1. What's your favourite season?

Transcript item

Tina: So I've got to say I love all the seasons. Am I allowed to say that? I know that's a bit cheeky because you're meant to just say about one. But spring, I just love it when the sort of the flowers start coming out and all the buds in the trees and all the blossom. Summer, just a bit of warmth, a bit of sun on your face is just glorious. And swimming in the sea, can't beat it. Autumn, you cannot beat the colours in the trees, especially in the UK and Europe. They're just a delight. And then winter, I love it when it's sort of crispy in the morning, clear blue skies and you can see your breath coming out of your mouth, but you're all sort of cosy with lots of winter clothes on. So yeah, gotta say, love all the seasons that we have. 

Kevan: My favourite season is winter. I love the snow and I love it when I get the chance to go up in the mountains and do some snowboarding. 

Elena: My favourite season is spring because the weather is perfect for doing every activities outside such as having a walk in the park or also some trips. And the days are longer and the flowers are blooming, so that is why I really love this season. 

Joanne: My favourite season has got to be summer. I really love warm, sunny weather, going to the beach and being on holiday. 

Sally: I think all the seasons have, like, positive things about them, but for me I think that autumn is my favourite season, and the reason I'm saying that is because I was in Britain in the north of England recently in autumn, and it was amazing. I went for a walk in the woods and there were leaves, all the leaves had fallen off the trees and they were all different colours like red, orange, yellow, sort of golden-brown colours, and it was misty and it was drizzling, sort of that really fine rain, and it was fantastic. If you're wearing the right clothes, it doesn't matter if it's cold and raining. I love it. 

Joanna: When I lived in Brazil, I lived in Fortaleza, and it's near the equator, so there were no seasons. And I had the most amazing year of sunshine. It was summer every day. But at the end of the year, I decided I actually quite missed the seasons. I do like the change of seasons. But I'd love to hear from some of our learners on LearnEnglish who live in countries where they don't have seasons. How's that?

Listen to some of our colleagues and friends talking about their favourite season.

Here are some of the things they said:

  • Warm, sunny weather
  • Clear blue skies
  • The flowers are blooming and the days are longer.
  • It was misty and drizzling ... that really fine rain.
  • I love it when I get the chance to go up into the mountains.
  • A bit of sun on your face is just glorious!

We'd love to hear from you

  • What's your favourite season?

  • Why do you like it?


Write a comment telling us about it! If you want to practise speaking, you can record your response using SpeakPipe voice recorder and post a link to the recording in your comment.

Go to SpeakPipe voice recorder

* Recordings are kept on a SpeakPipe server. Please don't include any music in your recording.


Average: 4.6 (7 votes)

Submitted by wissemtouati on Sat, 01/02/2025 - 11:44


My favorite season is definitely spring! I was born in spring, and in my country, there is a saying that people born in this season laugh the most in their lives, I found this very funny and glorious! But the important reason why I admire spring is that it's a perfect mix of winter and summer, at least in my country. I can easily enjoy both seasons in the same week. One day, it is rainy and misty, and I can enjoy the foggy weather, which is magical, almost like a scene from Harry Potter. The next day, I can enjoy the blooming flowers and feel the warmth of the sun in my face. It's just glorious !

Submitted by medinadizdarevic on Wed, 29/01/2025 - 18:19


Hi, my name is Medina, and I am from Bosnia. My favorite season is spring, becuase I love flowers and the nature is start to raising. And then, also i love winter, because i love snow and i like to walk on snowfall. That is so romantic for me! 

Submitted by 3502ama on Mon, 27/01/2025 - 20:19


Hello. I am Angeline, and I am from Rwanda. However, I am currently studying in the UK, Wales. In my home country, we don't have seasons like summer, autumn, winter and spring (because we are located near the equator) but we have other kinds of seasons. We have a long rainy season from March to May, a long dry season from June to August, a short rainy season from September to November and a short dry season from December to February.

