Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
1. You don't need to write complete sentences for text messages.
2. Use abbreviations like LMK (= let me know) or use emojis to save time writing.
3. You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
4. Say how many minutes you think you'll need, e.g. I'm running 10 minutes late.
5. It’s good to say sorry and sorry again, but you don't need to say sorry in every message.
I'm always trying to be on time, I don't like the lately people.
I don't like to be late. i will prepare earlier so i can came on time. but, if suddenly something happen, i can tolarate till 15 mins. i don't like waiting so i don't make anybody mad because i am late.
I don't like to be late no matter what the event is and for me, minutes to be late essentially depend upon the significance of the event that is going to take place, for a more formal type of meeting, even being late by 5 minutes is significant in comparison to an informal one.
If there is no excuse, i like to be punctual person. But usually my friends who come late, i can still tolerate it if it's that less than 30 minutes. If you have friend like that, maybe you can arrange an earlier appointment time so everyone will gather on time.
I'm a person that always on time because I don't like being late. Personally, I think that 10 mins are the maximum for late
I always try to be on time because I don't like being late, but even if I arrive five minutes late nothing happens. If I arrive after five minutes for me it means being late.
I always on time but sometime I will be late because traffic jam or season personal. For me one minute is late so that I always try to on time.
I am usually on time. But, if I am going to do a group project with my teammates and some people will be late, I often tell them that I'll also be late so I don't have to wait for them. I'm okay with 15 minutes.
I'm usually on time. I don't like being late.
Late for me is 20 minutes or more.
Suggestion: Please, put sound on all tasks even if they aren't listening lessons.