The definite article: 'the'

Level: beginner

The definite article the is the most frequent word in English.

We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly what we are referring to:

  • because there is only one:

The Pope is visiting Russia.
The moon is very bright tonight.
Who is the president of France?

This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective:

He is the tallest boy in the class.
It is the oldest building in the town.

  • because there is only one in that context:

We live in a small house next to the church. (= the church in our village)
Dad, can I borrow the car? (= the car that belongs to our family)
When we stayed at my grandmother’s house, we went to the beach every day. (= the beach near my grandmother’s house)
Look at the boy over there. (= the boy I am pointing at)

  • because we have already mentioned it:

A young man got a nasty shock when he tried to rob a jewellery shop in Richmond. The man used a heavy hammer to smash the windows in the shop.

We also use the definite article:

  • to say something about all the things referred to by a noun:

The wolf is not really a dangerous animal. (= Wolves are not really dangerous animals.)
The kangaroo is found only in Australia. (= Kangaroos are found only in Australia.)
The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around bodies.)

We use the definite article in this way to talk about musical instruments:

Joe plays the piano really well.
She is learning the guitar.

  • to refer to a system or service:

How long does it take on the train?
I heard it on the radio.
You should tell the police.

The definite article the 1


The definite article the 2


The definite article the 3



Level: intermediate

We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: 

Life can be very hard for the poor.
I think the rich should pay more taxes.
She works for a group to help the elderly.



Level: beginner

The definite article with names

We do not normally use the definite article with names:

William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Paris is the capital of France.
Iran is in Asia.

But we do use the definite article with:

  • countries whose names include words like kingdom, states or republic:
the United Kingdom the Kingdom of Bhutan
the United States the People's Republic of China
  •  countries which have plural nouns as their names:
the Netherlands the Philippines
  • geographical features, such as mountain ranges, groups of islands, rivers, seas, oceans and canals:
the Himalayas the Canaries the Atlantic (Ocean) the Amazon the Panama Canal
  • newspapers:
The Times The Washington Post
  • well-known buildings or works of art:
the Empire State Building the Taj Mahal the Mona Lisa
  • organisations:
the United Nations the Seamen's Union
  • hotels, pubs and restaurants:
the Ritz the Ritz Hotel the King's Head the Déjà Vu

But note that we do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is the name of the owner:

Brown's Brown's Hotel Morel's Morel's Restaurant
  • families:
the Obamas the Jacksons
The definite article with names 1


The definite article with names 2


The definite article with names 3


The definite article with names 4



Average: 4.5 (120 votes)

Submitted by Plokonyo on Fri, 24/01/2025 - 00:40


Why is "the" used with the following sentence?

Manchester United's chances of winning the Europa League...

The Premier league

The Champions league

Hello againy Plokonyo,

The reason is that these are specific tournaments which are unique each year. The definite article is used for specific, unique things.



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Submitted by ShetuYogme on Mon, 13/01/2025 - 16:30


Hello LearnEnglish Team,

I could not understand the difference between "Whales are in danger of becoming extinct" and "The whale is in danger of becoming extinct".

Also, I would like to do the difference between these three sentences:

An elephant can live for over 60 years.

The elephant can live for over 60 years.

Elephants can live for over 60 years.

Do these three sentences make sense?

I would be very grateful if you would answer these questions, clearing my confusion.

Yogesh Thakur.

Hello Peter,

Let me break down the nuanced  differences according to the knowledge I have:

  1. Whales are in danger of becoming extinct/ The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

    When I say "Whales are in danger of becoming extinct", I mean all whales in general. But when I say "the whale is in danger of becoming extinct", I mean this particular species of aquatic animals i.e. whale is in danger of becoming extinct. There can be many species like dolphins, whales and other aquatic animals. But out of these species, whales are in danger of becoming extinct. So I say "The whale is in danger of becoming extinct".


  2. (An) (the) elephant(s) can live for over 60 years.

    "The elephant can live for over 60 years" means that among many animals the elephant has the special ability to survive for over 60 years. "Elephants can live for over 60 years" is a general statement about the life of elephants. "An elephant can live for over 60 years" does make sense here and describes distinct features of any elephant, making elephants different from other animals.

