Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
- You don't need to write complete sentences.
- You can use abbreviations like LOL (= laugh out loud) or IDK (= I don't know) to save time.
- Use emojis
to add feelings.
- You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
I like to write messages a lot .because I don't fell nervous or shy .
I really like going out with friends and making plans, even when I can't I just chat, but if I could I would be constantly making plans.
Do you send lots of text messages or do you prefer to speak to friends to make plans?
I send a lot of text messages to my friends because it's much more convenient and easier than talking about plans with them, plus I can send super funny stickers and emojis.
I usually meet up and speak directly to my friends to make plans, since sending messages takes lots of time, and we won't reach a conclusion faster.
Yes, I like to make plans to go out with my friends.
The "IDK" reminds me of a famous person hahaha, the tests were interesting.
I prefer to text to make plans and reach an agreement. Although it depends on the occasion.
I sometines send text messages but I prefer phone my friends for ensuring me that my friends are well-understood what I want to say. If I finish to phone, I send text message to keep of proof.
I prefer meet my friends at somewhere like coffee shop or a bookstore to talk about planning, our days, etc. But because now I'm living abroad, the only choice is texting or calling.