, states or republic:
the United Kingdom the Kingdom of Bhutan
the United States the People's Republic of China
  •  countries which have plural nouns as their names:
the Netherlands the Philippines
  • geographical features, such as mountain ranges, groups of islands, rivers, seas, oceans and canals:
the Himalayas the Canaries the Atlantic (Ocean) the Amazon the Panama Canal
  • newspapers:
The Times The Washington Post
  • well-known buildings or works of art:
the Empire State Building the Taj Mahal the Mona Lisa
  • organisations:
the United Nations the Seamen's Union
  • hotels, pubs and restaurants:
the Ritz the Ritz Hotel the King's Head the Déjà Vu

But note that we do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is the name of the owner:

Brown's Brown's Hotel Morel's Morel's Restaurant
  • families:
the Obamas the Jacksons
The definite article with names 1


The definite article with names 2


The definite article with names 3


The definite article with names 4



Average: 4.5 (119 votes)

Hello LearnEnglish team,

For everyone's knowledge, I'd like to tell that currently, India has 22 official languges, not just two. Some others are in the race to become official.

So dear teachers,

Which sentence is correct--one with "22 languages or one with " the 22 languages"? :

  • English is one of THE 22 official language of India.  
  • English is one of 22 official languages of India.

Thank you.


Hello ShetuYogme,

Both forms are possible in this context and there is no particular difference in meaning that I am aware of.


With regard to the status of languages in India, I think there is a distinction between recognised languages (of which there are indeed 22) and official languages of the Government of India (of which there are 2). Recognised languages can be the official languages of states (e.g. Punjabi is the official language of Punjab) but for the Indian state as a whole there are only 2 official languages (Hindi and English). I'm happy to be corrected if my understanding is wrong, of course.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Plokonyo on Sun, 24/12/2023 - 10:56


On this page says:
How long does it take on the train?
You should tell the police.

Why does the speaker use "the" in "the train" and "the police?" Which train/police is the speaker talking refering to? As a reader or listener, we don't know which.

Hello Plokonyo,

The definite article is often used with public transport:

Let's take the train / the bus / the tram.

And you can also use the indefinite article:

Why don't we take a bus / a train / a tram?

I would say the difference here is minimal.


You can also use the zero article:

We could go by train / bus / tram.

I don't think there is a difference in meaning but we don't use the zero article with 'take'.


As far as 'the police' goes, this is an example of the definite article used for institutions. When we say the police we mean the police force as an institution. We can similarly say the army, the government, the fire brigade, the navy, the health service etc.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Mangku Purel on Sun, 17/12/2023 - 10:56


The heart, the lungs, the body, the blood, the stomach. Can you explain why "the" is used in these nouns? Which heart/body/lungs/blood/stomach is the speaker referring to? Shouldn't it instead use "a" because they're mentioned for the first time?

The heart pumps blood around the body.

Running is good for the heart.

The heart, like the stomach, needs diet

The lungs transfer oxygen into the blood.

The blood carries oxygen to all parts of the body

Hi Mangku Purel,

The page above explains: "We also use the definite article to say something about all the things referred to by a noun". The meaning of "the heart" in those sentences is a generic concept, one "heart" that encompasses and represents all hearts that exist. So, if we say "The heart pumps blood around the body", by saying "the heart" we are referring to the generic concept of "heart" that includes and refers to all hearts in all living beings everywhere. The other body parts in the sentences you mention have this same generic meaning.

It's true that we use "a" for the first mention of a noun and then "the" for following mentions is a common usage of articles. However, that is only one of many different usages of articles. It does not mean that every noun mentioned for the first time must always use "a". There are other reasons for using "the", such as those on the page above, including for the first mentions of nouns.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Thanks Jonathan. But in two these sentences, the word "blood" uses a "the" and also doesn't use a "the". Can you explain?

The heart pumps blood around the body.
The blood carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

Also, why does the word "body" uses "the?"

Hello Mangku Purel,

It is possible to use different articles for general meaning. The indefinite article, the definite article and no article are all possible but there are some differences in use. I explained the differences in a long answer to another user a few days ago. I'll link to that answer below and I think it will give you the answers to your questions.

Here is the link:



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Crokong on Mon, 11/12/2023 - 15:29


If a noun is mentioned the first time, it uses "a". But why use "the" in these sentences? I think "supermarket" and "shops" are used for the first time.