Does this explanation make sense or is there something else to add or correct?

Yogesh Thakur.

Hello Yogesh Thakur,have:

Whales are in danger of becoming extinct/ The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

When I say "Whales are in danger of becoming extinct", I mean all whales in general. But when I say "the whale is in danger of becoming extinct", I mean this particular species of aquatic animals i.e. whale is in danger of becoming extinct. There can be many species like dolphins, whales and other aquatic animals. But out of these species, whales are in danger of becoming extinct. So I say "The whale is in danger of becoming extinct".

Yes, that's right. Here, 'the whale' refers to a conceptual category in our minds.


(An) (the) elephant(s) can live for over 60 years.

"The elephant can live for over 60 years" means that among many animals the elephant has the special ability to survive for over 60 years. "Elephants can live for over 60 years" is a general statement about the life of elephants. "An elephant can live for over 60 years" does make sense here and describes distinct features of any elephant, making elephants different from other animals.

Yes, I think that's a good summary.


Please remember that the differences here are very nuanced and so small in some contexts that it almost amounts to a choice of style rather than meaning. However, I think you've got a good grasp of it here.



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Thank you very much, respected teacher Peter for your explanation in comments.

Best wishes.

Yogesh Thakur.

Submitted by Arsya on Fri, 10/01/2025 - 02:24


Why do these places use "the?" Although there is more of one pub, bank, etc, in local, do you still use "the?"

  • I'm going to the supermarket after work.
  • I'm going to the cinema/the pub/the bank/petrol station.

Hello Arsya,

We use 'the' in these phrases to indicate that we are using a place for its function. In other words 'go to the supermarket' can simply mean 'go shopping', while 'go to the bank' can mean 'get some money' and 'go to the cinema' can mean 'see a film'.

It could also be that the speaker has a concrete and known example in mind - a particular local pub, for example, or the supermarket they always use. It's not clear without more context.



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Submitted by Marko55 on Tue, 10/12/2024 - 15:36


When do we use the indefinite or definite article for a generic noun?

As far as I know, we can use the definite article when we refer to some classes, categories, groups, instruments, or anything in general (the rich, the poor, the guitar, the police, the radio, etc.). I wanted to define the term "lawyer" as a class by writing this: "The lawyer is the person who defends the client in front of the judge." A lot of native speakers complained that this sentence sounds awkward, and they would rather use the indefinite article or plural ("a lawyer" or "lawyers"). I've also heard that the definite generic noun is often used in formal situations. If so, why haven't I yet found any dictionary, statute, or anything else that defines classes like employees, lawyers, the rich, students, etc.?

Hello Marko55,

This is a question we get from time to time as it is a complex area. It's possible to use all three articles options (indefinite, definite and zero article) with generic meaning but there are some differences. Here's a summary


>> a + singular countable noun <<

We can use this with general meaning when we are talking about something which defines the group. For example:

An elephant is an impressive sight.

In other words, being an impressive sight is one of the characteristics of an elephant; if we saw an animal and it was not impressive then we could be fairly sure that it was not an elephant. We are talking about any elephant here – it is true of them all.


>> the + singular noun <<

We can use this with general meaning when we are talking about our image or concept of the noun. For example:

The elephant can live for over sixty years.

Here we are not talking about a real elephant, but rather the concept of 'elephant' in our heads.


>> no article + plural countable noun or uncountable noun <<

We use this to talk about what is normal or typical of a type. It may or may not be true of all individuals but it is typical of most. For example:

Swedish people are tall.

Here we are talking about the average height of Swedes, not any particular person or concept.


The distinctions are subtle but can be important. For example, we can say with general meaning:

Whales are in danger of becoming extinct.

The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

However, we cannot say:

A whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

This is because being in danger of becoming extinct may be true but it does not define the whale.


As far as style goes, I think the definite article for generic meaning is more common in certain types of text not because it is more formal in itself, but rather because certain types of text (scientific, academic and legal, for example) more often talk about abstract concepts. In other words, the frequency in certain texts is more to do with the meaning than the style.



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Submitted by ShetuYogme on Fri, 27/09/2024 - 05:29


Dear LearnEnglish team,

I'm confused about when or when not to use THE before the name of organizatons, unions, political parties and similar entities.

