Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Jani: Welcome to the department, Yuki. Let me show you around and tell you about your new colleagues. I'll introduce you to them all later.
Yuki: Great. Thanks. So, who are those people over there?
Jani: That's the order management team. Luciana deals with the new orders. She's the one with short, dark hair.
Yuki: In the purple dress?
Jani: Yeah, that's right. You'll probably work closely with her while you are learning about our ordering process.
Yuki: Got it, thanks. And who's that over there? The guy who's on the phone?
Jani: Oh, you mean the one by the window? In the green shirt? Ah, that's Ian. He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him. She's responsible for the internal IT systems.
Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this. I should probably be taking notes!
Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names.
Yuki: OK, great – and who do I talk to about setting up my mobile phone with email access? Is that also Maria?
Jani: No, you need to talk to Sebastian who works in communications. He can help you. That's him over there, next to the printer.
Yuki: Thanks. I'll introduce myself to him later.
hi, it is easy audio and nice, understand, thanks you
I have three colleagues in my office working with me. One of them is an engineer. She is handsome, overwheight and he has long straight brown hair. She is very clever. My other colleagues are doctor and a nurse. They are in their forties and they are very hardworking.We are a good team.
I have many colleges in my work , the manager is called ahmed , he know his work very much, also there is a doctor for emergency called ali , i have nurses colleges also
I have many colleagues in my office. One called Kambire Vivane. we get along very well. She works as an Pourchase and logistics Assistant. she is so brave and smart. she works very well and always smiley. she often dress in tee-shirt and trousers.
Can you describe your colleagues? What do they look like and what do they do?
My colleagues are so friendly. We work together and everyone cares their job. Especially Diana. She is multidisiplined at her job. She is tall and has tall and dark hair. She wears formal clothes in work but at the another time she wears sportives clothes
I wish everyone success and good luck.
I have a lot of colleagues, and they are smart and easy, and we also work together. We are in the same team to handle social media, and I love my job.
I have two colleagues with me in the office, Mohamed is the unit manager and Houcine is the new engineer.
Mohamed is short and have 11 years experience in the comapny. Houcine is also short and have brown eyes.
Three of as work together in the same department, we do customer services as installation, maintenance and qualification of analytical instruments.
Yes, there are many colleagues in my office. Everyone is responsible for their work. One of my colleagues is a frontend developer and the other one name is Faheem that is DB manager. On of my best friend Ali, He is marketing manager. I like all of them. All of them are responsible to complete their tasks on time.
It would be good and more natural if you didn't use AI voice. Please use the human voice. Ai's voice doesn't feel real and is not good while listening because there are many breaks between the words.