Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Reading text
Student ID card application
First name: Samia
Last name: Khan
Date of birth: 09/10/1992
Address: 5 Ledger Road, Cardiff
Postcode: CF10 5RE
Nationality: Canadian
I declare that the information provided is correct.
Signature: Samia Khan
Date: 28/02/2019
Your checklist – have you got everything you need?
[ ✔ ] a passport photo
[ ✔ ] a copy of your passport or other photo ID
[ ✔ ] proof of student status e.g. a letter from your university
Your card will be issued within 30 days and sent to the address provided.
The last application form I completed was a request form to get access to our office server. I applied the form last week.
The last application form I filled out was when I was going to apply for university.
thank you
The last application that I completed was the application for the position of HSE Manager at Perseus Mining.
What was the last application form you completed?
Exactly, it was 4 years ago I wrote it for a new company.
My last application form that I was completed is about visa to Malaysia.
My last application form I completed was for subscribing membership of a bookshop. It wasn't very long questions, just only basic information about their customers.
the last application i applied the VASA (Japan ).
My last application form was the scholarship form to the Japan MEXT organization. This was a very long and detailed form. Along with the form, they require more information as well in their specified documents. I spent two days to complete that form.
It was the chicken rice shop job application form I completed. Now, I am stable at work and happy with learning some new thing and English.