I've some examples listed below. Please explain which is preceded by the definite article or which by zero article and why:

  • WHO, UN, UNGA, UNSC, WHO, UNESCO, IMF, UNICEF, SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organisation), International Solar Alliance.
  • ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), NASA, ESA, etc.
  • IMD (Indian Meteorological Department), ECI ( Election Commission of India), AIR ( All India Radio),..
  • Political parties: INC (Indian National Congress), BJP ( Bhartiya Janata Party, PDP ( Peoples Democratic Party, Shivsena, NC ( National Conference), CPI ( Communist Party of India).

Please helpm me clear my all doubts.

Thank you.


Hello ShetuYogme,

I wish I could give you a clear and consistent answer, but unfortunately this is one of those areas where there isn't one! Although we can see some tendencies, there is not fixed rule and it's simply necessary to learn which organisations have a definite article and which do not as you encounter them. It's another reason why reading in English is so important.

That said, most organisations take a direct object. This includes political constructions such as the United Nations, the European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. In fact, names containing collective words like 'union', 'federation', 'party', 'alliance' or 'united' consistently take the direct object.

Some institutions do not take any object but they are relatively rare. NASA is perhaps the most famous. Some other UN bodies also take no article, including UNICEF, UNHCR and UNESCO, for example.



The LearnEnglish Team

Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT gave me this weird response:

Understanding when to use the definite article "the" before the names of organizations, unions, political parties, and similar entities can be tricky. Here's a detailed explanation with your examples:



  • Use "the" with specific organizations, commissions, and political parties.
  • Generally, national space agencies do not use "the."
  • Some unique names of political parties or organizations might not use "the."

Understanding these patterns will help you determine when to use the definite article with other entities as well.

Hello again ShetuYogme,

I've edited your comment to reduce length as it would fill the entire page otherwise!

ChatGPT is a useful tool but far from foolproof as your examples show. A quick search for texts referring to UNESCO will show you that we do not use 'the' before it in the vast majority of cases.



The LearnEnglish Team

Hello again,

You mean there is no fixed rule and it is simply necessary to learn which organisations have a definite article and which do not. So is it an organisation that decides to add definite articles before its name?

I was talking about the institutions, political parties, and organisations in India. I have noticed many media channels adding "the" before these names, but some others do not add "the" before the names of organisations and political parties. Do you think it is better to drop ''the'' where there is confusion about whether to use "the'' or not?

"Most organisations take a direct object"— what does this mean?

Thank you very much for your previous answer.

Hello again ShetuYogme,

Article use for organisations' names is something that becomes established by use, so it's just a case of a particular option becoming dominant over time. Obviously, the choice of any particular organisation in how it describes itself will be a very important factor in this. My advice is to follow common use as there is generally a consensus.

I think you mean 'definite article' not 'direct object'. The definite article is 'the', so 'most organisations take a definite article means that most organisations use 'the', like the UN, the IMF and the ICJ. Those that do not, like UNESCO or UNHCR, are less common.



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Submitted by koclok on Thu, 25/07/2024 - 07:07


Why is the definite article used in this sentence?  Shouldn't it instead be "a forest" for the first mention?

What would you do if you were lost in the forest?

Hi koclok,

There could be several reasons for using "the" here. We use "the" if there is only one thing in that context. Perhaps there is only one forest in that area, so it's clear which one they are talking about. Another possibility is that "the" refers in a more general and typical way to all forests, rather than a specific one, in the same way that we say e.g. I live in the city - referring to the general or typical city environment, rather than a specific city. You can find more examples of these meanings on the page above.


LearnEnglish team

Hello koclok,

It's possible to use all three articles options (indefinite, definite and zero article) with generic meaning but there are some differences. I'll summarise these below with examples and then comment on your original sentence.


>> a + singular countable noun <<

We can use this with general meaning when we are talking about something which defines the group. For example:

An elephant is an impressive sight.

In other words, being an impressive sight is one of the characteristics of an elephant; if we saw an animal and it was not impressive then we could be fairly sure that it was not an elephant. We are talking about any elephant here – it is true of them all.


>> the + singular noun <<

We can use this with general meaning when we are talking about our image or concept of the noun. For example:

The elephant can live for over sixty years.

