Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Dear James,
As you know, we have been working on the new perfume that we are launching in April and we are unsure about some of the packaging details. We have seen some of your creative work in the sales department and we think you have a very good eye for detail.
Do you have some time before close of business this Friday to sit down with us and talk through some of our designs? We would truly appreciate your advice on this. It shouldn't take longer than two hours of your time and we would be happy to clear it with Patricia, your department head, if necessary.
Product Design
What should you include in an email asking for help?
The first thing that I'm doing is paying attention to the formulation, to the subtil sense of each word. Asking for help can be quite badly perceive. So, to be sure that the favour' asking is truly kind, I include several "thank you" and "I will be pleased for your help". It's important for the helper to know that I will do the same for him/her. In addition to the good formulation, I can sometimes exagerate a bit more that the situation is to make sure that he/she would help me! But I'm kinda not laidback when I need to do a big request because I don't want to beyond the limits of the nerve!!!
Well, the details will be different 'cause it always depends on the type of problem that the person has. But the basics would be the next:
-Who do we send the email to?
-Content: include a polite greeting, to be formal and use a moderate explication.
-Insert personal information as the email address, the telephone number and the company seal or person's signature.
Who uses their phone the most among your family or friends?
In my family, I use my phone mostly because I am a software developer, I am always on the laptop and my phone for learning and working. On the other hand, my family members mostly use phones including my father, mother, brother, sister, wife, and even my two daughters. As discussed in the lesson, mobile phone use is increasing for different ages. Some are using it for social media, and children are using it for YouTube.
What should you include in an email asking for help?
I will include the greetings, then introduce myself if I am out of the department, then explain a little bit about the problem, then explain the problem and tell him you or your colleague can solve this problem. In the last, I will write thankful statements.
In my opinion, it is better to start every email with a formal greeting. then, for instance, we should hope the person who we are contacting that they had a good day. After that if we don't know the person. the ultimate way is to introduce ourselves and then get straight to the point.
I will include all information for help as: name, department, content, time and location.
An email asking for help includes a greeting, the kind of problem, and the time to solve it. You should emphasize the task's priority.
An email asking for help should include greeting, problem explanation, kind of help you need in details. It's possible to emphasize the task priority
I think the email should have greetings in the beginning and few informations about the subject that we work on after that introduce brief about the problem and what we need help for . Then ask about suitable time for meeting to discuss around the solutions
Finally thank him for help us.
I think the best way to ask for help is be kind and a little polite (depends of the situation).
I mean, we should start with a short greeting. Then tell him the problem and why his help is so important, so we can use someting like "Your job is amazing" or "you have strong skills on.." Finally we have to be flexible and thankful, so one way to respect his time is offer him some days to do it and finish with "we really apreciatte your help".