Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
- You don't need to write complete sentences.
- You can use abbreviations like LOL (= laugh out loud) or IDK (= I don't know) to save time.
- Use emojis
to add feelings.
- You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
I prefer send messages to my friend that I would like to invite for something or just make a planning. It is simple because you can catch them quickly and straight to your point.
when I speak with my freinds, we don't use the abbserivations and emojis a lot.
I prefer to speak to friends to make plans.
I generally prefere making plans by person or over the phone, I feel like it's easier to connect and uderstand each other's availability that way. However, texting is definitely convenient when we are busy or can't talk.
I send messages to organize outings with my friends. If they agree, I call them to study the transport, to be agree on the budget, ...
Actually, I am not the type who sends a lot of messages. I prefer to speak face to face or talk on the phone.
To make plans, I prefer calling or speaking to my friends directly. As you know, texting messages can lead to misunderstanding as lack of tone, facial expressions and gestures as well.
I chat with my friends but I prefer speaking to make a plan. Because there are a lot of things to consider while making a plan, in chat it takes a long time and I don't have that time usually.