Here we are not talking about a real elephant, but rather the concept of 'elephant' in our heads.


>> no article + plural countable noun or uncountable noun <<

We use this to talk about what is normal or typical of a type. It may or may not be true of all individuals but it is typical of most. For example:

Swedish people are tall.

Here we are talking about the average height of Swedes, not any particular person or concept.

The distinctions are subtle but can be important. For example, we can say with general meaning:

Whales are in danger of becoming extinct.

The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

However, we cannot say:

A whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

This is because being in danger of becoming extinct may be true but it does not define the whale.


Your example was as follows:

What would you do if you were lost in the forest?

This fits the second category above. You are not asking about a particular forest, but rather the concept of 'forest' in our heads - an imagined, perhaps typical or representative, forest. This is why the answer might be something like 'It depends where the forest is' or 'It depends on what kinds of trees there are' - because it is not a particular forest with particular trees.



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Submitted by Khangvo2812 on Sun, 23/06/2024 - 19:10



Could you help me please? Am I right in thinking that the sentence doves are belived to be a symbol of peace have the same meaning as the dove is believed to be a symbol of peace?

Hello Khangvo2812,

Yes, that's right. There are several ways to use articles to express general meaning. Here the zero article with a plural noun and the definite article with a singular noun to express this idea. In some contexts there may be a difference, but here they have the same meaning.



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Submitted by Nora2024000000 on Tue, 28/05/2024 - 17:41


Hello, would you please help me with below question? Thank you.  

"Help me check the terminal in this surveillance room."  " I can see the whole building on the the surveillance screen."

There are several computers and many screens (big ones and small ones) in this surveillance room.  Why both "terminal" and "screen" are in singular form?  The speakers are in the room and they can see the devices in this room.  "the terminal" and "the surveillance screen" should be changed to "the terminals" and "the surveillance screens" right ? 

Hello Nora2024000000,

The answer is very simple here. If the speaker wants to check only one terminal and one screen then they can use a singular form. If they want to check multiple screens then plural is appropriate. The speaker may be able to see every camera on one screen, for example, or they may need to look at a different screen for every camera.



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Submitted by Nora2024000000 on Fri, 24/05/2024 - 17:01


Hello,  would you please explain why the sentence below used "The poets", "the interpreters" and "the gods" ? Thank you. 

The poets are only the interpreters of the gods. (Philosopher Socrates)

Hi Nora2024000000,

It seems like Socrates is talking about particular groups, such as the great poets (rather than all poets), or poets in his culture, or gods in his traditions.

The sentence without definite articles ("Poets are only interpreters of gods") would be understood as a more general statement about all poets (etc.), and not specifically referring to his culture and situation.


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Bwagge on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 12:35


Dear teacher,
I have a question: The rule mentioned above is that we use the definite article THE before organisations (Ex: The United Nations). But in many circumstances, I have seen some organizations without THE (Ex: WHO). Can you explain more about this case?
Thank you! 

Hi Bwagge,

The WHO also normally uses "the", e.g. The WHO was founded in 1948. "The" is normally used when the name includes a common noun (e.g. organisation). There are exceptions, however (e.g. "UNESCO" is normally used without "the").

If the name of the organisation functions as an adjective describing another noun, then "the" might be omitted. For example: WHO guidelines suggest that ... UN Secretary‑General António Guterres announced that ...

There could be other reasons too. Feel free to share any particular examples that you would like to discuss!


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by howtosay_ on Mon, 15/04/2024 - 23:28


Hello, dear teachers and team !

Could you please help me with these doubts of mine:

1. The dialogue is:

Is it raining in London ?

No,it is not raining. It's sunny and warm.

Could you please tell me which the correct option is:

- Are people happy? Are the people happy?

I want to say just "people" (however, I understand that intuition isn't always the key), on the other hand, I think it's not about people in general, but about people in London, which, in my opinion, justifies the usage of THE.

2. I am texting my trainer about cancelling the workout we had to have that day:

1. I am sorry, but I should skip a workout.

2. I am sorry, but I should skip the workout

Again, I think THE workout is better, because I mean that particular workout we had to have.  And if so, would it be a mistake to use A here instead?

Thank you very much indeed for your constant and precious help and I'm grateful for your answer beforehand!  


