Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Information will soon be so easy to find on the internet that people will not need to remember anything. Do you agree?
Nowadays all the information we could ever need is available online and some people say that means the end of having to learn anything.
It is true that these days everything you want to know is a few clicks away as long as you have internet access. However, not everyone has working internet all the time, for example in certain buildings or remote locations, so we do need to be able to remember information. Moreover, it takes time to look up everything you need to know online, whereas remembering something is immediate. The human memory is a much more efficient system.
Another problem is the quality of the information online. How do we know if it is accurate or reliable? We need to think about other facts we know and remember how to compare information from different websites. Knowing (and remembering) how to find certain information will be more important than knowing the information itself.
Finally, the internet is a good tool but it is not a useful replacement for our brains. If we did not remember anything, we would all spend even more time on our phones and computers than we already do, which is not good for society.
In conclusion, the internet offers us many things but it is still important to use our knowledge and memories. We need our memories to function without the internet and we also need to know how to use the internet properly.
- Read the question carefully. Respond to all ideas in it or all parts of it.
- Plan your ideas first and then choose the best ones.
- Introduce your essay by restating the question in your own words.
- Show understanding of both sides of the argument.
- Use linking words to connect your ideas.
- Draw your conclusion from the main ideas in your essay. Don't introduce new ideas at the end.
Version corrected and revised by ChatGPT
What do you think about the question? Would it be better or worse if we never learned anything and just used the internet instead?
If we never learned anything and relied solely on the internet, it would be one of the worst decisions we could ever make. I believe such a choice would strip us of our humanity because memory is an essential part of who we are.
The internet can never replace our memory. Imagine two scenarios where the internet becomes unavailable, forcing us to rely on our memory. For instance, as I write this essay, I use the internet to look up English words and simultaneously listen to relaxing music. However, if I were in a remote area without internet access, I would have to rely on my memory to find the words I need and turn to other forms of entertainment.
Now, consider a situation where the internet is entirely inaccessible due to a breakdown. In that case, I would need to use my memory to retrieve the words I’m searching for and perhaps even return to writing with pen and paper.
The internet has undeniably made our lives easier in countless ways and is a helpful tool across all fields of activity. However, we must remain cautious. It should assist us, not replace our ability to think, remember, and define ourselves as human beings.
These days, it's way easier for us people to find any infomation we need as we can search it on the intenet. But does it mean we don't have to learn anything because of that?
First of all, it's a big achievement for the society to have such thing as the internet. We can find whatever we want or need there. There are many and many benefits as it can simplify our work in many ways. It can help students with their homework or project, as well as it helps older people with any other work. Internet is a HUGE source of information for us.
On the othe hand, using too much of it can cause problems.Plenty of people don't actually use it in the right way. Humans can literally became stupider as they always use the internet and don't learn anything by themselfs. Our brains need to evolve all the time. Having all information on the internet doesn't mean we shouldn't learn anything. We need to put an effort, or our brains start degradating. No one wants that, right?
In my opinion, people should use the internet as the source of LEARNING. There are many videos, articles, e-books, images we can learn something from, etc. Human's brain is amazing. In addition, it functions better when you learn something and not just search it on the internet and after a while just forget about what you searched.
To sum up, people should use their chance to learn something, not just use a ready source of information. We need to remember that evolving our brains improves health and well-being. We are human-beings, and we should benefit from it as much as we can :) thanks for reading!
Please, rate my essay. Somebody rate for B1, somebody say B2, even C1 has it.
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It would be worse. If we only look for information on the internet, for everythingg and every time when we have a question about something we will become ''rusty robots''.
In other words, our minds, without exercising the creativity and memory of our brains, will be almost completly out of purpose. What's more, we will be lazy and with a slow capacity of thinking properly.
It is evidently known that in recent days, the exchange of information is progressive over the network of various channels which we call it as Internet. Experts have made some definite predictions about the availability of data and information on the above mode of communication in near future. This particular development is totally agreeable.
