Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
- You don't need to write complete sentences.
- You can use abbreviations like LOL (= laugh out loud) or IDK (= I don't know) to save time.
- Use emojis
to add feelings.
- You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
Do you send lots of text messages or do you prefer to speak to friends to make plans?
I mostly use for text messages to make plans with friends such as to watch movies or to handout with friends in weekened. But start from this year, Internet connection is so bad in my country, i mostly make a phone call to do somethings to my friends.
Thank you for precious lessons.
I prefer having a video call to sending messages. Because it is fast and convenient. Maybe you can say I can use abbreviations like "LOL" and "SSG me" to save time. However, I am not used to using abbreviations, and sometimes I don't understand messages that include the abbreviations. Therefore, I don't use them when I write messages.
I often send text messages when making plans with friends. We can't talk to make plans because we have our jobs. However, to be honest, I still want to speak directly which might be fast and convenient.
Thanks for the lesson.
I think the two communication methods both have advantages and disadvantages. I often use online text message platforms like Zalo, or Messengers for short conversations such as informing work, setting appointments, inviting for drinks, and something like that because it is convenient and cheap. However, this method is unsuitable for urgent cases when information needs to be promptly transformed to receivers. In such cases, I will choose other ways such as phoning, or meeting in person. So, as I said, each way will be appropriate depending on specific situations
both actually. sometime i'll send a text message to my friend if it's just a hang out. but if we're going to plan for a trip, we will make a meeting and speak to each other about it.
Well, It depends on my mood hahaha. However, most of the time when we're in the first stage which is the planning I prefer to speak, and finally when we agree we star to message each other.
Well, I usually prefer to speak directly in person or by phone to make plans with friends,
but sometimes I make plans using text messages when I chat with a group of several friends
at the same time though.
Thanks for the lesson.
Great site!
Do you send lots of text messages or do you prefer to speak to friends to make plans?
I love to send messages rather than speak to friends as I can use a lot of emojis and funny things as well. Moreover, it is also cost saving too. However, sometimes, if we make a plan to go for a trip, then speaking to friends on phones will be much easier.
the main point when writing the message to my friends, is that I prefer to make it more understandable and conspicuous
I prefer to send messages, as I can send emojis and photos. Furthermore, it's more practical.