I'm going to go to the supermarket after work.
There is no milk. I'll buy some when I go to the shops.

Hello Crokong,

There are certain phrases which we generally use 'the' with when we are going to the place for it's normal purpose:

  • go to the supermarket / the shop / the market / the bazaar when we are going shopping
  • go to the cinema / the theatre / the ballet / the opera when we are going to watch (listen to) something


These are the results of convention and use rather than rules so they are not consistent. We also say 'go to a cash and carry' and 'go to a concert', for example.



The LearnEnglish Team

Thanks Peter M. Do you think "the" in your examples refers more to the activity than the place itself? Even if there are several supermarkets, shops, markets, cinemas, bazaars, theatres, we would still use a "the?" Because we're thingking more of the activity than the place/the building itself, the listener doesn't need which. What do you think?

Hello Crokong,

Yes, I think that's right. When we say 'go to the cinema', for example, we understand that we mean to watch a film unless something about the context specifies otherwise. When we say 'go to the supermarket' we mean go shopping and so on.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by whitekrystal on Fri, 08/12/2023 - 13:07


Hello. I often find sentences like this.

Word of the day.
Manchested United make their first change of the afternoon.
Who is the player of the match?

I don't understand the meaning of "of" in this context. Does it mean "in" here? Does "the" mean "this" here?

Word in this day.
Manchester United make their first change in this afternoon.
Who is player in this match?

Hello, sir. Why is "the" used in the sententences? Can I replace "of the" with "in this?" So it would be:

Word in this day.
Who is the player in this match?
We're underway in the second match in this evening.

Hello again whitekrystal,

The phrases in the first two sentences cannot be changed as they are common fixed expressions: word of the day / player of the match. There are other phrases similar to these such as time of your life, shock of your life, top of the morning, love of your life and so on.

The third example is also incorrect but you could say 'the second match this evening'. Here we are not dealing with a fixed expression.



The LearnEnglish Team

Thanks sir. How can I understand the construction of "– of the day/season/year/month?"

Word of the day.
Player of the match.

Hello whitekrystal,

When we talk about a 'word of the day', we're referring to a word that has been chosen. This one word has been chosen from a large group of words as the word we are going to focus on today (for whatever reason). Similarly, with 'player of the match', one player -- normally the player who has played the best -- is chosen from all of those who played.

I wouldn't recommend getting too focused on the exact meaning of the word 'of' here. Instead, as Peter suggested, it's best to focus on these as fixed expressions. We use this particular one when we choose to focus on one person or thing from a group for some purpose.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Dwishiren on Wed, 06/12/2023 - 18:12


Why is there "the" in "wheel"?
I change the wheel on my car with a wheel spanner.

When there is part of things in car, house, such as tyre, fridge, etc. Do we use the definite article?

Hi Dwishiren,

Presumably, the speaker is talking about a particular wheel on his/her car - the wheel that is broken.

About parts of things, it depends. If there is only one part in that context, yes - we use "the" (e.g. the steering wheel). If there are several of those parts, we can use "a" (e.g. I changed a tyre), showing that it is one of many parts. Or, we can also use "one of the" + plural noun (e.g. I changed one of the tyres). We can also say I changed the tyre to refer to a particular one (e.g. a tyre that was damaged).


LearnEnglish team

Thanks, Jonathan. I find an example on this page that says:

They're waiting for a bus.

Why not say "the bus?"

Do you say "go to a pub/a cinema" or "go to the pub/the cinema?

Hi Dwishiren,

"The bus" is grammatical as well. There is a slight difference in meaning: "the bus" means either the general bus service or system, or the only bus in that context (e.g. only one bus passes along that particular road, or it's the bus that they always take). "A bus" means one bus, out of many other buses. In most situations, I expect that this difference will not be important and "a bus" and "the bus" effectively mean the same thing.

The same goes for "pub" and "cinema".

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Thanks, Jonathan. I get it now. But could you explain what's meant by the term "general/generic" in the use of "the?"

Hi Dwishiren,

"General" and "generic" are the opposite of "specific".

A specific meaning of I'm going to take the bus (for example) is a specific bus such as the 10:30 bus, or the bus that I always take.

