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Man: So, did you see the final episode last night?
Woman: Of course! As if I would miss that!
Man: And?
Woman: It was by far the best episode, definitely.
Man: Yeah, totally. The dragon at the end and all the special effects in that final scene were amazing.
Woman: I loved that part! But I still don't think this series was as good as the others.
Man: Really? But you said you wouldn't want to miss it?
Woman: I know, but still … it's a lot more predictable than it used to be.
Man: But that's because the story has been told so well that all the characters are reaching their destiny now.
Woman: I don't know … before, anyone could die at any time so it was exciting! But, this series, no key characters died and we all knew they wouldn't. When Jaime fell in the water after the dragon attacked him, we knew he would make it somehow. And … oh, surprise, Bronn jumps in and saves him.
Man: They did kill some characters in this series, though. What was that one's name …?
Woman: Exactly, see! You can't even remember who died!
Man: Hmm. The only thing I didn't like about this series was that it was shorter than the others. Seven episodes instead of ten. Maybe they spent all their money on that dragon!
Woman: Right! I don't understand why they did it, as all the fans would happily watch ten episodes.
Man: I reckon that now they're not using the story in the books any more, they don't have as many ideas.
Woman: That would explain why they're not being as brave with the story too. It's more like a Hollywood film than a TV show now.
Man: So, is Tyrion still your favourite character?
Woman: You know … surprisingly, I think my favourite might be Cersei.
Man: What?!
Woman: She's so interesting! All the awful things she's done and the way she's just aiming for revenge, even though it won't make her happy. She still surprises us because we're expecting her to have a happy ending where she sees her mistakes and becomes a good person. But she never does, no matter what it costs her. She's unpredictable because we just can't believe anyone would be like her.
Man: I guess. You don't have to like a character for them to be your favourite!
I reckon they are charting about "Games of Thrones" series, I didn't watch them although. I like some detective series, and the most some that looks like based on real life stories, with complex characters, etc.
What series do you think this chat is about? What's your favorite TV show and why?
I do not know this series. My favorite TV show is 'The IELTS Face-off' on national television. Because I can broaden a variety of social knowledge as well as it helps me improve my ability of listening English.
I think this chat is about game of throne!
I have no idea what series that is, but I think it's a fantasy series. I don't have a favorite TV show because I almost never watch TV shows since I don't like it. I prefer to spend my time doing something I enjoy.
I legitimately have no idea what they’re talking about.
My favorite show is probably Hazbin Hotel because it’s funny :D
I suppose this chat is about Game of Throne. I didn't see this series but I just know it's about dragons and other adventures. I don't have any favourite TV show. I find that for several years, what is offered on TV has really lost quality. Or perhaps, it is me who is changing and finding other centers of interest...
I have no idea about the series they're talking about.
My favourite series right now is "Modern Family", which I recently started to watch in English (with subtitles, to be honest).
I dont understand what series describe here,because I occasionally see series.In past my favorite TV show was "Bachelor",because you can see how people fall in love and its so interesting.
i guess they are chatting about series that is related to dragon worries am not sure but my favourite tv show is Ellen because she brings celebrates together and shows their lifestyle and also watching her made me improve my English .