Submitted by Oliaki on Thu, 23/01/2025 - 19:17


Hi I my name is Olia and I come from Greece. For me all seasons are fantastic for different reasons. Although I had to choose only one I would choose the autumn. I prefer this season rather than others because I live in a town where a river flows through and the scenic is just amazing when the leaves from the trees start also to fall to the both banks of this river. 

Hi Oliaki,
Your description of the river in autumn is lovely - I can really picture it!

Best wishes,
Jo (LearnEnglish team)

Profile picture for user samphan

Submitted by samphan on Fri, 17/01/2025 - 14:11

Well, I believe that every season have its own strengths. If I had to pick one of those seasons, I would choose spring, because I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the morning, and immerse myself in running at the park near where I live, viewing the blooming wildflowers and listening the birds singing. It makes me feel comfortable and help me start my day full of energy.

Hi samhpan,
Reading your comment is making me wish that spring was here already! I love all the things you mention and I definitely agree that it's a season that gives us energy. I can't wait to see the spring flowers in a few months' time :-)

Best wishes,
Jo (LearnEnglish team)

Submitted by Tizi on Sun, 05/01/2025 - 11:21


Hi, I live in the north of Italy. My favourite seasons are spring and autumn, because I like outdoor activities such as walking and mountain trekking, which are perfect activities with a mild weather. Summer temperatures are too high, and winter is too cold (and snowy in the Alps, so mountain trekking is not feasible).   

Submitted by aartik001 on Fri, 03/01/2025 - 17:07


Hi ,my favorite season is summer beacuse in summer days are longer and we have enough time to go outside to play. I love icecream and cold drinks and I think this is good season to enjoys these stuffs.I like swimming too.that's why I like it.

Do you have a favourite ice cream that you like to eat in the summer aartik001? I have to say that I love a salted caramel one and I'm don't always wait for the summer months to enjoy it ツ
We're in winter at the moment and have been lucky enough to have some snow over the festive season. What's the weather ike with you at the moment?

~Tina ღ
LearnEnglish team

Hi Jorge!

How lovely to hear about Brasil and the two seasons that you have there. Could you tell us a little more ... when does the winter season start and the summer one end?

~ Tinaツ
LearnEnglish team

Well, I believe that every season has its own strengths, but if I have to pick one of those, I would choose Spring because the weather is warm and everything looks cool outside. I can immerse myself by viewing the blooming wildflowers and listening to birds singing. It makes me feel comfortable and helps my day to start with full of energy. 

Hi jmdavid,
Thanks for sharing your voice message! I enjoyed hearing about winter and summer in Brazil.
Best wishes,
Jo (LearnEnglish team)

Profile picture for user Jo Blackmore

Submitted by Jo Blackmore on Tue, 17/12/2024 - 16:47


There's something I love about all the seasons. Right now where I am, autumn is turning into winter and we've had some bright but chilly mornings. I think autumn can be particularly beautiful with the lovely colours, and I spotted this beautiful spider's web recently which I thought looked amazing! :-) Jo

Submitted by Helmi on Thu, 12/12/2024 - 13:14


Hi everyone

in the past i love Summer but now i prefer Winter because the climate change effective Negative impact on temperatures

Submitted by Rubeee on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 03:56



I'm from Myanmar and our country only has three seasons summer, rainy season and the winter. All of them I love winter because the winter's sunset is very amazing and I like talking photos of the golden clouds. Our country is very hot expect from winter. We wake up early in the morning and doing some exercise is so good.I also want to share the winter's sunset view.

Profile picture for user rimsahia

Submitted by rimsahia on Fri, 29/11/2024 - 15:10


My favourite season is winter, because you can act so comfortable.. I mean if it's cold and raining you have to wear a coat or a cardigan, otherwise if it's sunny you just put on a light outfit unlike in summer, you are not comfortable enough when it's hot😅In addition, winter is so good for a walk or going out in picnics.

