Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Hello, everyone. Hello! It's nice to see you all here. Welcome to British Life and Language. I am your teacher. My name is Lindsay Black. That's L-I-N-D-S-A-Y Black. Before we begin, some information about the class.
Our class is in room 13, on the first floor. When you go upstairs, turn left to find the room. Again, that's room 13.
We have class twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday. Our class begins at 4.30 p.m. and lasts 90 minutes, so we finish at 6 p.m. That's 4.30 to 6. Please arrive on time, OK?
Also, I have an office hour if you have questions. I'm in office 7B on the second floor. My office hour is Friday at 6 p.m. So, if you have any questions or problems or want to talk to me, it's Friday at 6 p.m. in office 7B.
We begin next week, on March the 13th. That's Monday, March the 13th. The course ends on May the 20th. May the 20th is the last day.
I think that's all ... Oh, one more thing. For this course you need the book. Here it is: British Life and Language Level 1 Student's Book. So, please get a copy of the book. I don't want to see any photocopies of the book, thank you! Remember, it's level 1 student's book. Don't buy the teacher's book.
I think that's all, everyone. I look forward to working with you. See you next Monday!
I haven't had an English course for a very long time. Unfortunately, I don't have time to learn English somewhere, in person. That's why I use BBC learning to improve my English.
Do you have an English class?
Yes of course, it begins ato 9:00 p.m.and it finishes at 10:00.My class is in the 4 buildin , secon floor,
That's all .
Remember your should participate
Do you have an English class? When is it? Where is it?
Yes I do.
Presently, i have followed an english class with OLA. we have class twice a week too, on tuesday and friday.
our class begins at 6:30 pm and lasts two hours. It ends at 8:30 pm. we have started in March.
Yes, I do. But it was in last year. Now, I don't have any English class to attend because of my job time. It is at thirty past ten to twelve in the morning on every weekends. It is just an online class and not campus. Now, I am looking for to attend some online class to get improve my English Skills.
I can't grasp this line: please get a copy of the book. I don't want to see any photocopies of the book. I am wondering: At first the teacher asked students to get the copy but right after that she told she didn't wanna see any photocopies of the book. Can you explain it to me?
Do you have an English class? When is it? Where is it?
I used to have an English class but now I don't, I'm a self-taught learner.
Hello Stellayennipham,
A copy of a book doesn't have to mean a photocopy. It's a word we use to describe a new book too, so the teacher is actually asking students to buy the book. I think the use of copy in this way goes back to how books were made before the printing press was invented. Back then, books were literally copied by hand and this is why we still say 'a copy' to mean a new book today.
The LearnEnglish Team
[Do you have an English class? When is it? Where is it?]
Yes i do. From British Council, this platform. From Coursera online. From Open University UK.
Do you have an English class? When is it? Where is it? No, I don't have an English class, and I don't take any English course. I'm studying English on my own. I try to study 2 hours per day; sometimes it's difficult, but at the end of the day, I achieve the goal.
Do you have an English class? When is it? Where is it?
I attend an English class during the initial period of the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The class takes place in the KG1A classroom.