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John: Thanks, everyone, for coming to this project meeting. I know we're all working cross-functionally on this project, but so far the key stakeholders are really pleased with how it's going. This project will really benefit our overall value proposition and the company as a whole.
Akiko: Thanks, John. It's an important project. It's good to be collaborating on this together.
Matteo: Yes, it's important, but we're all so busy with our regular jobs. It'll be difficult to fit things in.
John: It's OK, Matteo. We'll work it out. I know that you all have a lot on at the moment, combining this project with your regular jobs.
Barbara: So, what do we need to do, and by when?
John: Good questions, Barbara. We have a number of key deliverables to discuss so it's essential we're all in agreement about roles and responsibilities and also the timelines we're working to.
Akiko: Great.
Matteo: Yes, it's good to get this clear.
John: So, the first thing we need to do is design the customer survey questionnaire. In my experience, this is best done through an online survey tool.
Akiko: That sounds like a great idea. I'm glad you have experience with this.
John: Yeah, we've done something similar on previous projects.
Matteo: So will you do that, John?
John: I'd love to but I'm already tied up managing this project, and my line manager, Kate, has agreed that I should focus on the timelines, reporting and financial management. I'd like Akiko to lead on the questionnaire. You learned about this on your marketing and PR course, didn't you?
Akiko: Yeah, happy to take it on.
John: Thanks, Akiko. Next thing is we need the new designs finalised. Matteo, you said you could do this in a couple of weeks, right?
Matteo: Yeah, I know, but that was last month, and then nothing happened. I'm overloaded at the moment and my line manager won't be happy if I don't hit my targets. Sorry, but this project has to take lower priority.
John: Hmm. I see. I can understand the challenge you're facing. I've been in that situation before. So, what can we do to help you hit those targets and free up some time?
Matteo: That's a good question. If I could get a slight reduction in my targets, I could use the extra time that would create to finish the designs for this project.
John: OK. We might not be able to get your targets reduced, but I'll see what we can do.
Barbara: How about if I support Matteo there? I know his job well and I have some capacity at the moment. I can help him meet his targets so he can free up some time to finish the designs for this project.
Matteo: Could you, Barbara?
John: Hmm. I'm not sure if it's fair to ask Barbara to be supporting Matteo in his regular job so he can work on this project.
Barbara: It's up to you, but I'm happy to support Matteo with his regular work, just for a couple of weeks so he can create the designs. He's the only one with the expertise.
John: Yeah, you're right. OK, thanks a lot, Barbara. I appreciate it. Matteo, would that work for you?
Matteo: Yes, that would work. Thanks. OK, you've made it easy for me to say yes.
John: OK, then that's settled. Thanks, both. I really appreciate your help in this. So, can you get them done by the end of the month?
Matteo: Yes, that should be no problem.
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The LearnEnglish Team
An effective meeting should have a clear agenda, because this should help to discuss the main topics and objectives without having any issues with time. Time is valuable for everyone and an aimless meeting would make people upset.
A meeting can be really effective only if all the people are aware of the topic they are going to discuss, what they can propose freely, what they are suppose to do, I mean: simply sharing ideas or making a pitch or evaluate others' proposals.
First of all, the leader has to write down in an agenda all the topics that will be discussed during the meeting. This is necessary because if a specific order is not prepared to handle the meeting, it will take forever without any specific ideas being proposed.
You should be prepared and learn about the agenda, bring the materials, make quick notes if its necessary to ask questions later directly to your cowokers, value your and others time, not being late, not talking without reason, stick to the topic, be supportive, remember about your mutual aims.
My tip is arrive early and be serious that's all
Nicely done.
Effective meetings should have clear objectives and concise points to discuss. Of course, those involved should be informed beforehand.
What an issue! We spend a lot of time in ineffective meetings in organizations! A couple of tips I can share are: a) The meeting should have a clear objective that should have been shared before the meeting, b) Designate only the right people to participate, c) Stick to the meeting topics, and d) Send a meeting record with the conclusion and the next activities to the participants.