Hi rimsahia ツ
In the UK I think we get too much rain now in the wintertime, I'd much rather have some snow, and it be crispy and cold so you can wrap up in warm clothes. And like you, I love to walk in the winter months.
~ Tina
LearnEnglish team

Profile picture for user Tina Pole

Submitted by Tina Pole on Wed, 20/11/2024 - 14:54


Hi everyone!

it's the Autumn at the moment in the UK and the colours of the leaves on the trees are absolutely gorgeous.
Here's a photo I took at the weekend. You can't beat an autumnal walk in the countryside, especially when the sun is shinning.
~ Tina ツ
LearnEnglish team

Hi...Miss Tina 

As it's clear that Autumnal walk in the countryside can't beaten...


Nice view I love UK.

Many yon it

Hi Mohammed!

Thank you for your reply. How lovely to get it! Which season do you like best in your country?

~ Tina ツ
LearnEnglish team

Submitted by stellamarysl on Fri, 10/05/2024 - 20:40



Submitted by Allende on Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:26


Hello everyone, I´m from Germany and I really love all seasons. At the end of each season I´m looking forward to the next one with all it´s typical changes. So, live is never boring. Once I stayed on the Canary Island Lanzarote for one years. It was an interesting year and I have learnt a lot. But at the end of my stay I realised that I wouldn´t like to live there permanantly because Lanzarote has no seasons and I would really miss them.

Submitted by isabo on Fri, 03/05/2024 - 21:13


Hi everybody, I’m Isa from Italy. My favourite season is autumn. Where I live, the weather in this season is still enjoyable. It’s not too hot and not too cold. The beaches and the other places of holiday are no longer crowded and this is very pleasant. I live in countryside and the colours of the nature are very beautiful. Autumn is also the season of grape harvest: this is a very interesting experience.

Profile picture for user wenxi.zhu

Submitted by wenxi.zhu on Wed, 01/05/2024 - 19:00


Hi to everyone! ;)


Personally, I think all seasons are beautiful! I like all the seasons but more winter because you can stay in near the fireplace and drink hot chocolate when you're watching a film, you can use warm clothes and depend on where you live there can snow, I live in Spain, so I cannot see the snowed landscape. Also in the summer you can eat ice cream, go to the beach and use dresses. I don't like to use short clothes because my skin is a little strange, and I'm uncomfortable with t-shirt and shorts, but I like summer because my birthday is on summer and I like eating ice cram haha. In spring, here are very beautiful landscapes, right now I'm on spring, there are a lot of flowers, the leaves of the trees are more green and is nice go to visit to Japan to see the Sakura's trees, I never went there, but I know the Sakura's trees are in Japan. And the last one, Autumn, I think is the underrated season, I like the orange leaves on the ground, and you can step on them, it's very funny, specifically if you're a child!


That's all, thanks for reading! (sorry for the bad grammar, I'm not native English ;( )

Hi wenxi.zhu,

Thank you for your interesting message! I also like the variety of all the seasons. I live in a place with four quite distinct seasons, like you described, and when it's cold I look forward to the summer and when it's too hot I look forward to the winter.

No need to say sorry! This is a space for learning and practising and you did well :)


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by SkandiCat on Tue, 23/04/2024 - 12:18


We live in Sweden and all agree that summer is the best! You can sit out in the sun, cycle and swim in the lakes and sea. There are wildflowers everywhere and it never gets dark! Greetings from Kalix, Sweden.

Submitted by MartaJ. on Wed, 17/04/2024 - 16:58


I´ve lived in Puerto Rico 20 years ago and spent a really great time living there. It´s a very beautiful insland. However, all the time I´ve spent there, I had the sensation that nothing was changing, the weather was always the same. I realised I was just missing cold, due to I was born in Poland, when there are 4, very well distinguished, seasons, and the lack of cold was the reason I was feeling a bit strange :)

My favourite season is actually autumn, time between heat and cold, a bit of sun plus bit of rain. Just a perfect season.

Submitted by iamsummerpowers on Tue, 16/04/2024 - 13:28


I have been living in the Philippines since birth and we don't have the four seasons here just like in the European and American countries. What we do have here are the dry and wet seasons. Between those two, I like the dry season more because I can do the things that I need to do unlike when it's raining or wet season, I am just staying at home to avoid getting wet. It's a hassle for me. Giving the chance to explore and travel to countries with four seasons, I like to experience winter because it looks so magical!