With respect to the technological advancements pertaining to the above, the human life shall be prepared to be compatible with the communication platforms on the network of servers. The key strengths will mainly focus on speed of communication, less errors and information accuracy. This aspect of technological development will eventually replace the traditional modes of information storage. This requires no effort in preservation of information on physical devices as all the core information will be stored in virtual servers.
On the other hand, the above paradigm shift in terms of data centralization will certainly replace human brains. This attempt will not trigger any living beings to memorize information physically. It is quite obvious that our brains are limited and restricted with space constraints. Hence, this technology of information storage will drastically replace these drawbacks.
Overall, this phenomenal trend of networking has provided a seamless mode of gathering, interpreting and storing information. At the same time, the consequences will be tremendous and noticeable as it will lead to an era where in people across the globe can surf and search their expected piece of data with-in no time. Practically, they don’t have to bother about any challenges related to failure of storage elements. Finally, this pattern of information storage is promisingly going to be accepted.
What do you think about the question? Would it be better or worse if we never learned anything and just used the internet instead?
I think the use of the internet is not only in conflict with learning, but It has made the speed of learning faster and more comfortable.
On the one hand, With the advent of the internet and access to data whenever we want, we were able to free our minds from memorizing a lot of unnecessary data. It caused that instead of spending our time to remember the formulas and data, we use our time for a deeper understanding of the concepts.
Concentration on understanding was a big step in order to make us more clear about how to apply scientific concepts practically, and It made the evolutionary process of turning scientific concepts into experimental tests go faster. Going through this evolutionary process quickly, in turn, caused, firstly, the faster growth of modern technologies and, secondly, the creation of many new data, concepts, and sciences.
And now the data volume is so much that not only you can never remember or learn them, but you have to choose the best one that works for you. Somehow, the internet has changed how to learn. It has focused on analyzing the options and choosing the best one to learn Instead of memorizing a bunch of content.
On the other hand, Theoretically speaking, One of the laws In the world is that everything can be useful or harmful in turn. This law also applies to the internet. In fact, how to use the internet determines whether it is useful or harmful.
Like many other tools that have been invented such as smartphones, smartwatches, electric cars, and so on we have spent time learning how to use them. In order to get the best out of the internet and don't waste our time, we must take the time to learn how to search. The searching skill is the most important one that helps us find better results.
In conclusion, Given the two analyzed reasons above, I agree with the idea that easy access to Information makes people get rid of memorizing lots of data. But this has nothing to do with the quality or quantity of learning.
I think it depends on the type of information. Some information are easier to remember, and hence it's more efficient to have them in memory instead of looking for them online. However, some complex information is offered online, and it will be impractical if we tried to remember it. Additionally, I believe that learning is not just about acquiring knowledge. It's about learning how to think with this knowledge available and solve problems efficiently. That's why the internet is considered a valuable tool to promote learning, not to replace it.
Nowadays we are witnesses how far technology has developed in a short time. A huge of information is backing up on internet and if you have access of surfing you can find any information that you are looking for. However, there are some relevant aspects that should be taking into account when we are talking about using always internet instead of learning. In this sense, the purpose of this essay will be to explain why it is not a good idea.
Firstly, as you know, most of the information on internet is fake. For that reason, it is impossible the learning process can be replaced by internet use. If you are looking for reliable information you have to learn how it works. In other words you need of learning even if you want to use internet all the time because you have to discern what of all information is useful for you purpose. For example, if you are a student and want to write an essay about a specific topic you likely have to search for the best information if you want to get a job position or scholarship.
Secondly, there is a high demand for professionals who have specific skills in the field that they are pretending to be involved. That’s why learning always is a must for satisfying the requirements of companies and institutions. For instance, in the education field, the main aim is the learning and knowledge which are essential on a daily life to be an expert in your field of action and these skills can’t be acquired through internet surfing.
To sum up learning and knowledge are fundamentals in a current world that is demanding professionals highly qualified even in our daily live and the internet is far away of satisfying the required skills that you get every day through the practice, research and networking.
I think it become worse and dangerous for our society, we need to control it making rules. Without internet, many skills and knowledge could´nt be used.