Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Teacher: So, now you've got the important information, it's time to meet each other. Everyone turn to the people next to you and introduce yourselves.
Cara: So, hi. I'm Cara. And you are?
Robert: Robert.
Selim: Selim.
Cara: Nice to meet you!
Robert and Selim: You too.
Robert: Nice accent. Where are you from?
Cara: I'm from Glasgow.
Robert: Oh, really? My mum's from near Glasgow, so I'm half Scottish.
Cara: Cool. Do you live in Scotland?
Robert: No, we live in England, near Manchester. My dad's from there. What about you, Selim?
Selim: I'm from Leeds originally but I grew up near London.
Cara: Are you both doing history on its own?
Selim: No. I'm doing history and German.
Robert: I'm doing it with maths, actually.
Selim: History and maths. That's different!
Robert: Yeah, I couldn't decide between arts and sciences. Maths doesn't help with remembering dates, though! And you?
Cara: I'm doing history and French.
Selim: I wanted to do French but German was easier, so I took that.
Cara: German is so hard!
I like studying english, education-based subjects and to know about women's history throughout the centuries.
I'm a scientist but i don't really like maths. I like physics and chemistry. Arts? i'm not good
I like to study English because it is easy to do by myself. Actually, I also like to study math a little bit, but it is a subject that is quite difficult because it involves calculating more than English.
I like Math, I like to solve problems and guess the solutions. Math can organize your thinking and think out of the box.
I like physics class because the problems are very fun.
[What subjects do you like to study?]
1. business 2. digital marketing 3. business intelligence 4. corporate finance 5. investment 6. Statistics for investment in stock markets 7. business reporting
I like to study cooking, i love seeing people who ate my cuisine feel great.
I love maths. I also like biology, but only the cells and genetics parts.
I like scientific subjects, in particular I love maths. Though I even like human and social subjects such as English, psychology, philosophy and economics.
I studied Geology. it‘s very difficult science.