Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Customer 1: Can I have an orange juice, please?
Server: Regular or large?
Customer 1: How big is a large?
Server: This is a large. This is a regular.
Customer 1: I'll have a large, then, please. Without ice.
Server: OK, coming up.
Customer 1: Sorry, I wanted freshly squeezed orange juice.
Server: I'm afraid we only have bottled juices.
Customer 1: Oh, then I'll have an apple juice instead, please.
Server: Here you go. That's £3.50, please.
Customer: Thanks.
Server: Thank you.
Server: Can I help anyone?
Customer 2: Who's next?
Customer 3: You were first, I think.
Customer 2: What teas do you have?
Server: Breakfast tea, mint and green tea.
Customer 2: A mint tea and a slice of lemon cake, please.
Server: To eat in or take away?
Customer 2: Take away, please.
Server: There you go. That'll be £4.20, please.
Customer 2: Sorry, I've only got a fifty.
Server: That's OK. Here's your change … 5, 10, 30, 50.
Server: Who's next?
Customer 4: Can I have a ...
Customer 3: Sorry, I think I was in front of you.
Customer 4: Oh, sorry!
Customer 3: Can I have a chocolate chip cookie, please?
Server: Would you like a drink with that?
Customer 3: No, thanks. Just the cookie.
Server: OK, then. That's 95p, please.
Customer 3: Thanks. I think that's right.
Server: 50, 70, 80, 85, 90, 92, 94, yep, 95. Thank you.
Sometimes, I go with my friends to buy some snacks and drinks to go home and study or relax there
Every week
I rarely buy drinks because our secretary gives us for free. But I often buy for at home.
I like buying drinks from the cafe daily but like coffee and biscuits. Because it is lightweight and I use it instead of meal. I want to lose weight so I decided to skip a time meal and use coffee and biscuits.
I usually have coffee at home but sometimes, if I am with friends or my boyfriend, I go to the cafès in the centre of my city because they are elegant and cosy.
I usually buy drinks and snacks from cafe twice a week. When I have an event like meeting, when someone visit to my home or when I don't have food ready to eat in the morning and my kids want to eat the snacks from cafe I always go to cafe to buy drinks and snacks.
I like coffe shops, but I don´t go there often.
Sometimes I ordered coffee and pieces of cake in cafes. If I am hurry I take it away but I prefer stay in cause It is the opportunity to relax and put my mind in good way "time to organized my thoughts ". I always meet friends up in cafés as well, it is a nice place to have a chat, socialize and of course to try different coffee drinks...
[How often do you buy drinks or snacks from cafés?]
I rarely buy drinks or food in a cafè, even though I like these places a lot. Actually, I work in a café, so I can always have a large decaf cappuccino with some powdered cacao on the top or a delicious hot chocolate for free! Obviously, my role is here to be the server, not the customer, and I find it very nice to do, especially if I have to serve people who speak English.