Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Obviously, this is the sequel to Fun in the City, which is a film I didn't like so it's fair to say my expectations were low. So, you could say I wasn't disappointed, as it met my expectations. It was awful! It was so awful, I'd rather not spend any more time on it by talking about it. But, that wouldn't be a film review and I think I owe you all a review to save you wasting your money going to see it.
So, it starts off with this big wedding scene. And, I won't go into why, but the whole scene is just there so they can make this one joke. It's not even a funny joke ... it's just, ah, it's just terrible. It's got nothing to do with the rest of the film. Anyway, it starts there. Then, instead of the characters and the plot staying in New York where the original film was set, one of them wins a ticket to India and decides to take all her friends. It's what directors do when they've run out of ideas … let's take our characters on tour!
Anyway, they gossip, cry and shop, and they repeat this until the end. No real people would ever act like this. I didn't have any sympathy for their problems or even care what happened to them. Don't go and see it, you'll only encourage them to make another sequel. The world doesn't need three of these films. Please save your money and go and see the other big film this week: Twilight Mirror.
So, if you're a fan of the book it's based on, you're probably as excited as I was about this. For everyone else, this is a film fans have been waiting ten years to see. I have to confess, I was a bit nervous. I'd seen the posters and they didn't look right. I didn't love them at all. And I wasn't sure about the actors they cast either. So I went in not sure what to expect. But … I loved it.
One thing I really liked about it was the pace. They went backwards and forwards between the real world and the computer world and it worked really well. The special effects brought the computer world to life and I totally believed in it. But, more than that, I felt emotionally connected to the story and the characters. The whole film worked on so many levels. It reminded me of going to the cinema as a child – how much fun that was. I can't recommend it enough.
What was the last film you watched? What did you think of it?
My last film I watched was her three daughters. I think of it is a dramatic film real in our life, therefore is a film predictable not surprise me, and the plot was poor, all the sequent happened in the apartment .
Last Sunday I watched "don't move" I wasn't expecting much but it surprised me, it was a good movie to watch if you are bored at home
I'm Gede Anggara and this weekend I watched "Giji Harem". The movie is about two high school students who fall in love after meeting in an acting club.
I think this movie is very enjoyable to watch because the story is simple and light. I liked how the movie more focuses on romance and comedy, which managed to get my heart racing, make me laugh, and even made me smile to myself while watching their silliness. I give it an 7.5/10 .
(Bro I hope this kind of situationship can happen to me one day 🤣)
I watched Harry Potter and the Death Hallows part 1 this morning. It might be my tenth times watching it. Actually, my younger sister has already finished J.K Rowling's novels, so I watch the movie with her to see her reaction. he watched the whole series with me a while ago, but it's kind of hard to understand the plot if we haven't read the books. As for the movie, I have always loved Harry Potter, both books and films. I'm a big fan, and the seventh movie is one the best parts in the series. Moreover, watching Harry Potter makes me feel like a child once more; it's an incredible world with incredible emotions.
The last weekend I watched Poor Things with my cousins. And it´s a very weird movie but very funny, I just recommend it to a person who is very open minded due to the plot and the topics that are mentioned in the movie. I like it because is something different and challenging.
The last film saw was Cindy la Regia, I think this film is not very funny and it also talks about the stereotypes that countries have
the last movie that i watched i think was cars, what do i think of that movie, that is awesome i mean is the best film animated in the last years, is my childhood that movie, what i really enjoy is the scenography of the movie and the music that it has, that is a good combo for the movie.
The movie that I watched was about a king called John snow and he had an army and they were in danger from an army called the deads and both sides had dragons and they fought until a queen came and saved the human army from the dead king and the movie ends there
the last movie i have watch was called The Spencer its about a guy called spencer who works in boston police department. he got a problem with his chief officer, he accuse that his chief was linked a case that he worked on and as he claim the chief has covered the case and showing no effort on it.
then spencer goes to the crime scene where the woman got killed and finds a cctv near by, then he took the video tape.
after he give a visit to his chief's house and he tried to talk with him then he aware a crumbs of a glass on the floor then he saw chief's wive with bloody face and the guy spencer got angry, then he pulled the cheif and throws to the ground and punches till his face was covered with blood, then the court verdict him with five years of prison.
The last filme I've watched was ''Perdida''. It is based on a novel brazilian book and you can watch this at cinema. I felt excited to see it because the story is a mix of contemporary and historic romance. I dont know if there is an english version of this book, but if there is, I really recommend the reading.