A general meaning of I'm going to take the bus is any bus of this type (not only one specific bus), such as any bus that passes along this road, or any bus on this route number, or any bus in general.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Gendeng on Fri, 01/12/2023 - 04:28


The speaker uses a "the" in "countryside" and "city". Do we know which countryside or city is the speaker talking about?

I think life in the countryside is simpler than in the city.

Hi Gendeng,

We can say "the city" and "the countryside" to refer to the generic idea of countryside/city. If I say (for example) "I love living in the city", it means that I love living in the city environment generally, without referring to any specific city. It's a similar level of generalness to other examples above such as "The heart pumps blood around the body" (which actually refers to all hearts or any heart, not just one), and "I heard it on the radio" (which refers to the radio system in general, rather than any specific radio station).

If I say "the city/countryside", it's also possible that I'm referring to one specific place, e.g. "I moved to New York last year. The city is an incredible place". In this context, "the city" refers to New York specifically. This specificness will be clear from the full context in which "the city/countryside" is said.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Thanks Jonathan. My English grammar book says "the" is common with places that we go to for a particular purpose (that is more important than the individual place or its location), so we go to the petrol station (to fill up our cars) or to the pub (for a drink).

I don't understand the point of "the" is common with places that we go to for a particular purpose (that is more important than the individual place or its location". Could you explain?

Could you give example sentences?

Hello Jembut,

I had never thought of this use of 'the' in the way your grammar book describes it, but that makes sense to me. There are at least a couple of different ways one could make sense of saying 'the petrol station' or 'the pub' when one is referring to places we go for a particular purpose.

  1. Often these places are places we go very often. Many people go to the same petrol station or pub most of the time. For this reason, the listener/reader knows which place is being referred to.
  2. Even if people routinely go to several different petrol stations or pubs, they are going there for a service. (Often this use of the definite article references the place where services are obtained.)

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by CarlosAP87 on Tue, 28/11/2023 - 05:58


Good morning everyone,

Can anyone help me with this question, please?

It refers to the use of 'the'

1)The Chinese invented paper 2.000 years ago.

2) Marie Curie discovered Polonium and Radium.

Regarding 1), if we are talking about Chinese people in general, why do we use the article 'the'? and in relation to 2), if Polonium and Radium are specific materials, why aren't they preceded by 'the'? Thanks for the help!

Hello CarlosAP87,

1) We use 'the' with adjectives of nationality to form noun phrases. Just as we combine 'the' and the adjective 'Chinese', we also say 'the English', 'the Spanish' (though we also have the word 'Spaniards', but this is not the case for most nationalities), 'the Australians', etc.

In 2), if we were talking about a specific piece of Polonium and a specific piece of Radium, then we would use 'the'. But this sentence is talking about all the pieces of these elements in the world, so from that perspective, they are general.

By the way, you might find our Probability page, which also covers this grammar, useful as a second resource.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
LearnEnglish team


Submitted by Selet on Fri, 20/10/2023 - 15:12


Is "the" used in the names of stadiums? For example.
Etihad or the Etihad
Wembley or the Wembley
White Hart Lane or the White Hart Lane
Old Trafford or the Old Trafford
Stamford Bridge or the Stamford Bridge
London stadium or the London stadium, and so on.
What about foreign stadiums? How do you determine them, including "the" or not?

Hi Selet,

"The" is used with some stadium names and not with others. Here are some patterns.

  • "The" tends to be used when the name is made of "stadium" (or similar word), with a description before it, e.g. the London Stadium, the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, the Olympic Stadium. This includes stadiums with corporate sponsored names, e.g. the Etihad Stadium, the Emirates Stadium, the Allianz Arena. People commonly omit the word stadium in this case and just call them The Etihad (etc.).
  • Many stadiums in the UK have the same name as the place where they are built, e.g. Anfield, White Hart Lane, Wembley, Old Trafford. These names don't include "stadium" or "the".
  • Some stadium names, especially in the US, are made of some form of the team's name, plus "stadium", e.g. Dodger Stadium, Giants Stadium. These don't include "the".
  • Some stadium names use "the" because the name in their original language also uses a definite article, e.g. the Camp Nou / the Nou Camp, the Maracanã.

Those are some general patterns that I can see. But we can probably find examples of stadium names that do not follow these patterns, especially if we look at examples from around the world because usage of English naturally varies from place to place.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team

Thanks for the brilliant explanation, Jonathan. Why is "the" usually used with "bus", "police", "cinema" or "pub?" I'm a bit confused.