Profile picture for user Sab8723

Submitted by Sab8723 on Mon, 15/04/2024 - 03:51


My favorite is summer, because I like the warm, the sun, I get more willing and I enjoy a lot.

Profile picture for user HmH

Submitted by HmH on Sat, 13/04/2024 - 08:36


I have been living in Myanmar since I was born and have passed through many different seasons. Myanmar has three main seasons: summer, monsoon, and winter. My favorite season so far is winter when the weather is cool and chilly. Though there is no snowfall in Yangon where I live, I love it being misty and seeing my breath coming out of my mouth. I prefer winters in my childhood to those in the current time as it used to be colder years ago. However, winter is still my favorite season and I want to experience snowfall one day.

Submitted by Rong-ge on Tue, 02/04/2024 - 15:20


I think my favorite one is Spring. In Spring I can see flowers are blooming under the sun and  the temperature is warming that make me comfortable. Also I can do some activities like cycling , playing badminton and flying kites in the evening.

Submitted by ranifithra on Tue, 26/03/2024 - 09:41


I live in Indonesia, and in Indonesia we don't have autumn spring and winter, we just have summer and rainy, but now with the climate change rainy is the most happens, but still i love rainy days as long as it come in the weekends hehe

But for summer i love it too, summer here can be so hot, in every Indonesia's part have a different temperature, so we kind a have "love hate relationship" with the season here in Indonesia. But i don't know i never doing a survey though, maybe some Indonesians love summer, maybe some love rainy, for me i just trying to relish it

Hi Brian_503854,

Thanks for sharing! I know what you mean. I don't like the cold so much, and during the winter I always look forward to the spring when the days become warm again and the sun shines. The weather is beautiful at the moment, where I live.

How about you? What's your least favourite season?


LearnEnglish team

My least favorite season is summer. It's sizzling hot and humid during summer here. On that season, I am very easy to feel unpleasant and get lost my temper. I know that's my fault but, I guess it's due to the hot weather somewhat.

Profile picture for user Miebaj

Submitted by Miebaj on Mon, 25/03/2024 - 09:47



I'm from Denmark where we have four sesons, and every one of them can be special. Right now we have spring, and i love to see the grass growing and hear the birds start singing again. The days getting longer, and I really enjoy the energi there comes from the sun and the power it gives to everything there might grow in this time of the year.

Hi Miebaj,

I feel the same! I'm so happy to see the plants and flowers in the park growing and blossoming. The other day I saw some birds building new nests, which was really nice. I also feel energised by the nature around me.

How's the weather now where you are?


LearnEnglish team

Profile picture for user MeSara

Submitted by MeSara on Mon, 25/03/2024 - 09:31


I live in the Netherlands and here we have four seasons in one day. 

Hi MeSara,

That must make it difficult to prepare for your day ahead :) Is it like that just at the moment, or all year round?


LearnEnglish team

Hi PhyuThwal034,

That's nice, it seems like you are pretty active in winter! What is the temperature like in winter, where you are? How cold does it get? For me, I often just stay at home as much as I can.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by ThomazBarreto on Sat, 23/03/2024 - 19:58


I live in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, and my favorite season is spring, I am an athlete who likes surfing, kite surfing and hang gliding, and at this time here in Rio de Janeiro the weather conditions are very favorable with lots of thermals (hang gliding), wind (kite surf) and waves....

I'm also Brazilian and love the Spring, I feel like we're inclined to like spring because the weather is just right. Not cold and not scorching hot either.

Profile picture for user hazelamlerol86

Submitted by hazelamlerol86 on Sat, 23/03/2024 - 07:27



I'm from the Philippines, here we have two weather either sunny or rainy, I love both of them, but the most I love sunny day, since I love Hiking, and trekking. 

Submitted by Meyvelin on Fri, 22/03/2024 - 16:21


My favorite season is the summer because the weather is warm, and I love traveling to the beach and enjoy the sea, my kids love swimming in the pool. The weather is perfect for a vacation.