Hello howtosay_,

  1. In the first example I don't think it makes any difference. The context makes it plain that you are speaking about people affected by the weather so you can use just people without any ambiguity. Equally, you can use the people for the reason you give.
  2. Here the workout is needed as a workout makes the statement ambiguous. If you say I should skip a workout then your trainer might well reply OK, which workout do you want to skip?



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Gracy on Thu, 15/02/2024 - 21:18


Hi teachers,

Please explain the use of “the” before Mr.Hunt if it is grammatically correct:

The Financial Times first reported that Treasury insiders said the Mr Hunt was looking at "further spending restraint" after 2025, if official forecasts suggest he does not have room under the government's own spending rules to fund tax cuts.

Many thanks,


Hi Gracy,

It's not grammatical. It seems like a typo and perhaps was intended to be "that".


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Hosseinpour on Fri, 19/01/2024 - 18:09


Respected team,
The air is heavily polluted by exhaust fumes, and traffic jams always take place, especially during peak hours.
Is it okay to write "polluted by exhaust fumes" or "should we write "polluted from exhust fumes?
Thank you.

Hello Hosseinpour,

The best preposition here is 'by'. Although 'from' would be understood I don't think it is a standard collocation here. I would use 'by' or 'with' but not 'from'.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Hosseinpour on Wed, 17/01/2024 - 16:35


Respected team,
I’d prefer to take the bus to save time, save gasoline, and cause less pollution.
Can I delete the second save? Do I need to put a comma before and or should I delete it?
Thank you

Hi Hosseinpour,

Grammatically, it is fine to delete the second "save". However, since "save time" and "cause less pollution" both include a verb, it might be more elegant or easier to understand if you keep the verb and say "save gasoline" (because the repetition of the verb-object structure makes the sentence structure more easily predictable for readers/listeners).

About the comma, it's a question of style. Some style guides recommend using a comma before "and" in a list (e.g. "A, B, and C"). This use of a comma is called an Oxford comma. Some guides recommend leaving the comma out (e.g. "A, B and C"). 


LearnEnglish team

Submitted by Rezwan79 on Tue, 02/01/2024 - 02:51


Dear respected sir,
Why is "the" used before the word "sentence" in the excerpt below:

What Are Complements?
A complement is a word, phrase, or clause that completes the meaning of a clause or sentence. It provides additional information about another word in the sentence or is required to make the sentence grammatically complete.

is it referring to any specific sentence or in general?

I often see "the" used in this way, such as "the word" "sentence" etc in the first place even though there is no mention of the word and sentence at all.

Please remove my doubt

Hello Rezwan79,

We use the definite article when both the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader) know which item is being referred to. In other words, if both can answer the question 'Which one? then 'the' is appropriate. In your example, let's try this. Do we know which sentence is being referred to? The answer is yes: it is the sentence in which 'the' is used, not any other sentence.



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I really appreciate your explanation. Could you please rephrase it? I'm not quite sure I grasped the point. consider this example:

"Sometimes the choice between general and specific depends more on the grammar of the sentence than the meaning of the words."

Why did the writer use "the" be the words "sentence" and "words"?

I can't find out which sentence he is referring to; I can take this as a general way of saying "sentences" and "the words" as indirect anaphoric reference because sentences have words.

Hello again Rezwan79,

As I said before, we use 'the' when both the speaker and the listener know which items are being referred to. In this sentence we ask the question 'Which sentences?' and 'Which words?' and if we can answer those questions in a concrete way then 'the' is appropriate.

Sometimes the choice between general and specific depends more on the grammar of the sentence than the meaning of the words.

Which sentence? The sentence in which the words are used.

Which words? The words we are using.


You could rewrite the sentence using defining relative clauses as follows:

Sometimes the choice between general and specific depends more on the grammar of the sentence which the words are used in than the meaning of the words which we are using.



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Submitted by Khangvo2812 on Mon, 01/01/2024 - 08:49


Should I say English is an official language of India or the official language of India?

Hello Khangvo2812,

You would say 'the' if English were the only official language. However, India has two official languages if I remember correctly: Hindi and English. You can say 'an official language' or either of these:

English is one of the official languages of India.

English is one of the two official languages of India.




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