I'm waiting for the bus.
We should tell the police.
I'm going to the cinema/the pub.

Hello Selet,

As the explanation above mentions, we often use 'the' with services. The police and the bus are usually public services, and cinemas and pubs are usually open to any person. This is what the explanation refers to as 'services'.

Does that make sense?

All the best,
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by DoraX on Mon, 07/08/2023 - 12:36


Hello LearnEnglish team,
Iwould like to ask which of the following sentences are correct when we talk about general preferences.
"Cats are wonderful animals."
"A cat is a wonderful animal."
"The cat is a wonderful animal."
"The cats are wonderful animals."
Thank you in advance.

Hello DoraX,

1, 2 and 3 are all about cats in general. 4 is about some specific cats that have already been mentioned in some way.

1 and 3 are the best ones to use to make general statements about cats. 1 is the one we most commonly use.

If you read back in the comments, you'll find some questions and answers that might be really useful for understanding more about this topic.

All the best,
LearnEnglish team

Hello dear team,

I wrote a question around 10 days ago and did not get an answer.

Ali was not at the meeting, nor was he at work yesterday.

Is "nor" connecting two independent sentences?

Thank you  

Submitted by y.mari on Fri, 04/08/2023 - 01:08


Why do we use 'the' when with 'beach,' like, "I love going to the beach."?

Hi y.mari,

If we say "I love going to the beach", it has one of these meanings.

  • I mean the general idea (= any beach). I'm not talking about one specific beach.
  • In this area, there is only one beach.
  • Earlier in the conversation, I have already said which beach I am talking about.

Does that make sense?


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Hosseinpour on Sun, 23/07/2023 - 16:08


Hello respected team,
I normally see friends most days of "the" week.
Why "the" is used with week?
Thank you

Hi Hosseinpour,

It's not talking about any particular week. It's a more general idea of "any week".

It's a bit like the meaning of "the" in I can play the piano - this isn't talking about a particular piano, but the more general idea of any piano.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Hosseinpour on Wed, 12/07/2023 - 09:39


Hello dear team,
Although is a conjunction used to contrast one thing in a sentence.
1. Although you are in the middle of the city, you feel as if you are in the
countryside. |2. The windmill is still in good working order, although it has not been used since the 1950s. 3. I enjoyed German although I wasn’t very good at it. 4. Although lack of sleep causes some problems, it has a relatively small effect on performance at work.
Could you kindly tell me what is contrasted or compared in these sentences.
Thank you

Hi Hosseinpour,

I'll highlight the contrasting information in bold.

  1. Although you are in the middle of the city, you feel as if you are in the countryside.
  2. The windmill is still in good working order, although it has not been used since the 1950s.
  3. I enjoyed German although I wasn’t very good at it.
  4. Although lack of sleep causes some problems, it has a relatively small effect on performance at work.

The contrast shows some kind of opposition (e.g. 'enjoyed' = positive; 'wasn't very good at it' = negative), or that one fact makes the other one seem surprising or unexpected.

I hope that helps. If you have more questions about this, we welcome you to post them on our page for Contrasting ideas: 'although', 'despite' and others (linked) instead of here, so that we can keep the on-page discussions focused. Thanks :)


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Hosseinpour on Mon, 10/07/2023 - 07:40


Hello respected team,
Another reason for this problem is a poor diet, which is mainly caused by the abundance of fast food on offer.
Why a "comma" is used before "which"?
Thank you

Hi Hosseinpour,

This is a non-defining relative clause. The main idea of the sentence is that "a poor diet" is the reason for the problem. The relative clause gives extra information about the cause of the poor diet ("the abundance of fast food"), but it is separated by the comma. This shows that the speaker/writer considers it extra and non-essential information, and the main idea is simply "a poor diet". 

Other people may choose to say/write it without a comma: Another reason for this problem is a poor diet which is mainly caused by the abundance of fast food on offer. This is a defining relative clause. In this version, the speaker/writer considers both "a poor diet" and the cause of it ("abundance of fast food") to be the main idea. Therefore, the main idea in this version of the sentence is more detailed.

You may like to see these Grammar pages for more information and examples.

I hope that helps.


LearnEnglish team